Trump will again be POTUS

Early response like banning all flights to and from China. Getting two or three vaccines out there in record time.
How about all the LIES, disinformation, confusing information, conflicting information Trump put out?
Maybe if he hadn't spewed all his BS and gave out real facts and had shut down the east coast at the same time that one woman that came in from the EU wouldn't have got in , I guess Trump didn't realize that airplanes can fly from China into the EU and then on to NYC.
It was a couple of days difference, if I remember right.
And that woman got here something like on the first of what was it March or April and by the end of the month there were OVER 79,000 people in New York City alone with it,
It spread so fast that the Mayor and Governor of NY didn't know what to do and that is when they decided that trying to keep people from going out and gathering might slow it so they shut things down.
Most of all cases and deaths happened in the first couple of months and it ended up that they didn't have as many cases and deaths as some of the southern states that didn't shut down.
Have a nice day
Eh - maybe.

It's close right now. I think partisans say things like this to feel assured, but nothing is assured right now.

I think Harris would win if the election was held today, but a month is an eternity.