Trump’s aberrant behavior is getting worse. Why are Americans ignoring his decline?

Port Tack

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America’s leading mental health professionals have concluded that Donald Trump is mentally unwell, and likely a sociopath — if not a psychopath. In even more direct terms, Trump has shown himself to apparently have a diseased mind, which in turn amplifies his already corrupt morality and ethics, attraction to violence, and overall capacity for evil. Ultimately, if he were to become president again, such an outcome would be a disaster for both the United States and the world.

Mental health professionals from some of America’s most prestigious institutions were consulted about this emergency. Their conclusion: Donald Trump’s aberrant behavior is getting worse.

Leonard Class is an associate professor at Harvard Medical School:
If Trump — in adopting language that he cannot help knowing replicates that of Hitler (especially the references to opponents as "vermin" and "poisoning the blood of our country"), we have to wonder if he has crossed into "new terrain." That terrain, driven by grandiosity and dread of exposure (e.g., at the trials) could signal the emergence of an even less constrained, more overtly vicious and remorseless Trump who, should he regain the presidency, would, indeed act like the authoritarians he praises.

Aaron L. Pincus, professor psychology at Penn State:
"Trump is an aging malignant narcissist," "As he ages, he appears to be losing impulse control and is slipping cognitively. So we are seeing a more unfiltered version of his pathology. Quite dangerous." "In addition, Trump seems increasingly paranoid, which can also be a reflection of his aging brain and mental decline." "The result is a greater hostility and less ability to reflect on the implications and consequences of his behavior."

Edwin B. Fisher professor of psychology at the University of North Carolina:
"Trump’s insistence on the validity of his own distorted claims has created a vicious circle, pressuring him to limit his close relations to those willing to confirm his beliefs" (much like Hitler). "His isolation is much of his own making. The enormous pressures he puts on others for confirmation and unquestioning loyalty and his harsh, often vicious responses to perceived disloyalty lead to a strong, accelerating dynamic of more and more pressure for loyalty, harsher and harsher judgment of the disloyal and greater and greater shrinking of pool of supporters".

Craig Malkin lecturer in psychology at Harvard Medical School:
"Trump’s behavior is increasingly psychopathic". "If the evidence emerging proves true — that Trump knew he lost and continued to push the big lie anyway — his character problems go well beyond simple narcissism and reach troubling levels of psychopathy. And psychopaths are far more concerned with their own power than preserving truth, democracy or even lives".

Dr. Justin Frank, author of "Trump on the Couch":
"Trump has a "a classic God complex driven by a persecutory delusion. His sense of omniscience is compensatory and more disturbing than ever". "In my opinion, Trump's incessant, word-salad repetition reflects chronic substance abuse or impending dementia, which is consistent with the blank eyes. His blotchy red and puffy face (and constant sniffling) that are not new but underscore a clinician's natural suspicion that he is not cognitively healthy. His cartoon character menacing and bellicose posture is second nature to him."

Psychiatrist Dr Lance Dodd:
"Trump's lengthy history shows that he is simply a sociopath, interested only in his personal gains in power and wealth despite the harm to others". "As pressure on him continues to rise, his claims of greatness, his inability to accept legal constraints or punishments, and his destructive impulses toward all who have limited him, will increase. Ultimately, he may decompensate to the point of gross paranoid psychosis with even more obvious incitement to riots and civil war rather than accept the reality that he has been finally held accountable".

Trump’s plans to become America’s first dictator are creating a cataclysmic synergy between his diseased mind, with its megalomania and God complex, and a fascist political party and movement that is eager to rubbleize democracy with the goal of creating an American apartheid Christofascist plutocracy. To that point, Trump and his agents have publicly announced their plans to use the United States military to occupy Democratic-led cities and other "blue" parts of the country as part of a plan to impose martial law. Dictator Trump and his enforcers will attempt to legitimate this attack on the American people’s fundamental civil and human rights by claiming that they are actually cracking down on "crime" in the name of "public safety." None of this is new. As seen in Nazi Germany and elsewhere, history shows that sick leaders attract sick followers who in turn combine to create sick mass movements that oppress (and do worse to) their fellow citizens as they destroy society. Ignoring these lessons and precedents is a choice – one that is usually fatal.

Sorry I have included so much of the attached link here but everything needed to be said. As it concludes that sick leaders attract sick followers I don't expect Trumpers to pay any attention and brush it off, I'm just hoping a few of them will read it and say "wait a minute, that's not the type of guy we want running the country".
Sorry I have included so much of the attached link here but everything needed to be said. As it concludes that sick leaders attract sick followers I don't expect Trumpers to pay any attention and brush it off, I'm just hoping a few of them will read it and say "wait a minute, that's not the type of guy we want running the country".

Not all of us have been ignoring his descent into madness, nor that of his equally-unhinged followers. Nothing can be done about it, though, unfortunately.
Not all of us have been ignoring his descent into madness, nor that of his equally-unhinged followers. Nothing can be done about it, though, unfortunately.

Yes I heard the other day that Biden was back on top of Trump in the polls. With any luck he will stay there and continue to climb above the Hitler wannabe.
I am going out on my feet, fighting.

Suck My DICK if you dont like it.

I'm sure, and just make sure you vote for your Hitler even if he loses in the primaries. Just write Trumps name in if it isn't on the ballot, Biden is counting on you. Enough MAGA shitheads do that and we can be assured of a blue wave.
Yes I heard the other day that Biden was back on top of Trump in the polls. With any luck he will stay there and continue to climb above the Hitler wannabe.

You're right. Retrieved from Fivethirtyeight just now:


If you want to see something truly revolting though, look at the link's favorability-among-Republicans for #TRE45ON's approval. Oh. My. God.
My concern is that Trump's madness is not limited to Trump.

He has made us realize how many trumpanzees
that we have slithering around among us;

and why do so many believe
that eradicating Trump will eradicate them?

Even the cretinous Dubya / Cheney regime couldn't get all of them to reveal themselves,
nor the troglodyte Gingrich before them,
but now that they're out, Trump is hardly our only problem
My concern is that Trump's madness is not limited to Trump.

He has made us realize how many trumpanzees
that we have slithering around among us;

and why do so many believe
that eradicating Trump will eradicate them?

Even the cretinous Dubya / Cheney regime couldn't get all of them to reveal themselves,
nor the troglodyte Gingrich before them,
but now that they're out, Trump is hardly our only problem

Trump is a symptom; the Trumpanzees are the cancer that infects us.
Sorry I have included so much of the attached link here but everything needed to be said. As it concludes that sick leaders attract sick followers I don't expect Trumpers to pay any attention and brush it off, I'm just hoping a few of them will read it and say "wait a minute, that's not the type of guy we want running the country".

Let me put this as succinctly as possible:

Fuck Trump and what he is or isn't on the psychological scale. What worries me is that there are a substantial number of people in this country willing to allow (and to vote for) him to become president again.

They are the truly sick people whom we should fear. Trump cannot go anywhere by himself...he needs the sickos who are willing to help him destroy the world.
Sorry I have included so much of the attached link here but everything needed to be said. As it concludes that sick leaders attract sick followers I don't expect Trumpers to pay any attention and brush it off, I'm just hoping a few of them will read it and say "wait a minute, that's not the type of guy we want running the country".

Quid Pro had another episode I see - so you Stalinists had to scream about TWUMP.