Trump is right-ANTIFA has hijacked protests of George Floyd’s death and turned them i

Trump says he will designate Antifa a terrorist organization as GOP points fingers at extremists

Trump and his administration have long targeted the group, which has made its presence felt at protests throughout his presidency.

So my question is, why does Trump only point the finger at Antifa , when a right wing extremist group is also involved????? Could it be that the Boogaloo are part of his base, which he caters to????????????????????

Also Lackey Bill Barr will blame who ever Trump tells him to, whether he has poof or not.

So all of this is merely a deflection of the blame away for Trump's base.
Don't be so biased, you get all sorts of people jumping into the fray. It's the nature of these things. I'd say half of them are there to just cause chaos. These are people acting out not just for Floyd but for the dissolving of law and order when the balance of trust goes off kilter.
Jim Hanson: Trump is right – Antifa has hijacked protests of George Floyd’s death and turned them into riots
Jim Hanson By Jim Hanson | Fox

“Law enforcement officers use tear gas to clear protesters from downtown Atlanta
President Trump was right when he placed blame Saturday for the riots tearing apart cities around the country on Antifa and other radical left-wing groups. He should now go one step further and declare Antifa a domestic terrorist organization.

The rioting this past week was ostensibly sparked by the death of George Floyd – a 46-year-old black man who was arrested by Minneapolis police Monday for allegedly trying to use a counterfeit $20 bill to buy cigarettes. There is no question that Floyd’s death was horrific and should never have happened. But in fact, many of the rioters affiliated with Antifa simply and cynically have used Floyd’s tragic death as an excuse to spread mayhem and destruction.

The officer who knelt on Floyd’s neck – Derek Chauvin – was charged Friday with third-degree murder and manslaughter. Chauvin and any other officers who go on trial for Floyd’s death should be punished to the full extent the law allows if convicted. But Floyd’s killing should not be used as an excuse by anyone to justify rioting and domestic terrorism that in many cases has victimized African-American small-business owners and others in many cities...”

Except, of course, that no evidence supports that contention, and there is plenty of credible evidence that far right groups are involved in this.

Please stop eating your own shit.
Man,... shut up with your silly ass bullshit. Nobody believes it so you might as well be talking to a wall. YOUR side created Antifa. MY side will take them down and we will take them down HARD. CANT WAIT!

Fun to think that such a mincing, prancing old queen like you would ever take anything other than your pimp's cock down.