Trump's Big Tent

I think Gayrod is one of those democrats that loves trump.

He claims to support Bernie but you couldn't tell in this forum.

Notice nobody on the right starts Bernie threads?

The irony is he complains about the media coverage Trump gets compared to Sanders. His picture is of Trump and he starts numerous threads of Trump and nothing on who he claims to support.
not logical....they say his demographic is "working man"......Jarod doesn't fit the demographic......
check the article, that demographic appears to be grossly understated.
lots of people are fed up with the DC establishment and that includes moderates indies and dems.
the highly coveted mushy middle.
the gop would do well to take note of this.
Why are so many cons orgasmic over the prospect of him getting elected? Is it the (R) at the end of his name?

Most actual conservatives are leery of Trump because Trump isn't actually a conservative lol. I would categorize Trump as a non-ideologue political pragmatist. He's closer to Bill Clinton than Obama in that regard: whereas, Obama had an ideological agenda, Clinton was in it to win it and ideology played second fiddle. Clinton would compromise with congress when it was politically expedient; whereas, it was Obama's way or the highway.

A president Trump would operate the same way, IMO.

I predicted months ago that Trump would attract democrats in the general *precisely because* he isn't a strong conservative. Which ironically, has been the GOP establishments recipe the last two generals. Rove and company would lecture us that a true conservative would get schlonged in the general, so they put up two weakly conservative candidates and got schlonged, anyway.

But here's the difference: Trump is energizing many conservatives in spite of themselves...and many of these didn't bother to turn out the last two elections: They can't help but like Trump because someone is finally sticking it to the establishment, the media and political correctness---in no particular order. What's amusing---and it goes on here, is that often times conservative critics of Trump will find themselves defending him.

At any rate, Trump has the potential for a big tent coalition in the general and it would include 'Trump Democrats' because Trump is socially moderate, he advocates taxing the very rich and because he stands a better chance of bringing jobs back than Hillary or any of the establishment contenders.
Does this cartoon foretell the fate of Donald Trump’s campaign?


Lets hope the people supporting Trump sober up soon?!!