Type of Government: Socialism or another ism

The USSR (the second S is for socialist) was not anywhere near true communism. Only ingorant right wingers confuse that point.

Hippy communes are the closest thing I know of to true communism.

tell me....who is lenin....

Communist Party of the Soviet Union



Communism as a concrete social and political system made its first appearance in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the state erected by the victors of the October Revolution in Russia in 1917 (see Russian Revolutions of 1917). Soviet communism took some of the core notions of Marxism to an extreme, realizing them through a tyrannical political structure. Within a decade, the Soviet dictatorship, having eradicated all dissent, unleashed an industrialization drive premised on near-total state control of physical and human resources. Authoritarianism reached its zenith during the long reign of Soviet leader Joseph Stalin. The limited reforms undertaken after his death in 1953 did not alter the essential character of communism in the Soviet Union. Destabilized by the far-reaching reforms initiated by Mikhail Gorbachev in the 1980s, the Soviet system disintegrated in 1991.

tell me....who is lenin....

Communist Party of the Soviet Union



Communism as a concrete social and political system made its first appearance in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the state erected by the victors of the October Revolution in Russia in 1917 (see Russian Revolutions of 1917). Soviet communism took some of the core notions of Marxism to an extreme, realizing them through a tyrannical political structure. Within a decade, the Soviet dictatorship, having eradicated all dissent, unleashed an industrialization drive premised on near-total state control of physical and human resources. Authoritarianism reached its zenith during the long reign of Soviet leader Joseph Stalin. The limited reforms undertaken after his death in 1953 did not alter the essential character of communism in the Soviet Union. Destabilized by the far-reaching reforms initiated by Mikhail Gorbachev in the 1980s, the Soviet system disintegrated in 1991.


You are missing a very small, but highly significant, point. Several nations changed their systems to communism or communist inspired economies. None ... let me repeat ... NONE lasted more than a few years. Most became totalitarian dictatorships. The USSR was a label used first legitimately but then to legitimise Stalinist terror. The Peoples Republic Of China was as pure communism as you could get for about 12 months! Castro's Cuba lasted slightly longer.
Things change whether American Republicans want them to or not. You will catch no fish in a stagnant pool!
I am well aware that it is far more difficult to hit a moving target than a stationary one, but if you want to hit an 'ist' or 'ism' then you had better train with a moving target.
Oh, and encyclopedias and reference works are accurate when written and that's about that.