Uh-oh, Reedy Creek will outlast DeSantis!

Interesting. I wonder if those cities that hated on Chick-Fil-A have any so that the municipalities that used permit codes and taxation codes to keep Chick-Fil-A out of their cities might have some comeuppance.

State's Rights. It depends upon the state AFAIK.

My guess is that Chik-fil-A has legal rights that prevents such targeting. Like DeSantis's bullshit, the politicians will grandstand and then hand the bill to the taxpayers to cover all the lawsuits involved.

If Reddy Creek is going to be dissolved it doesn’t look it could happen until 2029. The bond holders of the $2 billion in Reddy Creek bonds have rights and the Florida government can’t to do anything to add risk to those investments. (It is spelled out in the reddy creek creation docs)
A lot of lawyers seem to have become ignorant of / unable to read contracts/laws once they became politicians.
Disney has told shareholders they are proceeding with business as usual.

you don't quite grasp this situation do you....no one expected there would be an impact on existing bonds........the same response to the idiots, yourself included, who claimed Florida tax payers would have to pay off existing bonds.......as your link admits, the end date on existing bonds is their contractual obligation.......2029.......the point is, they can't issue any more......

also from your link......
Reedy Creek has not been shy about using these taxes—in the 2022 budget, it sets its property taxes at around 13.57 “mills,” with each “mill” representing an annual charge one-one thousandth of the property’s assessed value. This tax rate is higher than the maximum of 10 mills allowed for cities and counties. Around one-third of those taxes are dedicated to one thing: paying debts.

this will save tax payers around 3.57 mills after 2029......
is it that you don't actually read the threads on this board or do you just deny everything everyone says out of habit?......

I don’t read every word of every thread, but I think it’s a simple question, and I think you don’t wanna answer.
I am sure Deasantis knows he cannot do it. However he knows his lie is galvanizing the right into a paroxysm of Disney hate, and he thinks votes for him. I am sure the GOOFY governor knows better. he has some pros on staff. This is political red meat for the easily led.

He learned from Trump that politics exist in the moment. You can say anything and do almost anything that looks good when you say or do it without intending to ever follow through. It only requires that you be a without a trace of integrity. So, for these guys, no problem.
no one expected there would be an impact on existing bonds

Getting rid of the issuers of a bond does have an impact on a bond. If you hold CSA bonds, you are not getting paid. Everyone knows that.

Florida promised to pay any bonds if they got rid of the issuer, which means they are on the tab for $2billion, and all the government expenses that Reddy Creek would have paid.
I don’t read every word of every thread, but I think it’s a simple question, and I think you don’t wanna answer.

uh dude.....I gave you an answer.......if pretending I didn't is your plan, then this thread is as stupid as all your others.......you know, as does everyone else here, that many cities blocked CFA for political reasons......
I am sure Deasantis knows he cannot do it. However he knows his lie is galvanizing the right into a paroxysm of Disney hate, and he thinks votes for him. I am sure the GOOFY governor knows better. he has some pros on staff. This is political red meat for the easily led.
It appears that archives was correct.

This was smoke and mirrors that aided DeathSentence's illegal passage of new voting districts.
Interesting. I wonder if those cities that hated on Chick-Fil-A have any so that the municipalities that used permit codes and taxation codes to keep Chick-Fil-A out of their cities might have some comeuppance.
Ironically, both CFA/Disney donate heavily to Republicans
Getting rid of the issuers of a bond does have an impact on a bond. If you hold CSA bonds, you are not getting paid. Everyone knows that.

Florida promised to pay any bonds if they got rid of the issuer, which means they are on the tab for $2billion, and all the government expenses that Reddy Creek would have paid.

not retroactive, as the court just affirmed......sorry to fuck up your fantasy.......
not retroactive, as the court just affirmed......sorry to fuck up your fantasy.......

It is a 60 year old law. Hardly retroactively. Everyone made plans based on Florida's 60 year old promise, and I doubt the courts are going to see your retroactive argument as applying.
I'm not seeing it the way you do. Example: Long ago when my kids were young, there was a family-owned pet store that had set up in a former single-family home in an older part of the town bordering Hwy. 70. The area had been rezoned as mixed so there were several other businesses that occupied former residential buildings. The problem with the pet store was that they started keeping dangerous animals. Outside they had chain link pens with a baby black bear, a baby lion, and some hybrid wolf pups. Inside they had a variety of small and large snakes (non venomous that I was aware of), rats, mice, lizards, scorpions, spiders, and a four-foot caymen that walked around the store. Neighbors complained about the sad plight of the outside animals as well as the inside. The city could do nothing since they'd issued the license to begin with. So they changed pet store licenses and tacked on a hefty fee (I think it was $500 per year) for each animal on the premises deemed "dangerous." The store folded up and left town.

Fair use of the city's power, or persecution? The store owner called it persecution, went to the news stations, tried to get customers to sign a petition, etc.

FL revoking a special incentive granted to a corporation to entice them to settle there smacks more of persecution than a legitimate use of power.
Ironically, Disney would not be laughing at DeathSentence right now if they had only discriminated against gay people.

There are no lawyers worth hiring in the state, who agree with DeathSentence. They would need a special session to change existing Fla. law in order to achieve what this new law is pushing.
It is a 60 year old law. Hardly retroactively. Everyone made plans based on Florida's 60 year old promise, and I doubt the courts are going to see your retroactive argument as applying.

its obvious.......no one has "made plans based on Florida's 60 year old promise" beyond 2029, which is the oldest of the existing bonds......Reedy Creek has no power to issue new bonds........it cannot and doesn't apply to any existing bonds......
its obvious.......no one has "made plans based on Florida's 60 year old promise" beyond 2029, which is the oldest of the existing bonds......Reedy Creek has no power to issue new bonds........it cannot and doesn't apply to any existing bonds......

Florida is on the hook for all existing bonds, and on the hook for all government commitments of Reddy Creek.
Poll: Over 60% of U.S. voters support language of Florida ...
https://www.washingtontimes.com › news › apr › poll-o...
Apr 1, 2022 — A poll released this week finds that 61% of U.S. registered voters support the language of Florida's new Parental Rights in Education law, ...

Poll shows BIPARTISAN support for Florida's Parental Rights ...
https://notthebee.com › article › poll-turns-out-people-a...
Mar 15, 2022 — A recent poll shows a majority of Americans, regardless of race, age, or political affiliation, support Florida's "Parental Rights in ...
uh dude.....I gave you an answer.......if pretending I didn't is your plan, then this thread is as stupid as all your others.......you know, as does everyone else here, that many cities blocked CFA for political reasons......

I know you believe that. And maybe it’s true, but I’ve seen no evidence.

The important question is, if it is true, was it wrong?
uh dude.....I gave you an answer.......if pretending I didn't is your plan, then this thread is as stupid as all your others.......you know, as does everyone else here, that many cities blocked CFA for political reasons......

I know you believe that. And maybe it’s true, but I’ve seen no evidence.

The important question is, if it is true, was it wrong?
Some have tried and, yes, it's wrong per the Constitution IMO.

Note the irony here: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/...ps-over-antigay-marriage-stance-b1884136.html

US Senator Lindsey Graham posted a strongly-worded opposition to the campaign on Facebook, saying: "If such a disastrous move ever came about – banning a commercial business due to them expressing their First Amendment rights – it would set a horrible precedent."

DeSantis is a lying cocksucker and a Pedo supporter. Fuck him. The odds favor him winning a second term as governor due to Republican redistricting in Florida, but I strongly doubt he'll ever be elected to the WH.
Some have tried and, yes, it's wrong per the Constitution IMO.

Note the irony here: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/...ps-over-antigay-marriage-stance-b1884136.html

US Senator Lindsey Graham posted a strongly-worded opposition to the campaign on Facebook, saying: "If such a disastrous move ever came about – banning a commercial business due to them expressing their First Amendment rights – it would set a horrible precedent."

DeSantis is a lying cocksucker and a Pedo supporter. Fuck him. The odds favor him winning a second term as governor due to Republican redistricting in Florida, but I strongly doubt he'll ever be elected to the WH.

Apparently it’s only OK if a Republican does it. The right type of Republican, Trump republican.

We all know from the last four years that Lindsey Graham says only what might help Lindsey Graham, and next week it may be the exact opposite of what he says today.