Trump’s popularity is plummeting among Fox News fans

Trumps whole cabinet is being paid off for cheating. Trump was involved in Russian money laundering for decades. We have plutocrats destroying government agencies from the inside. Just think how easy it will be to cheat and steal after 4 years of Trump. Fuck the environment, global warming, pollution and the people. Cripple the FBI and CIA. This will be a different country when Trump is through. It will not be good for the masses.
trumps not losing his base. As incompetent and rude and stupid as he obviously is, his voters stay. They must think they are members of a club.
supreme court cuts......Paris Accord demise......Keystone Pipeline......booming benefits are awesome........
supreme court cuts......Paris Accord demise......Keystone Pipeline......booming benefits are awesome........

Bad choice for the Supremes and they had to cheat to do it. The tax cuts are a gift to the wealthy and corporations that will accelerate the wealth gap. The Paris accord was a voluntary pact. Trump could have just not volunteered. But he fed meat to his uninformed followers. The Keystone is a horrible mistake. It gives us pipeline ruptures and more energy company political power. The economy is on the same trajectory that Obama left him. We will see in the future what damage Trump will bring. The Mickey Mouse club has increased its membership this year..
Bad choice for the Supremes and they had to cheat to do it. The tax cuts are a gift to the wealthy and corporations that will accelerate the wealth gap. The Paris accord was a voluntary pact. Trump could have just not volunteered. But he fed meat to his uninformed followers. The Keystone is a horrible mistake. It gives us pipeline ruptures and more energy company political power. The economy is on the same trajectory that Obama left him. We will see in the future what damage Trump will bring. The Mickey Mouse club has increased its membership this year..
yes, Minnie....we hear you.....

are you saying only Obama volunteered to follow the Paris Accord?.......interesting then that lib'ruls are so angry at Trump.....
how far is this poll from the poll that said clinton would win the election,i can make a poll say what i want.
citing polls,is a joke,what was the sample,the age group,what where the questions and how where they phrased exc,polls give me a brake.

Those questions are answered in the link from the OP. You just have to click on the actual poll to find the data.
Those questions are answered in the link from the OP. You just have to click on the actual poll to find the data.

lets see you poll 1020 people that is .0003% of the population ,come on man,polls really ,maybe a local county poll, but a national poll that does .0003% of the us population really .
lets see you poll 1020 people that is .0003% of the population ,come on man,polls really ,maybe a local county poll, but a national poll that does .0003% of the us population really .

You understand of course that that is precisely what polls do? It is a sample population. There is no way they are going to poll 300,000,000+ people.
You understand of course that that is precisely what polls do? It is a sample population. There is no way they are going to poll 300,000,000+ people.

you do understand what a % is ,i agree with
Nate Silver "National polls are literally worse than useless ...
Just read the posts on this board and you will find the Trumpettes are obdurate. They are mostly bigots and haters pretending their interests are not in banning immigration and white power. But the posts show otherwise. Trump is a terrible bigot and his history shows it. His followers are as hateful as he is. He is representing their feelings. His policies are horrible, but not extreme enough for the Trumpettes. They would vote for him if he were impeached. His 32 or so percent base is going nowhere. Hate and anger fuel them. They applaud his "shithole" comment. I suppose they do not believe Norwegians do not want to come here. The happiness ratings in Norway are far higher than in the US. They get 100 percent healthcare coverage and school is paid for. They have a sense of security that we do not. Oh, but they have gun laws. Can't have that. People of all kinds, crazies, sick and demented are carrying in America. That, for some reason is great. We are proud of that.
Trumps whole cabinet is being paid off for cheating. Trump was involved in Russian money laundering for decades. We have plutocrats destroying government agencies from the inside. Just think how easy it will be to cheat and steal after 4 years of Trump. Fuck the environment, global warming, pollution and the people. Cripple the FBI and CIA. This will be a different country when Trump is through. It will not be good for the masses.

You're a liar; but that is par for the course these days with whiny hypocrites from the left.