Trump slammed for lying about giving Dr. Fauci Presidential Award

Joe Capitalist

Racism is a disease

Trump claims he doesn't know who gave Fauci presidential award. It was him
10:48 PM EDT September 14, 2023

Former President Donald Trump told Megyn Kelly he wasn't sure who gave Dr. Anthony Fauci a presidential commendation. The former president gave Fauci the award on his last day in office.

Trump doesn't remember giving Dr. Fauci the award. He's clearly struggling with his cognitive decline and in no mental shape to hold any public office.

Trump claims he doesn't know who gave Fauci presidential award. It was him
10:48 PM EDT September 14, 2023

Former President Donald Trump told Megyn Kelly he wasn't sure who gave Dr. Anthony Fauci a presidential commendation. The former president gave Fauci the award on his last day in office.

Trump doesn't remember giving Dr. Fauci the award. He's clearly struggling with his cognitive decline and in no mental shape to hold any public office.

Poor guy, clearly unfit mentally. He clearly is suffering from awful dementia.
I'll never understand why the far right MAGA morons hate Dr. Fauci and why they want him prosecuted.

Because #TRE45ON tells them so. #TRE45ON would have outright fired Dr. Fauci if it hadn't made him look even worse in the middle of a deadly global pandemic, so instead he denigrated his own expert.

Memes like these probably didn't help. :rofl2:


Because #TRE45ON tells them so. #TRE45ON would have outright fired Dr. Fauci if it hadn't made him look even worse in the middle of a deadly global pandemic, so instead he denigrated his own expert.

Memes like these probably didn't help. :rofl2:


Fauci said people did not need to wear masks. Fauci said the virus did not appear to be man made. Fauci advised against travel bans from highly infected countries. Ran Paul may be an asshole but he is also right. Joke Bribem finished in the top 10% of his class err I mean bottom 10% of his class.
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Trump had a lot on his mind those last days, planning a coup and stealing documents, can you blame him for forgetting?
Trump gave the entire Warp the Presidential award the team had 52 people on it I guess Trump forgot Fauci was part of the team. It isn't hard to overlook the munchkin.
Trump gave the entire Warp the Presidential award the team had 52 people on it I guess Trump forgot Fauci was part of the team. It isn't hard to overlook the munchkin.

His dementia is rapidly increasing, and it was bad three years ago.
His dementia is rapidly increasing, and it was bad three years ago.

It's not surprising. Trump does not have a very healthy lifestyle and his diet is conducive to poor health.
People in their 70s who are morbidly obese are not healthy and don't live very long.


Trump claims he doesn't know who gave Fauci presidential award. It was him
10:48 PM EDT September 14, 2023

Former President Donald Trump told Megyn Kelly he wasn't sure who gave Dr. Anthony Fauci a presidential commendation. The former president gave Fauci the award on his last day in office.

Trump doesn't remember giving Dr. Fauci the award. He's clearly struggling with his cognitive decline and in no mental shape to hold any public office.

Dementia Don.
And it's STILL no where near as bad as that idiot jackass you fuck wads elected.

I dont know, Trump has been progressing down this road for a long time, he got so lost into the silly idea he was reelected he fell into all these crimes.

He cant seem to find any grip on reality. At least Biden knew he won.