Trump lies about his assets

I’m no fan of trump but I don’t see where lying about the valuation of personal assets is against any law. If he did it to get loans that’s the bank’s responsibility to verify.
If he paid assessed property taxes, so what.

Donald had 2 sets of books, one with a lower valuation for taxes and insurance, and another with a far higher valuation for bank loans. This is just part of the reason for the $250 million NY is attempting to collect.
Square footage in NYC matters a lot. A 1,000 sq foot apartment is not the same value as a 3,000 sq foot apartment. Just as a 10,000 sq foot apartment is not the same value as a 30,000 sq foot apartment.

The only one grasping at straws is you. Apartments in NYC sell by the sq foot. Assessments depend on the sq footage to compare to similar one. How can you not know that comparables when doing an assessment require that you use recent sales of similar size and location?

Or an accounting error. 3 x 10,000 is 30,000... It could be as simple as that. You simply want to find guilt in anything and everything Trump does.
Donald had 2 sets of books, one with a lower valuation for taxes
Gubmint assesses tax based on their own valuation.
and insurance
He undervalued for insurance? So he wanted to fuck himself? ,
and another with a far higher valuation for bank loans.
He made the payments. So what.
This is just part of the reason for the $250 million NY is attempting to collect.
He paid his taxes based on gubmint assessment, paid his bank loans and NY now wants an additional $250 million? Because he lied about his worth? Honestly, that makes no sense.

We (wifey and I) have three sets of books.
A personal set I keep from my wife so she doesn't see the nonsense I buy on eBay.
The set we have to pay income tax and property tax.
Then there's the German bank account from when the wife worked in Germany over 20 years ago that we don't tell anyone in the U.S. gubmint about.
You can report me now. The mods should have my information to turn me in to... New York!:laugh:
I doubt it. Whatshername's case is wishful thinking. It's piling on, and nothing more. The DC case has the best chance of succeeding simply because of the judge and venue.

Disagreed since there's too much politics in DC. In Georgia, Trump may be up a creek. I'm curious to see if Arizona will follow suit since Team Crazy committed the same crimes there.

Disagreed since there's too much politics in DC. In Georgia, Trump may be up a creek. I'm curious to see if Arizona will follow suit since Team Crazy committed the same crimes there.

Arizona's attorney general and secretary of state have already stated unequivocally they will not charge Trump and Trump cannot be barred from the 2024 ballot. So that's a non-starter...

Yea, they've been "investigating" him, but it has gone nowhere. I suspect Arizona's Democrats are watching the national scene and have decided to stay out of that shitfest to avoid the issue in the 2024 election given the Republican voting edge in Arizona.
Arizona's attorney general and secretary of state have already stated unequivocally they will not charge Trump and Trump cannot be barred from the 2024 ballot. So that's a non-starter...

Yea, they've been "investigating" him, but it has gone nowhere. I suspect Arizona's Democrats are watching the national scene and have decided to stay out of that shitfest to avoid the issue in the 2024 election given the Republican voting edge in Arizona.

I'm content to wait and see.
Gubmint assesses tax based on their own valuation. He undervalued for insurance? So he wanted to fuck himself? , He made the payments. So what. He paid his taxes based on gubmint assessment, paid his bank loans and NY now wants an additional $250 million? Because he lied about his worth? Honestly, that makes no sense.

We (wifey and I) have three sets of books.
A personal set I keep from my wife so she doesn't see the nonsense I buy on eBay.
The set we have to pay income tax and property tax.
Then there's the German bank account from when the wife worked in Germany over 20 years ago that we don't tell anyone in the U.S. gubmint about.
You can report me now. The mods should have my information to turn me in to... New York!:laugh:

You should do some research before spouting off your BS. here is just on example that you dont know what you are talking about
You should do some research before spouting off your BS. here is just on example that you dont know what you are talking about

Looks like that’s going to be a complicated trial.
I still don’t see how not paying back loans is criminal.
There is no debtor’s prison.
Regardless, him not returning the classified documents should be an easy case for Smith. That’s a slam dunk.
Looks like that’s going to be a complicated trial.
I still don’t see how not paying back loans is criminal.
There is no debtor’s prison.
Regardless, him not returning the classified documents should be an easy case for Smith. That’s a slam dunk.

You said he paid his bank loans, he also declared bankruptcy 6 times. He lied about the value of his assets.
You said he paid his bank loans, he also declared bankruptcy 6 times. He lied about the value of his assets.

I can’t keep up with his bankruptcies, what banks he pays, the banks he doesn’t pay and the banks that forgive his loans. I know all three have occurred.
I guess I could but it’s just not that interesting to me.
Banks that do business with him are pretty stupid IMO. Some are just stuck with him I guess.
You said he paid his bank loans, he also declared bankruptcy 6 times. He lied about the value of his assets.

He cheats at golf and on all of his wives. Why is anyone surprised he also cheats his clients, his suppliers, his investors and his lawyers?

Donald Trump grossly inflated his assets, says Attorney General Letitia James, and now the full transcript in that civil fraud case is being revealed to the public.

In nearly 500 pages, and on tape, Trump is probed about his properties and business and whether or not he has lied about all of it on official documents.

Taken April 13, 2023, Trump explained that he was far too busy being president to handle his personal businesses. Under oath, the former president claimed to have saved millions of lives, indeed the whole world, from nuclear war. What's worse, he claimed, it still might happen.

"I considered this the most important job in the world, saving millions of lives. I think you would have nuclear holocaust (sic), if I didn't deal with North Korea. I think you would have a nuclear war, if I weren't elected. And I think you might have a nuclear war now, if you want to know the truth," Trump claimed in the now-public deposition

There are no such 'official documents'.

I guess you would rather have North Korea launching missiles again over Japan and Hawaii.
I can’t keep up with his bankruptcies, what banks he pays, the banks he doesn’t pay and the banks that forgive his loans. I know all three have occurred.
I guess I could but it’s just not that interesting to me.
Banks that do business with him are pretty stupid IMO. Some are just stuck with him I guess.

Your answer is bullshit, cause just a few posts ago you said that he pays his banks.
When Cohen was charged he told all who listened that Trump lied about his wealth, inflating it when he wanted a loan and cutting it at tax time. A guy who does not think he should pay taxes is not the guy to be in charge of our tax money.

Trump pays his taxes, Nordbutt. He does not lie about his wealth. Avarice. TDS.