Trump no longer on Bloomberg Billionaires Index after Truth Social stock plummets

He knows that they are easily tricked and gullible saps. All he has to do is just *look* wealthy -- his own jet, gold toilets, plastic wife with $250,000 hair products -- and they'll believe that he really is. After all, he didn't take a salary as #IMPOTUSx2. Really, he didn't. He said so. :rofl2:
What is confusing is how a lot of his fans claim to dislike the rich elitists.
I don't think that's what he means, Dutch. By "floor" I think he is talking about a minimum standard of living for every citizen. Once all needs -- housing, food, income, education, medical -- are met, that's the floor. After that he said he doesn't care what the ceiling is. I agree with him.

A noble goal but with limited resources and limited energy, I fail to see how it can work any better than the Soviet Union and the PRC.
Know who holds the mortgages?

With trump tower, it is Axos Bank. That is a small bank founded 25 years ago then called The Bank of the Internet. It represents a large portion of their loan book, which is to say that if the loan fails, the bank fails. I believe it was given for political reasons, not business reasons.