U.S. plans to sell more weapons to Israel after vetoing cease-fire resolution

So is Israel. An attack that killed 1400 Israelis has been met by Israel killing over 20 K Gazans and destroying their land. When is it enough?

Should Israel allow Hamas to continue slaughtering themselves in their own homes, as they said they would do, over and over and over?

Israel is doing what any sane nation would do when their citizens are beheaded and burned alive in their own homes in the middle of the night.

Think, Nordy, what would you want your government to do if this happened to your family?
Weak Joe Biden caused these deaths of American soldiers.

His weakness will cause more.

He is a dangerous fool.

Biden needs to get out of his basement and take action on these attacks against our soldiers. His answer is “will hold all those responsible to account at a time and in a manner our choosing.”

Our response should be overwhelming and impose a very heavy price on those who are responsible.
We need to join hands with Israel and wipe out these monsters.

His response will be to continue bombing empty warehouses.
The Idiot-in-Chief cannot decide....

War with Russia?

War with China?

War with Iran?

War with Texas?