Trump has no plan to win in 2024

There were many alarming moments in former President Donald Trump’s interview with Fox News’s Bret Baier this week, but the most distressing for conservatives was that Trump still is not ready to admit he lost the 2020 election and has no new plan to win in 2024.

Sounding delusional and frequently dishonest, Trump seemed completely distracted from the actual, forward-looking job facing the next president.

His obsession with conclusively debunked claims that he won in 2020, now relying on a ludicrously slipshod documentary, will do nothing to appeal to the large majority of the public who acknowledge the reality that he lost. The more he displays his denial about the past as his main selling point, the less he demonstrates any reason to vote for him — any focus, strategy, or policy to improve daily life and end governmental rot in the next four years and beyond.

Trump failed to provide even a semi-credible answer about why voters should trust his claim that he only hires “the best people.” Perhaps the most brutal part of the interview occurred when Baier provided a montage of all the astonishingly nasty things Trump has said about so many of the same people he once assured us were the smartest appointments any president has ever made.

Oh jew boy, 2024 is the fucking apocalypse either way..
Really? Name some of his successes.

Two strongest years of job growth in history
Nearly 11 million jobs created since 2021
3.5% unemployment rate — the lowest in 50 years
gas prices down more than $1.60 from their summer 2022 peak
Signed the most significant gun violence prevention legislation in nearly 30 years
Millions of Americans are saving $800 per year on health insurance coverage
The Inflation Reduction Act is a historic legislative achievement that lowers costs for families, combats the climate crisis, reduces the deficit, and finally makes the largest corporations pay their fair share.
As a result of historic legislation, the President has signed into law, there is a manufacturing boom taking hold across America.
In 2 years companies have announced nearly $300 billion in manufacturing investments in the United States.
President Biden has rallied the world to rise to the moment in the Ukraine, stand up to autocracy, and defend democracy.
Biden pardoned all prior federal offenses of simple marijuana possession and urged governors to do the same.
Biden got us out of a 20 year war that was going nowhere.
US Crude Oil Field Production set record under Biden at 12.40M barrels, 200,000 barrels MORE than at any time under Trump.
Record oil production set without oil companies drilling on federal lands.
The forecast for 2024 is to reach 12.8 M barrels.
The 2022 midterms that were forecast to be red waves were prevented.
The American rescue plan
The inflation reduction act (inflation has been cut in half in the last year)
The CHIPS and Science act
The PACT act (expanding veterans benefits)
The violence against Women act
Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (the first major legislation to address gun violence in nearly three decades)
11 million new jobs alongside the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years.
The lowest uninsured rate ever recorded.
Was able to prevent default of the country when republicans were calling for it.

There is no question Biden has plenty to run on. It's probably the reason why he has already been rated by historians in the top 20 presidents ever. (Trump is dead fucking last)
We may outnumber them, Owl, but not by enough to avert the damage that they can do,
or even repair the damage that they've already done. [See Roe v. Wade.]

Our constitution, beloved by some but reviled by me, frankly,
was not composed so as to give the majority their way.

It tried to give the minority a shield but gave them a sword instead.
Almost any first year Harvard Law student could do a better job than the founders did.

I'm not ready to throw the whole thing in the garbage bin, but I do agree that the Constitution needs some renovation. Let's start with the bizarre concept that "corporations are people too, my friend" and go from there. If we revamp the first amendment to apply only to actual people, rather than corporations, there goes Fox News' ability to crank out lies and bullshit and hide behind the Constitution while doing so. Ditto for any other media that purports to convey information and facts to the citizens. Where would you begin?
Two strongest years of job growth in history
Nearly 11 million jobs created since 2021
3.5% unemployment rate — the lowest in 50 years
gas prices down more than $1.60 from their summer 2022 peak
Signed the most significant gun violence prevention legislation in nearly 30 years
Millions of Americans are saving $800 per year on health insurance coverage
The Inflation Reduction Act is a historic legislative achievement that lowers costs for families, combats the climate crisis, reduces the deficit, and finally makes the largest corporations pay their fair share.
As a result of historic legislation, the President has signed into law, there is a manufacturing boom taking hold across America.
In 2 years companies have announced nearly $300 billion in manufacturing investments in the United States.
President Biden has rallied the world to rise to the moment in the Ukraine, stand up to autocracy, and defend democracy.
Biden pardoned all prior federal offenses of simple marijuana possession and urged governors to do the same.
Biden got us out of a 20 year war that was going nowhere.
US Crude Oil Field Production set record under Biden at 12.40M barrels, 200,000 barrels MORE than at any time under Trump.
Record oil production set without oil companies drilling on federal lands.
The forecast for 2024 is to reach 12.8 M barrels.
The 2022 midterms that were forecast to be red waves were prevented.
The American rescue plan
The inflation reduction act (inflation has been cut in half in the last year)
The CHIPS and Science act
The PACT act (expanding veterans benefits)
The violence against Women act
Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (the first major legislation to address gun violence in nearly three decades)
11 million new jobs alongside the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years.
The lowest uninsured rate ever recorded.
Was able to prevent default of the country when republicans were calling for it.

There is no question Biden has plenty to run on. It's probably the reason why he has already been rated by historians in the top 20 presidents ever. (Trump is dead fucking last)

Well done.
There were many alarming moments in former President Donald Trump’s interview with Fox News’s Bret Baier this week, but the most distressing for conservatives was that Trump still is not ready to admit he lost the 2020 election and has no new plan to win in 2024.

Sounding delusional and frequently dishonest, Trump seemed completely distracted from the actual, forward-looking job facing the next president.

His obsession with conclusively debunked claims that he won in 2020, now relying on a ludicrously slipshod documentary, will do nothing to appeal to the large majority of the public who acknowledge the reality that he lost. The more he displays his denial about the past as his main selling point, the less he demonstrates any reason to vote for him — any focus, strategy, or policy to improve daily life and end governmental rot in the next four years and beyond.

Trump failed to provide even a semi-credible answer about why voters should trust his claim that he only hires “the best people.” Perhaps the most brutal part of the interview occurred when Baier provided a montage of all the astonishingly nasty things Trump has said about so many of the same people he once assured us were the smartest appointments any president has ever made.
trump views election runs as money making opportunities..

He will be the new Ralph Nader until the day he dies.
trump views election runs as money making opportunities..

He will be the new Ralph Nader until the day he dies.

Agreed on Trump. Ralph Nader wasn't in it for the money.

Two strongest years of job growth in history
Nearly 11 million jobs created since 2021
3.5% unemployment rate — the lowest in 50 years

All of that is spin and cherry picking. Almost all of the supposed "jobs created" were simply ones that came back after the lockdowns ended. There have been likely less than 500,000 new jobs created since Biden took office. The U30 is a joke as a statistic. Employers can't get enough workers right now not because everyone's employed, but because many people simply aren't bothering to try and get a job. Look at the employment rate. It is at a near historic low. That means fewer people in the population--that has grown--are working.

gas prices down more than $1.60 from their summer 2022 peak

Gas prices are still nearly double what they were pre-Biden under Trump.

Signed the most significant gun violence prevention legislation in nearly 30 years

Another insignificant bill that does nothing to quell gun violence. That is self-evident from the mass shootings being televised almost daily now.

Millions of Americans are saving $800 per year on health insurance coverage

No, they're not. The cost of health insurance is at an all time high. That the government, in some cases, is subsidizing that doesn't change the cost only shifts who pays.

The Inflation Reduction Act is a historic legislative achievement that lowers costs for families, combats the climate crisis, reduces the deficit, and finally makes the largest corporations pay their fair share.

Actually, almost every reasonable accounting source says it has caused massive inflation and added huge amounts to the deficit.

The High Cost Of The Inflation Reduction Act

The Real Cost of the Inflation Reduction Act Subsidies: $1.2 Trillion
Goldman Sachs says the uncapped tax credits will cost three times what Democrats claimed.

Inflation Reduction Act will cost middle class $20B in new taxes: CBO

As a result of historic legislation, the President has signed into law, there is a manufacturing boom taking hold across America.
In 2 years companies have announced nearly $300 billion in manufacturing investments in the United States.

That is just empty rhetoric.

President Biden has rallied the world to rise to the moment in the Ukraine, stand up to autocracy, and defend democracy.

More empty rhetoric. Ukraine has become a grotesquely expensive quagmire of unending war in which the two, incompetent, combatants--and yes, the Ukrainians are every bit as incompetent as the Russians at this--are going to endlessly bash each other without resolution. Like every other idiot decision Joke has ever made in foreign policy, this one was a blunder too.

Biden pardoned all prior federal offenses of simple marijuana possession and urged governors to do the same.

BFD who, other than those useless criminals pardoned, gives a shit. Another meaningless thing done by an incompetent moron in the White House.

Biden got us out of a 20 year war that was going nowhere.

Biden managed to turn a withdrawal into a rout on the proportions of the Vietnam exit. His gross incompetence in how that was handled was a major blow to US foreign image.

US Crude Oil Field Production set record under Biden at 12.40M barrels, 200,000 barrels MORE than at any time under Trump.
Record oil production set without oil companies drilling on federal lands.
The forecast for 2024 is to reach 12.8 M barrels.

And yet, we're now importing oil again, prices of oil are roughly double what they were under Trump, and the cost of energy in general is much higher.

The 2022 midterms that were forecast to be red waves were prevented.

So? That's political, it makes no difference to the nation.

The American rescue plan
The inflation reduction act (inflation has been cut in half in the last year)
The CHIPS and Science act
The PACT act (expanding veterans benefits)
The violence against Women act
Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (the first major legislation to address gun violence in nearly three decades)
11 million new jobs alongside the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years.
The lowest uninsured rate ever recorded.
Was able to prevent default of the country when republicans were calling for it.

There is no question Biden has plenty to run on. It's probably the reason why he has already been rated by historians in the top 20 presidents ever. (Trump is dead fucking last)

He can try, but any reasonable opponent will easily crush his pathetic record with readily available data that shows how poorly he's performed in office. His being the most unpopular president in modern history--at least since regular polling of this began--and that is to include Trump, says more about his terrible track record than any blathering and spin can.
Agreed on Trump. Ralph Nader wasn't in it for the money.

Nader always seemed to have a book coming out during an election run.

If you research Nader, he treated his employees/volunteers like slaves while pretending to care about the working class. It was quite ugly when they tried to unionize.

He railed against the same corporations that he invested in
Nader always seemed to have a book coming out during an election run.

If you research Nader, he treated his employees/volunteers like slaves while pretending to care about the working class. It was quite ugly when they tried to unionize.

He railed against the same corporations that he invested in
He put out a lot of books.

At age 89, you must be pleased he's almost dead. :thup:
We may outnumber them, Owl, but not by enough to avert the damage that they can do,
or even repair the damage that they've already done. [See Roe v. Wade.]

Our constitution, beloved by some but reviled by me, frankly,
was not composed so as to give the majority their way.

It tried to give the minority a shield but gave them a sword instead.
Almost any first year Harvard Law student could do a better job than the founders did.

Why Harvard?
So you can have the excitement of losing control at speed?

Just try speeding in rain or icy roads with bald tires to have the same level of excitement. :thup:
That was only Nader's opinion. And his overstated complaints applied mainly to the '62, before Chevy addressed design flaws.
My buddy had two of them in the 70's. We drove like maniacs and never had handling issues.
That was only Nader's opinion. And his overstated complaints applied mainly to the '62, before Chevy addressed design flaws.
My buddy had two of them in the 70's. We drove like maniacs and never had handling issues.

So Nader had an impact on road safety. Cool!