Trump’s Tone Has Shifted, ‘Sounds Very Unsure of Himself, and Frankly a Little Scare

They'll go through withdrawal pains if Trump is sentenced to house arrest and never seen again...until his obituary is announced.

Let us pray that if he gets such a light sentence, that it includes forbidding him access to social media, interviews, and other ways to continue to make this country even more fucked up than he already has.
Let us pray that if he gets such a light sentence, that it includes forbidding him access to social media, interviews, and other ways to continue to make this country even more fucked up than he already has.

If his sentence is prison, I doubt it will be more than house arrest. That would include being cut off from social media and limited media interviews, but that depends upon the judge and state rules.
I personally don't believe in prison.
Those who can't be rehabilitated in mental hospitals or trusted under house arrest should be humanely euthanized, not caged.
Prison is simply TOO brutal, for anybody, but we're not sufficiently evolved to realize that yet.

As for social media, one has to take them seriously to be harmed by them.

I simply can't understand how anybody can be naïve enough to do so,
but it's obvious that many are.
Their minds must work differently than mine.
He is clearly being told by his lawyers that he has handed the Prosecution all the evidence they need via his public statements, and that they cannot even off his preferred defense, if he does not take the stand.

As i said in the other thread, lets hope...

Yes. YES...

Trump loves sycophants who flatter his ego. It is one of the best ways to convince him to do something stupid. Tell he is 'smart' and 'right' and 'in the best physical shape of any human ever', type statements.

Let us all hope Trump ego, makes him feel he has to prove Alina right, and outsmart Jack Smith and the Jury by taking the stand.
Trump should take the stand in federal court, says legal team: ‘Fantastic advocate for himself’

Former President Donald Trump should testify in any of his pending court battles, including the federal trial on charges of mishandling classified documents and obstructing justice, a member of his legal team said.

Alina Habba, a spokesperson for Mr. Trump’s legal team who represents him in several civil matters, told The Washington Times that she has no problem if the former president wants to take the stand to defend himself in any criminal trial.

...Ms. Habba said. “So when he’s done nothing wrong, you speak to that when you can and when it’s legally sound, but, again, it’s a strategy decision. It’s a legal strategy decision for the attorneys of record to decide at the moment.”...

...“If you are going to argue that Trump thought in his head these documents were declassified, you can’t get that in evidence without testimony from the former president,” said Jared Carter, who teaches constitutional law at Vermont Law and Graduate School....

...Once Mr. Trump is on the stand, he will be subject to cross-examination by Mr. Smith’s team. That could spell trouble for the former president, Mr. Carter said.

“It will be a legal train wreck. You are going to have prosecutors asking questions, and you are going to have to respond under oath, and Trump isn’t going to be able to keep his mouth shut,” he said. “Prosecutors would relish the opportunity to cross-examine Trump. That’s why defendants don’t testify on their behalf.”

Former Attorney General William Barr, once a staunch ally of Mr. Trump, also has questioned the wisdom of putting him on the stand in the New York case.

“Generally, I think it’s a bad idea to go on the stand, and I think it’s a particularly bad idea for Trump because he lacks all self-control. It would be very difficult to prepare him and keep him testifying in a prudent fashion,” Mr. Barr said...

The Feds do not do spurious prosecutions. Fewer than 1 percent of Federal cases resulted in acquittals. Somebody must have told Trump that much.