Trump Surges With Black Voters, Up 15% Since Manhattan Conviction


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President Donald J. Trump is surging with black voters following his New York conviction last week, with a staggering 15-point surge for the 45th President.

The numbers from Rasmussen Reports show Biden dropping 14 points.

An April poll fielded by Rasmussen showed Biden receiving 61 percent of the black vote, while his Republican challenger, former President Donald J. Trump, garnered just 21 percent support.

However, over just one month, black voter support for Biden has collapsed, falling to just 47 percent in the May poll. Conversely, former President Trump has seen a significant increase in support among the voter demographic, sitting at 36 percent in the latest survey.

I had a black friend but dumped the friendship when he denied that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump.
I don't have time of patience for deniers of truth.
President Donald J. Trump is surging with black voters following his New York conviction last week, with a staggering 15-point surge for the 45th President.

The numbers from Rasmussen Reports show Biden dropping 14 points.

An April poll fielded by Rasmussen showed Biden receiving 61 percent of the black vote, while his Republican challenger, former President Donald J. Trump, garnered just 21 percent support.

However, over just one month, black voter support for Biden has collapsed, falling to just 47 percent in the May poll. Conversely, former President Trump has seen a significant increase in support among the voter demographic, sitting at 36 percent in the latest survey.

This truth is why Demonkkkrats want to document the tens of millions of illegals that they've let flood into our country... They need the documented existence of these people in order to tie these people to the additional ballots that they illegally generate.

They need these people (for ballot generation purposes) with the loss of the past levels of black and hispanic support.
I had a black friend but dumped the friendship when he denied that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump.
I don't have time of patience for deniers of truth.
... and if he doesn't see it by now, he never will. It can't be any more obvious.
I had a black friend but dumped the friendship when he denied that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump.
I don't have time of patience for deniers of truth.
The people on this board that I disagree with the most, ... are also the ones I talk to the most. :)
... and if he doesn't see it by now, he never will. It can't be any more obvious.
51 former intel officers lied to rig the election. And they still have their Clearances. :palm:

Where is the accountability?
President Donald J. Trump is surging with black voters following his New York conviction last week, with a staggering 15-point surge for the 45th President.

The numbers from Rasmussen Reports show Biden dropping 14 points.

An April poll fielded by Rasmussen showed Biden receiving 61 percent of the black vote, while his Republican challenger, former President Donald J. Trump, garnered just 21 percent support.

However, over just one month, black voter support for Biden has collapsed, falling to just 47 percent in the May poll. Conversely, former President Trump has seen a significant increase in support among the voter demographic, sitting at 36 percent in the latest survey.

Rasmussen. :ROFLMAO:
The people on this board that I disagree with the most, ... are also the ones I talk to the most. :)
I was way to hurt from the stolen election at that time to continue any friendship with someone who denied what we saw play out right in front of our eyes.
Perfect. Love of trump is greater than friendship. And you see nothing strange in this. :rolleyes:
Actually that is not an uncommon thing. Now usually I feel like we hear it the other way, people stop being friends with someone because they don't like that the person is a Trump supporter. But it can happen both ways. We've all heard about families that have huge fights over the holidays because of politics and family members who won't speak to each other as a result.

I can't imagine ending a friendship with someone over politics but in our polarized country it's certainly not unheard of.
Why would any Black person support Trump is a lifelong racist.
As if Biden being buddies with Robert Byrd, Strom Thurmond, and George Wallace wasn't enough. Biden basically led the Boston anti bussing riots. Biden also claims to be the arbiter of who is really Black. Must be due to his street cred. :palm:

And he said this about Barack Hussein O. ...
"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man."
As if Biden being buddies with Robert Byrd, Strom Thurmond, and George Wallace wasn't enough. Biden basically led the Boston anti bussing riots. Biden also claims to be the arbiter of who is really Black. Must be due to his street cred. :palm:

And he said this about Barack Hussein O. ...
"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man."
Yet, Trump is openly racist.
Yet, Trump is openly racist.
White supremacist Richard Spencer votes for Joe Biden Biden[URL][/url] › news › article-8912091
Nov 4, 2020 — White supremacist Richard Spencer, known for popularising the term 'alt-right', posted a picture of his ballot paper saying 'To hell with ...

EDITORIAL:A racist's endorsement of Biden comes as no surprise ...[URL][/url] › opinion › editorial-a-racists-endorse...
Aug 26, 2020 — Neo-Nazi white supremacist Richard Spencer wholeheartedly endorses Joe Biden for president. This should surprise no one familiar with Biden ..."

Spencer is a bit slow. It took him a long time to figure out the Dem media lied to him about Donald Trump being a lifelong neo nazi skinhead and Jew hater.

How long will it take you? :dunno:
Actually that is not an uncommon thing. Now usually I feel like we hear it the other way, people stop being friends with someone because they don't like that the person is a Trump supporter. But it can happen both ways. We've all heard about families that have huge fights over the holidays because of politics and family members who won't speak to each other as a result.

I can't imagine ending a friendship with someone over politics but in our polarized country it's certainly not unheard of.
I know it's not uncommon but I still think it's crazy. trump or any president is only good for four to eight years but friendships can last a lifetime. It's why I don't talk politics IRL with people who have opposing viewpoints... like my neighbors on each side. ;) And I say this about Biden supporters, too, of which I'm one... neither Biden nor trump know me as a person. I'm just a name on a list of potential donors.
I know it's not uncommon but I still think it's crazy. trump or any president is only good for four to eight years but friendships can last a lifetime. It's why I don't talk politics IRL with people who have opposing viewpoints... like my neighbors on each side. ;) And I say this about Biden supporters, too, of which I'm one... neither Biden nor trump know me as a person. I'm just a name on a list of potential donors.
There's a reason the adage 'don't talk politics and religion' exists.

On one hand sure, if feels great to talk politics with those who all agree. Your believes are reinforced and you have that righteous feeling about yourself and what you believe. But I will say this. There are a few people I'm friends with that are politically liberal but based on our relationship (friendship) we are able to have actual discussions, even with disagreement. There has to be an underlying level of respect and trust and you have to be willing to drop the partisan wall we usually hide behind but it's what I enjoy (learn from) the most.

This board (and most boards like it) are simply exercises in partisanship and tribalism. There's little to no actual conversations or discussions between people with differing beliefs (including those generally on the same side). A board like this, translated into real life, is Exhibit A for the 'don't talk politics adage'.

Edit: Living where I do almost all my neighbors have differing politics than me. So I totally get where you are coming from with your neighbors. Fortunately there are a lot of other things to talk about. :)
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