Trump Takes 3-Point Lead over Kamala Harris in National Poll

Harvard-Harris always pro Trump compared to others, but good for you, glad you suddenly believe in polls again!
Weird how that works, eh?

didnt u support draft dodging Biden
Nope. If you didn't have a severe case of Rectal-Cranial Inversion Syndrome you'd know that I've never voted for a Democrat and don't plan to start. Care to wager a $50 donation to JPP, loser pays, that I can prove I've posted this several times before?

What MAGAts, fucking morons and Pedo Nazis never understand is that it's possible to not vote Democrat and also be against an adulterous, draft-dodging traitor and pedophile like Donald J. Trump. Weird how that works, isn't it?

QED. MAGAts think only non-MAGAts need to provide links. All MAGAts get a free pass on being linkless.

Trump Takes 3-Point Lead over Kamala Harris in National Poll

Trump Takes 3-Point Lead over Kamala Harris in National Poll

Former President Donald Trump has taken a three-point lead over Vice President Kamala Harris nationally, according to a recent Harvard-Harris poll.The poll, conducted between July 26 and 28, surveyed 2,196 voters registered voters nationally.

When asked who voters would pick if the presidential election were held today, 48 percent said they would vote for Trump and 45 percent said they would vote for Harris.Seven percent of voters expressed that they were still undecided on who they would vote for.

Trump Takes 3-Point Lead over Kamala Harris in National Poll

The Trump-Biden debate killed Biden's chances. Will the Trump-Harris debate destroy Kamala's campaign effort?
How would she poll after that?

Trump took a bullet; Kamala took a knee...