Two millennia of persecution started with Christ-killer myth

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
Jews have suffered hatred for 20 centuries — with Christian contempt lying behind most of the injustices and pogroms

With the emergence of Christianity, the followers of Christ believed themselves to be the true heirs of the covenant. For these Christians, Jesus’ messiaship was understood as bringing about a new age in which the true Israel would become a light unto the nations. Given this vision, the Jewish people were regarded with animosity. The writers of the Gospels depicted Jesus attacking the leaders of the nation, and the Church taught that “circumcision of the heart” — rather than obedience to the Law — was what God required.

In the light of this teaching, the Fathers of the Church developed an Adversos Judaeos tradition which vilified the Jews. According to them, Jews were guilty of indecent actions, and they continued to be seen as a contemptible people. By rejecting Christ, Jews were rejected themselves and were doomed for eternity.
The tradition of Christian antisemitism as created by the Church Fathers continued through the centuries. During the time of the Crusades, Jewish communities were decimated throughout Western Europe. Such hostility toward Jewry was intensified by various charges levelled against the Jewish population. Frequently, Jews were accused of killing Christian children to use their blood in preparation for the Passover. Jews were also charged with blaspheming the Christian faith in the Talmud. Further, Jews were blamed for causing the Black Plague by poisoning wells.

Throughout the Middle Ages, the Jew was represented as a dark, demonic figure. Repeatedly, Jews were accused of possessing the attributes of both the Devil and witches. As the personification of evil, they were regarded as sub-human. In addition, Jews were viewed as sorcerers, able to work magic against neighbouring Christians. On this basis, the Jewish population was accused of desecrating the Host for magical purposes and of committing acts of ritual murder.
Jews have suffered hatred for 20 centuries — with Christian contempt lying behind most of the injustices and pogroms

With the emergence of Christianity, the followers of Christ believed themselves to be the true heirs of the covenant. For these Christians, Jesus’ messiaship was understood as bringing about a new age in which the true Israel would become a light unto the nations. Given this vision, the Jewish people were regarded with animosity. The writers of the Gospels depicted Jesus attacking the leaders of the nation, and the Church taught that “circumcision of the heart” — rather than obedience to the Law — was what God required.

In the light of this teaching, the Fathers of the Church developed an Adversos Judaeos tradition which vilified the Jews. According to them, Jews were guilty of indecent actions, and they continued to be seen as a contemptible people. By rejecting Christ, Jews were rejected themselves and were doomed for eternity.

Everyone suffers. Get off your high horse.
After World War II, Germany did not express great remorse for its deeds. Instead, most Germans continued to harbour anti-Jewish feelings. In Austria, similar attitudes prevailed. Similar Judeophobia was also expressed in Britain, where neo-Nazis and the ultra Right advanced the theory of a world-wide conspiracy
Jews have suffered hatred for 20 centuries — with Christian contempt lying behind most of the injustices and pogroms

With the emergence of Christianity, the followers of Christ believed themselves to be the true heirs of the covenant. For these Christians, Jesus’ messiaship was understood as bringing about a new age in which the true Israel would become a light unto the nations. Given this vision, the Jewish people were regarded with animosity. The writers of the Gospels depicted Jesus attacking the leaders of the nation, and the Church taught that “circumcision of the heart” — rather than obedience to the Law — was what God required.

In the light of this teaching, the Fathers of the Church developed an Adversos Judaeos tradition which vilified the Jews. According to them, Jews were guilty of indecent actions, and they continued to be seen as a contemptible people. By rejecting Christ, Jews were rejected themselves and were doomed for eternity.

We work hard and pull ourselves up by our bootstraps. The Holocaust wasn't just a slaughter, it was a robbery. Not only did Hitler kill 6 million Jews, he took their stuff.

Fascists are intellectually lazy and have no soul. That's why they have no trouble scapegoating those who have actually studied in school and worked hard to get what we have. It's easy to rile up a mob and point them at someone if the mob wants to believe it. HELLO.. January 6th? An attack built on lies. The Holocaust - same concept.

This is why the name "Trump" will go down in history, like Hitler and those who carried his water will hopefully change their names and move to Argentina.
The tradition of Christian antisemitism as created by the Church Fathers continued through the centuries. During the time of the Crusades, Jewish communities were decimated throughout Western Europe. Such hostility toward Jewry was intensified by various charges levelled against the Jewish population. Frequently, Jews were accused of killing Christian children to use their blood in preparation for the Passover. Jews were also charged with blaspheming the Christian faith in the Talmud. Further, Jews were blamed for causing the Black Plague by poisoning wells.

Throughout the Middle Ages, the Jew was represented as a dark, demonic figure. Repeatedly, Jews were accused of possessing the attributes of both the Devil and witches. As the personification of evil, they were regarded as sub-human. In addition, Jews were viewed as sorcerers, able to work magic against neighbouring Christians. On this basis, the Jewish population was accused of desecrating the Host for magical purposes and of committing acts of ritual murder.

And it's happening again. Kanye, trump, Musk, etc. We need to stay vigilant. Fascism always comes with a heapin' helping of Anti-Semitism - again, such an easy target.
After World War II, Germany did not express great remorse for its deeds. Instead, most Germans continued to harbour anti-Jewish feelings. In Austria, similar attitudes prevailed. Similar Judeophobia was also expressed in Britain, where neo-Nazis and the ultra Right advanced the theory of a world-wide conspiracy

The Austrians got a huge payday from Germany. Germany gave them a lot of the stolen Jews stuff.
And it's happening again. Kanye, trump, Musk, etc. We need to stay vigilant. Fascism always comes with a heapin' helping of Anti-Semitism - again, such an easy target.

klaus schwab and the World Economic Forum are the droids you're looking for.
Jews have suffered hatred for 20 centuries — with Christian contempt lying behind most of the injustices and pogroms

With the emergence of Christianity, the followers of Christ believed themselves to be the true heirs of the covenant. For these Christians, Jesus’ messiaship was understood as bringing about a new age in which the true Israel would become a light unto the nations. Given this vision, the Jewish people were regarded with animosity. The writers of the Gospels depicted Jesus attacking the leaders of the nation, and the Church taught that “circumcision of the heart” — rather than obedience to the Law — was what God required.

In the light of this teaching, the Fathers of the Church developed an Adversos Judaeos tradition which vilified the Jews. According to them, Jews were guilty of indecent actions, and they continued to be seen as a contemptible people. By rejecting Christ, Jews were rejected themselves and were doomed for eternity.

People will use any excuse to attack those who they envy and fear. The Christians just borrowed a few pages from the other groups that persecuted the Jewish people pre-Jesus.
People will use any excuse to attack those who they envy and fear. The Christians just borrowed a few pages from the other groups that persecuted the Jewish people pre-Jesus.

While the evolution of Christiananality pedophilia over the millennia hasn't varied much except for SCOTUS Bicentennial "one nation under God with equal justice under law" thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists Islamidotocracy Mohammed pedophilia more perfect union of "serve the Pope or die" & Islam "death to the infidels" burning Bush's 9/11 Arab health care plan while putting on a patriot act in this Christian Nation second coming as today's Russia's Orthodox Church rootin' tootin' Putin Ukraine persecution.
While the evolution of Christiananality pedophilia over the millennia hasn't varied much except for SCOTUS Bicentennial "one nation under God with equal justice under law" thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists Islamidotocracy Mohammed pedophilia more perfect union of "serve the Pope or die" & Islam "death to the infidels" burning Bush's 9/11 Arab health care plan while putting on a patriot act in this Christian Nation second coming as today's Russia's Orthodox Church rootin' tootin' Putin Ukraine persecution.

Jews have suffered hatred for 20 centuries — with Christian contempt lying behind most of the injustices and pogroms

With the emergence of Christianity, the followers of Christ believed themselves to be the true heirs of the covenant. For these Christians, Jesus’ messiaship was understood as bringing about a new age in which the true Israel would become a light unto the nations. Given this vision, the Jewish people were regarded with animosity. The writers of the Gospels depicted Jesus attacking the leaders of the nation, and the Church taught that “circumcision of the heart” — rather than obedience to the Law — was what God required.

In the light of this teaching, the Fathers of the Church developed an Adversos Judaeos tradition which vilified the Jews. According to them, Jews were guilty of indecent actions, and they continued to be seen as a contemptible people. By rejecting Christ, Jews were rejected themselves and were doomed for eternity.

One of the major flaws in religious thought

To be the last religion standing

It destroys most of the good religion does for humans