Trump is right-ANTIFA has hijacked protests of George Floyd’s death and turned them i


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Jim Hanson: Trump is right – Antifa has hijacked protests of George Floyd’s death and turned them into riots
Jim Hanson By Jim Hanson | Fox

“Law enforcement officers use tear gas to clear protesters from downtown Atlanta
President Trump was right when he placed blame Saturday for the riots tearing apart cities around the country on Antifa and other radical left-wing groups. He should now go one step further and declare Antifa a domestic terrorist organization.

The rioting this past week was ostensibly sparked by the death of George Floyd – a 46-year-old black man who was arrested by Minneapolis police Monday for allegedly trying to use a counterfeit $20 bill to buy cigarettes. There is no question that Floyd’s death was horrific and should never have happened. But in fact, many of the rioters affiliated with Antifa simply and cynically have used Floyd’s tragic death as an excuse to spread mayhem and destruction.

The officer who knelt on Floyd’s neck – Derek Chauvin – was charged Friday with third-degree murder and manslaughter. Chauvin and any other officers who go on trial for Floyd’s death should be punished to the full extent the law allows if convicted. But Floyd’s killing should not be used as an excuse by anyone to justify rioting and domestic terrorism that in many cases has victimized African-American small-business owners and others in many cities...”
Bill Barr slammed by ex-FBI official for ignoring the right-wing ‘Boogaloo Bois’ infiltrating protests

Attorney General Bill Barr was slammed by the former assistant director for counterintelligence at the Federal Bureau of Investigation on Saturday for misleading Americans about the source of violence at the protests over the killing of George Floyd while in police custody.

“We’re seeing a far-right group, one group for example known as the Boogaloo Bois, who on their private Facebook page and social media outlets are calling for violence, calling for people to show up,” Frank Figliuzzi told MSNBC’s Brian Williams.
Bill Barr slammed by ex-FBI official for ignoring the right-wing ‘Boogaloo Bois’ infiltrating protests

Attorney General Bill Barr was slammed by the former assistant director for counterintelligence at the Federal Bureau of Investigation on Saturday for misleading Americans about the source of violence at the protests over the killing of George Floyd while in police custody.

“We’re seeing a far-right group, one group for example known as the Boogaloo Bois, who on their private Facebook page and social media outlets are calling for violence, calling for people to show up,” Frank Figliuzzi told MSNBC’s Brian Williams.

Rawstory, Trumper?



Brian Williams? Really?

Wasn’t old lying Brian fired...for a while?
Bill Barr slammed by ex-FBI official for ignoring the right-wing ‘Boogaloo Bois’ infiltrating protests

Attorney General Bill Barr was slammed by the former assistant director for counterintelligence at the Federal Bureau of Investigation on Saturday for misleading Americans about the source of violence at the protests over the killing of George Floyd while in police custody.

“We’re seeing a far-right group, one group for example known as the Boogaloo Bois, who on their private Facebook page and social media outlets are calling for violence, calling for people to show up,” Frank Figliuzzi told MSNBC’s Brian Williams.

Man,... shut up with your silly ass bullshit. Nobody believes it so you might as well be talking to a wall. YOUR side created Antifa. MY side will take them down and we will take them down HARD. CANT WAIT!
Rawstory, Trumper?



Brian Williams? Really?

Wasn’t old lying Brian fired...for a while?

Earl, it's quite obvious that lackey Bill Barr is a mouth piece for Trump, so this article is very plausible.
For the most part Antifa is a bunch of little pussy Communist Millennials who HIDE behind masks and prey on the weak and outnumbered. When confronted by groups more evenly numbered they run like cowards. Time to hunt down and crush out those pieces of shit like the dogs they are. Justice is coming,.... and right soon!
Man,... shut up with your silly ass bullshit. Nobody believes it so you might as well be talking to a wall. YOUR side created Antifa. MY side will take them down and we will take them down HARD. CANT WAIT!

What's your problem, you can't cover-up Trump's corruption??????????????????????
For the most part Antifa is a bunch of little pussy Communist Millennials who HIDE behind masks and prey on the weak and outnumbered. When confronted by groups more evenly numbered they run like cowards. Time to hunt down and crush out those pieces of shit like the dogs they are. Justice is coming,.... and right soon!

What do you call the White Supremacist, Neo-Nazis, and the KKK, which comprise Trump's base.
Earl, it's quite obvious that lackey Bill Barr is a mouth piece for Trump, so this article is very plausible.

No, it’s not.

Are you condoning and justifying the rioting, burning and assaulting in the minority cities controlled by Democrats?

It certainly appears that you are, Trumper.

Will it be just swell if they burn your home or business?

Bad boy.
What do you call the White Supremacist, Neo-Nazis, and the KKK, which comprise Trump's base.

I would call it untrue, Trumper.

The topic is: Antifa has hijacked protests of George Floyd’s death and turned them into riots

Stop deflecting, Walter,
No, it’s not.

Are you condoning and justifying the rioting, burning and assaulting in the minority cities controlled by Democrats?

It certainly appears that you are, Trumper.

Will it be just swell if they burn your home or business?

Bad boy.

Earl, this is remnant of the Reichstag fire in 1933, these right wing extremist groups have all to gain by blaming their opponents.
Man,... shut up with your silly ass bullshit. Nobody believes it so you might as well be talking to a wall. YOUR side created Antifa. MY side will take them down and we will take them down HARD. CANT WAIT!

Your side isn't all that different from Antifa.
Earl, this is remnant of the Reichstag fire in 1933, these right wing extremist groups have all to gain by blaming their opponents.

Yeah,.... its NOT the leftist Antifa soy boys and BLMers,... ..its really the right doing this. HA HA HA HA HA HA!!...:rolleyes:

Lots of luck selling that one! :laugh:
The left has been pushing for this fight for decades,....they just might get it. They wont like the results,... AT ALL. And they will have nobody to blame but themselves. Ask and you shall receive....