Trump supporters call for riots and violent retribution after verdict


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Come on Trump supporters it's time to rumble?!! You can't let this unjust verdict against this innocent man go without retribution?!!:rolleyes:

Supporters of former President Donald Trump, enraged by his conviction on 34 felony counts by a New York jury, flooded pro-Trump websites with calls for riots, revolution and violent retribution.

After Trump became the first U.S. president to be convicted of a crime, his supporters responded with dozens of violent online posts, according to a Reuters review of comments on three Trump-aligned websites: the former president's own Truth Social platform, Patriots.Win and the Gateway Pundit.

Some called for attacks on jurors, the execution of the judge, Justice Juan Merchan, or outright civil war and armed insurrection.

“Someone in NY with nothing to lose needs to take care of Merchan,” wrote one commentator on Patriots.Win. “Hopefully he gets met with illegals with a machete,” the post said in reference to illegal immigrants.

On Gateway Pundit, one poster suggested shooting liberals after the verdict. “Time to start capping some leftys,” said the post. “This cannot be fixed by voting."

Threats of violence and intimidating rhetoric soared after Trump lost the 2020 election and falsely claimed the vote was stolen. As he campaigns for a second White House term, Trump has baselessly cast the judges and prosecutors in his trials as corrupt tools of the Biden administration, intent on sabotaging his White House bid. His loyalists have responded with a campaign of threats and intimidation targeting judges and court officials.

“This was a disgrace, this was a rigged trial by a conflicted judge who was corrupt,” Trump told reporters afterwards, echoing comments he often made during the trial.

A 12-member jury found Trump guilty on Thursday of falsifying documents to cover up a payment to silence a porn star’s account of a sexual encounter ahead of the 2016 election. Sentencing is set for July 11, days before the Republican Party is scheduled to formally nominate Trump for president ahead of the Nov. 5 election. Trump has denied wrongdoing and is expected to appeal.

Trump continued his attacks online after the verdict.

On Truth Social, he called Merchan “HIGHLY CONFLICTED” and criticized his jury instructions as unfair. One commentator responded by posting a picture of a hangman's platform and a noose with the caption: “TREASONOUS MOBSTER OF THE JUSTICES SYSTEM!!”


I wonder how many MAGA morons on this board are willing to commit felonies, and become a prison bitch for the sake of their Tangerine Messiah?
Wow, everything from the OP is just more nonsense from the radical left. Both sides of the political spectrum have
used media outlets to show or say just how much they might want someone to do to hurt or kill their political opponents.
So, that is nothing new.

But here is the truth behind what members of a particular party are willing able and often try to do to their opposing opponents.
We had a screwed up lefty with a gun at a Supreme Court justices' home ready to kill that justice. We saw and often witnessed on
the telly for over a year as to how the Leftist BLM mobs burned down small businesses in blue cities across the nation, murdered
some dozen or so people, burned and or demolished police cruisers, cursed and even beat on police officers, etc. etc.
Wow, everything from the OP is just more nonsense from the radical left. Both sides of the political spectrum have
used media outlets to show or say just how much they might want someone to do to hurt or kill their political opponents.
So, that is nothing new.

Would you be capable of having a rational discussion on the topic? You know, based in REALITY not your fever dreams?

But here is the truth behind what members of a particular party are willing able and often try to do to their opposing opponents.


We had a screwed up lefty with a gun at a Supreme Court justices' home ready to kill that justice. We saw and often witnessed on
the telly for over a year as to how the Leftist BLM mobs burned down small businesses in blue cities across the nation, murdered
some dozen or so people, burned and or demolished police cruisers, cursed and even beat on police officers, etc. etc.

We Americans don't initiate violence.

democrats will lose a free and fair election - and lose badly. I predict that the rape of the rule of law by the Biden regime will ripple through all levels and the Stalinist democrat party will be decimated in November.

democrats will do anything and everything to cheat. Election fraud is a major part of democrat strategy. But lawfare is such a monumental fuckup by the democrats that the usual cheating won't be enough.

So when Trump wins, and WHEN democrats once again take to the streets in massive violence, Americans will be ready to respond to the thugs.
Would you be capable of having a rational discussion on the topic? You know, based in REALITY not your fever dreams?


Oh my ALLAH, you mean enemies of the party were allowed to PROTEST?

You've put a stop to that now - anyone protesting against the Stalinist democrats goes to prison now.

As for ACTUAL violence - that is ALWAYS you Marxists - always.

Versus the millions of you Stalinists that will once again rape, burn, loot, and murder coast to coast as you did in 2019-20.

Except I predict the Rittenhouse response to the democrat Brown Shirts out for another Kristallnacht will be standard this time around.
I don't protest so no need to attempt to pin anything on me.
If the magas riot again I am sure the biden admin and the police are ready and will babbitt them if need be.
We Americans don't initiate violence.

democrats will lose a free and fair election - and lose badly. I predict that the rape of the rule of law by the Biden regime will ripple through all levels and the Stalinist democrat party will be decimated in November.

democrats will do anything and everything to cheat. Election fraud is a major part of democrat strategy. But lawfare is such a monumental fuckup by the democrats that the usual cheating won't be enough.

So when Trump wins, and WHEN democrats once again take to the streets in massive violence, Americans will be ready to respond to the thugs.
Trump got caught cheating in the 2016 election and is now being convicted of it.

Had the people known Donnie cheated- he would have never been the president, and Hillary would still be our president

Since you are a TRUMPTARD and hate America, you are no longer an American- YOU ARE A TRUMPLICAN and TRAITOR!

Come on Trump supporters it's time to rumble?!! You can't let this unjust verdict against this innocent man go without retribution?!!:rolleyes:

Supporters of former President Donald Trump, enraged by his conviction on 34 felony counts by a New York jury, flooded pro-Trump websites with calls for riots, revolution and violent retribution.

After Trump became the first U.S. president to be convicted of a crime, his supporters responded with dozens of violent online posts, according to a Reuters review of comments on three Trump-aligned websites: the former president's own Truth Social platform, Patriots.Win and the Gateway Pundit.

Some called for attacks on jurors, the execution of the judge, Justice Juan Merchan, or outright civil war and armed insurrection.

“Someone in NY with nothing to lose needs to take care of Merchan,” wrote one commentator on Patriots.Win. “Hopefully he gets met with illegals with a machete,” the post said in reference to illegal immigrants.

On Gateway Pundit, one poster suggested shooting liberals after the verdict. “Time to start capping some leftys,” said the post. “This cannot be fixed by voting."

Threats of violence and intimidating rhetoric soared after Trump lost the 2020 election and falsely claimed the vote was stolen. As he campaigns for a second White House term, Trump has baselessly cast the judges and prosecutors in his trials as corrupt tools of the Biden administration, intent on sabotaging his White House bid. His loyalists have responded with a campaign of threats and intimidation targeting judges and court officials.

“This was a disgrace, this was a rigged trial by a conflicted judge who was corrupt,” Trump told reporters afterwards, echoing comments he often made during the trial.

A 12-member jury found Trump guilty on Thursday of falsifying documents to cover up a payment to silence a porn star’s account of a sexual encounter ahead of the 2016 election. Sentencing is set for July 11, days before the Republican Party is scheduled to formally nominate Trump for president ahead of the Nov. 5 election. Trump has denied wrongdoing and is expected to appeal.

Trump continued his attacks online after the verdict.

On Truth Social, he called Merchan “HIGHLY CONFLICTED” and criticized his jury instructions as unfair. One commentator responded by posting a picture of a hangman's platform and a noose with the caption: “TREASONOUS MOBSTER OF THE JUSTICES SYSTEM!!”

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We knew that would happen.
What will you be willing to do if he gets elected in November...?
I’ll hunker down for four years and endure the ills that will come of his administration. I’m financially set for the rest of my life, barring a catastrophic event, but this country will suffer. Immensely.
I’ll hunker down for four years and endure the ills that will come of his administration. I’m financially set for the rest of my life, barring a catastrophic event, but this country will suffer. Immensely.
Or, if Biden gets back in, you and I are likely to become paupers because he takes what we have and gives it to the undeserving to buy more votes.
Or, if Biden gets back in, you and I are likely to become paupers because he takes what we have and gives it to the undeserving to buy more votes.
Yeah, I recall the collapse of the economy that you fuckers predicted along with Trump. My 401k is going gangbusters. Even better, I don’t need to touch a penny of it for 2 years, when I’m required to.

Speaking of buying votes, send more money to Trump. Send a lot! Send it NOW!