Trump slammed for lying about giving Dr. Fauci Presidential Award

It's not surprising. Trump does not have a very healthy lifestyle and his diet is conducive to poor health.
People in their 70s who are morbidly obese are not healthy and don't live very long.


NOt just obese, but he eats fast food and does not exorcise. His blood pressure must be sky high when he rages like he does.

Also I am sure he is on Adderall.
I dont know, Trump has been progressing down this road for a long time, he got so lost into the silly idea he was reelected he fell into all these crimes.

He cant seem to find any grip on reality. At least Biden knew he won.

That's a huge assumption consider the self shitting idiot had to be shut down mid sentence at a presser. There's no Santa claus buddy.
That's a huge assumption consider the self shitting idiot had to be shut down mid sentence at a presser. There's no Santa claus buddy.

Trump has often melted down mid sentence, he rarely can finish he sentences unless they are on a teleprompter. Additionally, Trumps stats would indicate a much more rapid decline than the exercising, slim, healthy eating, calm tempered Biden.
Trump has often melted down mid sentence, he rarely can finish he sentences unless they are on a teleprompter. Additionally, Trumps stats would indicate a much more rapid decline than the exercising, slim, healthy eating, calm tempered Biden.

Have you just woken up from a coma? For years biden said he was tough guy. Most notably he was going to take a chIn to an imaginary thug, corn pop. And wasn't he going to take trump behind the gym? Stfu. The only reason he's "calm" is medication and /or he's fucking lost his mind.
I dont know, Trump has been progressing down this road for a long time, he got so lost into the silly idea he was reelected he fell into all these crimes.

He cant seem to find any grip on reality. At least Biden knew he won.

Yeah, Trump has said many more crazy, delusional things than Biden.
Like suggesting drinking disinfectant to cure covid.
And he keeps saying the Presidential Records Act allows him to possess any Classified Document he wants. He even said, if he is in possession of a classified document, it makes it unclassified in his little delusional brain. I worked at the Pentagon for years and held a highly classified clearances. The government and military are very serious about their classified material. What Trump is saying about the Presidential Records Act just isn't true. I don't know why he keeps repeating it because every time he repeats it, he sounds like a delusional fool.

Yeah, Trump has said many more crazy, delusional things than Biden.
Like suggesting drinking disinfectant to cure covid.
And he keeps saying the Presidential Records Act allows him to possess any Classified Document he wants. He even said, if he is in possession of a classified document, it makes it unclassified in his little delusional brain. I worked at the Pentagon for years and held a highly classified clearances. The government and military are very serious about their classified material. What Trump is saying about the Presidential Records Act just isn't true. I don't know why he keeps repeating it because every time he repeats it, he sounds like a delusional fool.
It’s also more evidence against him.
Have you just woken up from a coma? For years biden said he was tough guy. Most notably he was going to take a chIn to an imaginary thug, corn pop. And wasn't he going to take trump behind the gym? Stfu. The only reason he's "calm" is medication and /or he's fucking lost his mind.

Ant the only reason Trump is always agitated is the Adderall he snorts daily.
This president has not been indicted 4 times and been labeled a rapist.

So somehow a shithead like you thinks that means Brandon isn't a brain ded idiot. Id try to explain to you how that's illogical but why? You're a shithead and I'm pretty sure a retarded one at that.
So somehow a shithead like you thinks that means Brandon isn't a brain ded idiot. Id try to explain to you how that's illogical but why? You're a shithead and I'm pretty sure a retarded one at that.

That "brain dead" idiot will beat trump by a far larger margin than last time. Wake the fuck up.

Trump claims he doesn't know who gave Fauci presidential award. It was him
10:48 PM EDT September 14, 2023

Former President Donald Trump told Megyn Kelly he wasn't sure who gave Dr. Anthony Fauci a presidential commendation. The former president gave Fauci the award on his last day in office.

Trump doesn't remember giving Dr. Fauci the award. He's clearly struggling with his cognitive decline and in no mental shape to hold any public office.
Person Woman Man Camera T.V.
Because #TRE45ON tells them so. #TRE45ON would have outright fired Dr. Fauci if it hadn't made him look even worse in the middle of a deadly global pandemic, so instead he denigrated his own expert.

Memes like these probably didn't help. :rofl2:


LMFAO@Paul meme
Yeah, Trump has said many more crazy, delusional things than Biden.
Like suggesting drinking disinfectant to cure covid.
And he keeps saying the Presidential Records Act allows him to possess any Classified Document he wants. He even said, if he is in possession of a classified document, it makes it unclassified in his little delusional brain. I worked at the Pentagon for years and held a highly classified clearances. The government and military are very serious about their classified material. What Trump is saying about the Presidential Records Act just isn't true. I don't know why he keeps repeating it because every time he repeats it, he sounds like a delusional fool.

He repeats it because the Cult believes it. Stinkerbelle, for one, has repeated this over and over himself, as though it were true.
Because #TRE45ON tells them so. #TRE45ON would have outright fired Dr. Fauci if it hadn't made him look even worse in the middle of a deadly global pandemic, so instead he denigrated his own expert.

Memes like these probably didn't help. :rofl2:



Hey, let's not forget the forum Doctor, who posted his treatment plan for his sister-in-law. Because, you know, real doctors always treat their family members and then post about it on the internet.