Trump pleaded the fifth more than 400 times in fraud deposition


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Video released on Tuesday showed Donald Trump answering questions from the New York state attorney general, Letitia James, in a deposition in a civil fraud case late last summer.

Questioned about his financial affairs, the former president repeatedly invoked his fifth-amendment right against self-incrimination – part of a refusal to answer he repeated more than 400 times.
Utilizing the right to remain silent cannot be taken as evidence of a crime. Though instead of invoking the right I personally would "not recall" anything at all.
Video released on Tuesday showed Donald Trump answering questions from the New York state attorney general, Letitia James, in a deposition in a civil fraud case late last summer.

Questioned about his financial affairs, the former president repeatedly invoked his fifth-amendment right against self-incrimination – part of a refusal to answer he repeated more than 400 times.

So? Or are you suggesting Kafkatrapping here?
Video released on Tuesday showed Donald Trump answering questions from the New York state attorney general, Letitia James, in a deposition in a civil fraud case late last summer.

Questioned about his financial affairs, the former president repeatedly invoked his fifth-amendment right against self-incrimination – part of a refusal to answer he repeated more than 400 times.

Because it's a civil case he was being deposed for - taking the 5th can hurt him. He's on record refusing to answer whether or not he agreed to cook the books. It's not going to go well for him - he'll get fined another amount he can afford.

There won't be justice until some DA indicts him criminally.
Because it's a civil case he was being deposed for - taking the 5th can hurt him. He's on record refusing to answer whether or not he agreed to cook the books. It's not going to go well for him - he'll get fined another amount he can afford.

There won't be justice until some DA indicts him criminally.

Or someone does a driveby.
Sorry, most of what you write is gibberish. Losing interest.

You are an idiot. Kafkatrapping is a recognized and defined logical fallacy.

The fallacy called kafkatrapping doesn’t represent an argument as much as it represents an accusation. Named after the famous Franz Kafka’s novel The Trial in which the main character is accused of an unknown crime. The only evidence is his denial of guilt.

The fallacy occurs not with the accusation but with the verdict.,not with the accusation but with the verdict.

You suggest that because Trump took the fifth repeatedly that his obviously guilty (implied) because of his refusal to answer questions asked of him. Only a guilty man would refuse to answer questions under oath...

That's the epitome of Kafkatrapping named after Kafka's work, The Trial.
You are an idiot. Kafkatrapping is a recognized and defined logical fallacy.

The fallacy called kafkatrapping doesn’t represent an argument as much as it represents an accusation. Named after the famous Franz Kafka’s novel The Trial in which the main character is accused of an unknown crime. The only evidence is his denial of guilt.

The fallacy occurs not with the accusation but with the verdict.,not with the accusation but with the verdict.

You suggest that because Trump took the fifth repeatedly that his obviously guilty (implied) because of his refusal to answer questions asked of him. Only a guilty man would refuse to answer questions under oath...

That's the epitome of Kafkatrapping named after Kafka's work, The Trial.

you is boring
you is boring

You're grammar sucks better than a Kirby vacuum cleaner.
