Two millennia of persecution started with Christ-killer myth

I think the oppression of the Jews in Europe was for reasons more related to socio-economics, politics, xenophobia, culture, rather than strictly religious reasons. With very few exceptions, the popes and leaders of the Medieval church wrote that Jews weren't entitled to the same rights as christians, but they shouldn't be harassed or assaulted.

I just finished my audio book on Jewish civilization from late antiquity to the early modern era.

The experience and history of the Jewish diaspora is a lot more complex than I imagined.

Up until the late Middle Ages, Christian western Europe was generally semi-tolerant of the Jews. The doctrine articulated by Saint Augustine was that Jews might be second class citizens, but they should not be harassed, forcibly converted, or assaulted. It was the job of Jesus to convert them upon his return. It wasn't the job of Europeans to convert them.

The crusades and economic factors in the High and Late Middle Ages manifested in resentment towards the Jews, and that was the beginning of widespread harassment of the Jews. That is why a lot of Jews went to Eastern Europe, in the early modern period there were more economic opportunities and less harassment in the Polish commonwealth.

Interestingly, when the Jews were expelled from Spain in 1492, a lot of them went to the Ottoman empire, because the Ottoman Muslims were generally tolerant and welcoming to Jews; it didn't hurt that the Jews had a lot of skills the Ottomans valued.
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From that "serve the Pope or die" Christiananality pedophilia tradition, now a 21st century SCOTUS Rehnquist Islamidiotocracy Mohammed pedophilia Fourth Reich July 9/11 national religion of "death to the infidels" Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate enforcement persecution.....

That WW II Mengele "Angel of Death" most likely is coming back as SCOTUS & those crooks on Capital Hill in their it's only a Christian Nation if Islamidiotocracy Mohammed pedophilia of Klues Klucks duh Klans Islam human reproduction medical pseudoscience fabricated virgin Mary misnomer immaculate Jesus the Christ son of Allah conception as with Arab "death to the infidels" 9/11 healthcare plan patriot act.
That WW II Mengele "Angel of Death" most likely is coming back as SCOTUS & those crooks on Capital Hill in their it's only a Christian Nation if Islamidiotocracy Mohammed pedophilia of Klues Klucks duh Klans Islam human reproduction medical pseudoscience fabricated virgin Mary misnomer immaculate Jesus the Christ son of Allah conception as with Arab "death to the infidels" 9/11 healthcare plan patriot act.

Thanks so much, Reverend Billy Bob. Amen and all that stuff.
As a non Jew I can tell you this. I could care less about them either way. Do I hate them? No, sure dont. They are people just like anyone else. Do I hold them in any higher regard simply because they are Jews? No , sure dont. They are just people like anyone else. If they do well...Great, could care less. If they suck ass....great could care less. They simply arent on my list of things to worry about or give much thought. I dont care. Seriously.....Who sits around thinking....GEE I think Ill really put some thought into thinking about the Jews today? :laugh: Nobody I know. Truth be told I think most non Jews feel the same way,....they could care less.
As a non Jew I can tell you this. I could care less about them either way. Do I hate them? No, sure dont. They are people just like anyone else. Do I hold them in any higher regard simply because they are Jews? No , sure dont. They are just people like anyone else. If they do well...Great, could care less. If they suck ass....great could care less. They simply arent on my list of things to worry about or give much thought. I dont care. Seriously.....Who sits around thinking....GEE I think Ill really put some thought into thinking about the Jews today? :laugh: Nobody I know. Truth be told I think most non Jews feel the same way,....they could care less.
very closed minded.

I have invested a significant amount of time learning about Judaism. When I Iearn something about other cultures and traditions I invariably learn something about myself.
very closed minded.

I have invested a significant amount of time learning about Judaism. When I Iearn something about other cultures and traditions I invariably learn something about myself.

Read what I posted. NOT what I am talking about. It is fine to know Jewish history. I know some myself. I was talking about Jewish people. I dont single them out as subject matter,...they are just people to me, nothing else. Sink or swim, good or bad,....none of my concern.
Jews have suffered hatred for 20 centuries — with Christian contempt lying behind most of the injustices and pogroms

With the emergence of Christianity, the followers of Christ believed themselves to be the true heirs of the covenant. For these Christians, Jesus’ messiaship was understood as bringing about a new age in which the true Israel would become a light unto the nations. Given this vision, the Jewish people were regarded with animosity. The writers of the Gospels depicted Jesus attacking the leaders of the nation, and the Church taught that “circumcision of the heart” — rather than obedience to the Law — was what God required.

In the light of this teaching, the Fathers of the Church developed an Adversos Judaeos tradition which vilified the Jews. According to them, Jews were guilty of indecent actions, and they continued to be seen as a contemptible people. By rejecting Christ, Jews were rejected themselves and were doomed for eternity.

So what?
Jews have suffered hatred for 20 centuries — with Christian contempt lying behind most of the injustices and pogroms

With the emergence of Christianity, the followers of Christ believed themselves to be the true heirs of the covenant. For these Christians, Jesus’ messiaship was understood as bringing about a new age in which the true Israel would become a light unto the nations. Given this vision, the Jewish people were regarded with animosity. The writers of the Gospels depicted Jesus attacking the leaders of the nation, and the Church taught that “circumcision of the heart” — rather than obedience to the Law — was what God required.

In the light of this teaching, the Fathers of the Church developed an Adversos Judaeos tradition which vilified the Jews. According to them, Jews were guilty of indecent actions, and they continued to be seen as a contemptible people. By rejecting Christ, Jews were rejected themselves and were doomed for eternity.

Stfu, Jesus killer.
Stfu, Jesus killer.

While an Islam human reproduction medical pseudoscience fabricated virgin Mary misnomer immaculate son of Allah Jesus the Christ conception created Mohammed pedophilia for their second millennium after 1000 years of Christiananality pedophilia; those burning "it's only a God damn piece of paper" thieving US Constitution Bush's Arab "death to the infidels" 9/11 more perfect union second coming creation of Islamidiotocracy Mohammed pedophilia as the national religion interpretation of SCOTUS supreme swastika up Uranus kangaroo court granted standing; which Russia's Orthodox Church rootin' tootin' Putin has implemented in Ukraine.....
While an Islam human reproduction medical pseudoscience fabricated virgin Mary misnomer immaculate son of Allah Jesus the Christ conception created Mohammed pedophilia for their second millennium after 1000 years of Christiananality pedophilia; those burning "it's only a God damn piece of paper" thieving US Constitution Bush's Arab "death to the infidels" 9/11 more perfect union second coming creation of Islamidiotocracy Mohammed pedophilia as the national religion interpretation of SCOTUS supreme swastika up Uranus kangaroo court granted standing; which Russia's Orthodox Church rootin' tootin' Putin has implemented in Ukraine.....

got a link?
got a link?

Try the Library of Congress, but knowing those crooks on Capital Hill & their Bicentennial Islamidiotocracy Mohammed pedophilia national religion with Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom enforcement doubt there's any change in "one nation under God with equal justice under law" federal perjury of Rehnquist SCOTUS Christian Nation....
Try the Library of Congress, but knowing those crooks on Capital Hill & their Bicentennial Islamidiotocracy Mohammed pedophilia national religion with Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom enforcement doubt there's any change in "one nation under God with equal justice under law" federal perjury of Rehnquist SCOTUS Christian Nation....

I'll stop in and ask.