***Trump Rally in Tampa, FL @ 7p.m. EST***

love the rallies..juicing it up with the folks.
but from a Florida perspective the guy Trump is rallying for (backing) is a Iraqi vet, and a really smart Congressperson. ( Desantis)
The other guy is a career politician who was Fla.Ag secretary -never worked outside the gubmint -
and didn't back Trump. (Putnam)
Guess who I'm backing? the non-careerist..

also that goofball Pam Bondi ( current Fl AG) backs Putnam. forget them both

Makes sense. you don't care about experience and a person knowing how to do the job.
What a disgusting white trash gathering those are so Trump can feed his ego.

Why is Trump still having rallies? Is this him propping up his cult of personality?

What did he have to say about the Algae bloom in Florida that is making people sick and killing Marine life? Did his EPA give Florida a pass?
Why is Trump still having rallies? Is this him propping up his cult of personality?

What did he have to say about the Algae bloom in Florida that is making people sick and killing Marine life? Did his EPA give Florida a pass?

He needs rallies because he is a weak, fragile little man-child who needs constant affirmation and adulation.
Why is Trump still having rallies? Is this him propping up his cult of personality?

What did he have to say about the Algae bloom in Florida that is making people sick and killing Marine life? Did his EPA give Florida a pass?

He said Democrats are bad.
Why is Trump still having rallies? Is this him propping up his cult of personality?

What did he have to say about the Algae bloom in Florida that is making people sick and killing Marine life? Did his EPA give Florida a pass?

He didn't mention it,but brought up Hillary's emails.
I bet he says the media is fake, and that there are huge hordes of people who couldn't even get in, and mentions "witch hunt" a few times. And the crowd will chant "lock her up" for awhile.

Why is Trump still having rallies? Is this him propping up his cult of personality?

What did he have to say about the Algae bloom in Florida that is making people sick and killing Marine life? Did his EPA give Florida a pass?
That was Adam Putnam's purview as Secretary of Agriculture - the guy who has been in government all his life.
I use that "experience" and his failures to make a case against careerists

Makes sense. you don't care about experience and a person knowing how to do the job.
I bet he says the media is fake, and that there are huge hordes of people who couldn't even get in, and mentions "witch hunt" a few times.

And the crowd will chant "lock her up" for awhile.
He’ll also tell multiple lies and make promises he won’t keep. Did he mention Hillary? He always mentions Hillary.
Why is Trump still having rallies? Is this him propping up his cult of personality?

poor kudzy.......he's helping GOP congressmen in the midterms.........if you had any demmycrats with gravitas they would be out there doing the same thing.........