Trump Mulling Deploying Military to Streets on Day 1 if Elected: Report


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Already looking ahead to the public unrest his hypothetical re-election could cause, Donald Trump and his allies are reportedly circling an idea to invoke the Insurrection Act on his first day in office, deploying the military to act as domestic law enforcement.

The Washington Post reported Sunday that the drafting of such plans has largely been “unofficially outsourced” to a coalition of right-wing think tanks working under the title “Project 2025,” according to one insider and internal communications obtained by the newspaper.

In response to questions, Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung said, “President Trump is focused on crushing his opponents in the primary election and then going on to beat Crooked Joe Biden. President Trump has always stood for law and order, and protecting the Constitution.”

Post also reported, citing people who’ve spoken to him, that Trump has remarked in recent private conversations that he’d like to use the Justice Department to go after his enemies, including former members of his administration like Bill Barr and Gen. Mark Milley


[FONT=&]Already looking ahead to the public unrest his hypothetical re-election could cause, [/FONT]Donald Trump[FONT=&] and his allies are reportedly circling an idea to invoke the Insurrection Act on his first day in office, deploying the military to act as domestic law enforcement.

The Washington Post [FONT=&]reported Sunday that the drafting of such plans has largely been “unofficially outsourced” to a coalition of right-wing think tanks working under the title “Project 2025,” according to one insider and internal communications obtained by the newspaper.

In response to questions, Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung said, “President Trump is focused on crushing his opponents in the primary election and then going on to beat Crooked Joe Biden. President Trump has always stood for law and order, and protecting the Constitution.”

The [/FONT]
Post [FONT=&]also reported, citing people who’ve spoken to him, that Trump has remarked in recent private conversations that he’d like to use the Justice Department to go after his enemies, including former members of his administration like [/FONT]Bill Barr[FONT=&] and [/FONT]Gen. Mark Milley


I know this has been said to death but Trump is a fascist, and a dumb one at that.
You don't get any more fascist than a leader trying to use his army to control the people. Is he going to create a Gestapo or SS?
[FONT=&]Already looking ahead to the public unrest his hypothetical re-election could cause, [/FONT]Donald Trump[FONT=&] and his allies are reportedly circling an idea to invoke the Insurrection Act on his first day in office, deploying the military to act as domestic law enforcement.

The Washington Post [FONT=&]reported Sunday that the drafting of such plans has largely been “unofficially outsourced” to a coalition of right-wing think tanks working under the title “Project 2025,” according to one insider and internal communications obtained by the newspaper.

In response to questions, Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung said, “President Trump is focused on crushing his opponents in the primary election and then going on to beat Crooked Joe Biden. President Trump has always stood for law and order, and protecting the Constitution.”

The [/FONT]
Post [FONT=&]also reported, citing people who’ve spoken to him, that Trump has remarked in recent private conversations that he’d like to use the Justice Department to go after his enemies, including former members of his administration like [/FONT]Bill Barr[FONT=&] and [/FONT]Gen. Mark Milley



that's scary!
fascism has to do with union of government and corporate power.

maybe you're thinking of totalitarianism?

Fascism - A mass political movement that emphasizes extreme nationalism, militarism, and the supremacy of both the nation and the single, powerful leader over the individual citizen.

That is Trump to a tee.
Fascism - A mass political movement that emphasizes extreme nationalism, militarism, and the supremacy of both the nation and the single, powerful leader over the individual citizen.

That is Trump to a tee.

that's the newspeak revised definition.

its simply the union of state and corporate power.

and you're completely for that, neocons are too.

they call their corporate coddling "supply side".

you think you can word game your corporate coddling out of the conversation.
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Trump will suspend the Constitution on day one and the cult, who claim to worship the Constitution will worship their God Trump instead.
What is wrong with people who support this guy?

Republicans need to try harder to be good people who love America.

People who love their country need to accept certain things:

1. You will not always get your way. Others will disagree with you. That's OK. It is how our country is designed to operate.
2. Elections will not always come out the way you hope. That doesn't mean it's rigged.
3. Corruption and law breaking at the higher levels hurts us more than any vandalism or looting that takes advantage of BLM protests.
4. The biggest problems in this country are caused by the greed of big money.
5. Our Justice System is working the way it is designed to work. It has not been 'politicized.'
6. Loyalty and patriotism is to our country, not one man.
7. There is no 'deep state.'
8. The mainstream news is more reliable than social media and rumors.
9. There is a very good reason for separation of church and state.
10. Culture wars are not freedom.
That's fascism!

Yes it is. As much as you believe in civil discourse, you cannot discourse with a cultist. The cult leader must lose power to lose sway. It is not about convincing them. You can’t. It is about marginalizing them and removing them from the conversation about how we move forward. A civil war isn’t coming. It’s here.
You don't get any more fascist than a leader trying to use his army to control the people. Is he going to create a Gestapo or SS?

He already has a Gestapo and an SS. They prefer to call themselves "Trump supporters."

Trump, unfortunately, is not a fascist or a leader. He is a fucking moron...and so are his Gestapo and SS brigades.
Hello Concart,

Yes it is. As much as you believe in civil discourse, you cannot discourse with a cultist. The cult leader must lose power to lose sway. It is not about convincing them. You can’t. It is about marginalizing them and removing them from the conversation about how we move forward. A civil war isn’t coming. It’s here.

The Civil War never ended. The military part did. The South lost it's effort to break away. But racism is still alive and the confederacy is glorified. People who cannot take a loss are now the supporters of an election denier.

People who refuse to live and let live are trying to control as much power as they can to force others to live the way they want.

The new slavery in America is slavery of the mind.

Control what others do and think. Punish them if they don't comply.

Republicans = fascists.

They won't admit it. They think part of their freedom means telling others how to live, what they can do, what they can't do. It is a losing battle, so they are angry and insolent about it. They've got themselves all convinced they are the 'real Americans' and others are (I dunno) 'fake Americans?'

They don't get it that the freest thing about their party is that the bubble they live in is fact-free.

They think diversity is a dirty word. It's mind-boggling. How they reckon this with 'Christian values' is a total mystery.
If only he would protect our national top secrets and classified information with as much dedication as he seems to have about street crime America would be better off.

It is extraordinary that he violated our trust and an entire party wants to give him another chance to do it to us again.
You don't get any more fascist than a leader trying to use his army to control the people. Is he going to create a Gestapo or SS?

I've been living with the Gestapo for 51 years.
It's not that bad.

If America is stupid enough to elect Trump again,
it truly deserves what it gets.
Hello Concart,

The Civil War never ended. The military part did. The South lost it's effort to break away. But racism is still alive and the confederacy is glorified. People who cannot take a loss are now the supporters of an election denier.

People who refuse to live and let live are trying to control as much power as they can to force others to live the way they want.

The new slavery in America is slavery of the mind.

Control what others do and think. Punish them if they don't comply.

Republicans = fascists.

They won't admit it. They think part of their freedom means telling others how to live, what they can do, what they can't do. It is a losing battle, so they are angry and insolent about it. They've got themselves all convinced they are the 'real Americans' and others are (I dunno) 'fake Americans?'

They don't get it that the freest thing about their party is that the bubble they live in is fact-free.

They think diversity is a dirty word. It's mind-boggling. How they reckon this with 'Christian values' is a total mystery.

I've come to this conclusion: If you support Donald Trump there can only be two explanations. One, you don't know what he's done. He has been credibly accused of rape in a court finding. He paid a prostitute to for sex when his wife had just given birth. He has stiffed hundreds of hard working contractors, left a trail of bankruptcies in his wake, used a charitable foundation like a personal piggy bank, and has now been found guilty of fraud in running his businesses. And that's the least harmful stuff. He has also incited an insurrection, undermined the election system, killed hundreds of thousands of Americans with his Covid response, given away top secret military information to whomever he happened to want to impress at any given time. He is a traitor and a spy. He is accused of almost 100 felonies.

If you have somehow missed all that, and think he's really a good guy trying to help the country, then I have a year to educate you to the truth.

Second, you know ALL of these things, but you don't care. Because he hates the same people you do. He is the representative of white male christian grievance, and that's what you are all about. You hate women, gays, blacks, Muslims, Jews (but not as much as Muslims), transgenders, immigrants, and anyone who believes differently than you. And it is hate. Blind, white hot hatred. It cannot be reasoned with. It needs to be stomped out. If you are in this category, I cannot reach you, and I have no interest in discussing anything with you. You represent everything that is antithetical to my beliefs and my values. You are not my friend, and you do not love my country. There is no place for you in a civil society.

Sadly, I think most Trump supporters fall into the latter category. But I still think there aren't enough of them. It is up to us to educate the rest of them. I don't see a single person here at JPP who falls into the first category. Not one.
Hello Concart,

I've come to this conclusion: If you support Donald Trump there can only be two explanations. One, you don't know what he's done. He has been credibly accused of rape in a court finding. He paid a prostitute to for sex when his wife had just given birth. He has stiffed hundreds of hard working contractors, left a trail of bankruptcies in his wake, used a charitable foundation like a personal piggy bank, and has now been found guilty of fraud in running his businesses. And that's the least harmful stuff. He has also incited an insurrection, undermined the election system, killed hundreds of thousands of Americans with his Covid response, given away top secret military information to whomever he happened to want to impress at any given time. He is a traitor and a spy. He is accused of almost 100 felonies.

If you have somehow missed all that, and think he's really a good guy trying to help the country, then I have a year to educate you to the truth.

Second, you know ALL of these things, but you don't care. Because he hates the same people you do. He is the representative of white male christian grievance, and that's what you are all about. You hate women, gays, blacks, Muslims, Jews (but not as much as Muslims), transgenders, immigrants, and anyone who believes differently than you. And it is hate. Blind, white hot hatred. It cannot be reasoned with. It needs to be stomped out. If you are in this category, I cannot reach you, and I have no interest in discussing anything with you. You represent everything that is antithetical to my beliefs and my values. You are not my friend, and you do not love my country. There is no place for you in a civil society.

Sadly, I think most Trump supporters fall into the latter category. But I still think there aren't enough of them. It is up to us to educate the rest of them. I don't see a single person here at JPP who falls into the first category. Not one.

Pretty good assessment.

I would also add that there are a certain number of his supporters that simply resent government. They claim government is 'out of control,' that 'government needs to be reigned in.' They favor cutting government. Many feel the government is 'out to get you.' They think government is inherently bad, and as such, needs to be minimized. Regardless of the fact that government grew larger under Trump, they think he scaled it back. Regardless of the fact that corruption remained a big part of government during his term, they think that is because of 'the deep state,' and they think he will attack that. Why they think 4 more years of him will be any more effective than the four he had is a mystery.

And lastly, there are those who simply hate Democrats, and are willing to give Trump a big fat free pass in order to avoid having Democrats in control.