Uh oh! The planet is cooling

Why would we care about reducing CO2 emissions, if you and Damo are right, and the world scientific consensus is wrong? This thread was about CO2, not sulfur compounds or particulate matter from burning fossil fuels. Its obvious to me that until Damo threw you a life line, you were refering to reducing CO2 in the context of atmospheric pollution, rather than reducing it because of its global warming properties. We already know how to reduce sulfur and particulate matter pollution; we've had laws on the books for 30 years to deal with those pollutants. No one is looking for who to "blame" for that; we know the orgin, scope, and extent of that problem.

If you don't accept the scientific consensus that CO2 emissions are warming the planet, there's no need to worry about CO2 emissions from fossil fuels. CO2 at atmospheric concentrations is neither toxic or carcinogenic to humans, and its not even an odor nuisance. There would be no need to regulate it under the standard definition of a pollutant.

What this thread shows is how extremist you and Damo are. Every government on the planet (Including both McCain and Bush), and every major scientific body on the planet with expertise in climate science, have concluded that that CO2 emissions are helping to warm the planet. The fact that you and Damo continue to deny it, erodes your stature as self-proclaimed moderate, sensible conservatives. You are ensconsed firmly in the rhetoric of the extreme right wing, and global warming denialists.

Really moron? Because I didn't even mention CO2. I could care less about CO2. I have not stated that CO2 doesn't contribute to warming.

I said we need to stop this idiotic "who can we blame" bullshit. Lets reduce pollution. Air, Water, Land.... it does us NO good to pollute any of them. It is bad for our health. By shifting to clean energy we IMPROVE our health.

In addition, a move to clean energy reduces our dependency on foreign energy.... which is good for our national security.

In addition to that.... and do try to pay attention you religious hack.... IF you reduce the use of fossil fuels.... CO2 emmissions go DOWN.

So quit spewing around and projecting your idiotic nonsense of what you THINK my position is.

Go back to any other thread on this subject and you will see that I, unlike you, can focus on the big picture and I am not religiously beholden to CO2.
If one doesn't believe that CO2 emissions contribute to global warming, there's no compelling need to reduce the burning of fossil fuels in the context of pollution. Existing laws and technologies can mitigate the effects of sulfur and particulate matter emissions. We could move to clean coal technology, for example.
If one doesn't believe that CO2 emissions contribute to global warming, there's no compelling need to reduce the burning of fossil fuels in the context of pollution. Existing laws and technologies can mitigate the effects of sulfur and particulate matter emissions. We could move to clean coal technology, for example.
There still would be a need to mitigate the need for foreign source dependancy, and continuing the search for emissionless power is not contingent on the need for an unreslient belief in a consensus that may or may not change as we gain more knowledge.

There is also the powerful argument that it can fuel our economy to come up with the next source of power that will lead us into the next millenium and enable the US to remain at the top in economic advantage.

Ignoring all other benefit because you MUST only do it because of CO2, and therefore you must be called to task even if you agree in the goal, just not the "sole" reason for it, becomes a religious mantra and counter productive as well as just plain dumb. Making logical and larger reasons that will effect people now and hopefully drive the goal into more of society is not "bad" or even inconsistent with a belief that global warming could be contributed to by humans.

Believing that hamstringing innovation by limiting the ability of the very society that will likely come up with the solution is counterproductive and foolish certainly isn't inconsistent with a belief we need to do something about it either.
There still would be a need to mitigate the need for foreign source dependancy, and continuing the search for emissionless power is not contingent on the need for an unreslient belief in a consensus that may or may not change as we gain more knowledge.

There is also the powerful argument that it can fuel our economy to come up with the next source of power that will lead us into the next millenium and enable the US to remain at the top in economic advantage.

Ignoring all other benefit because you MUST only do it because of CO2, and therefore you must be called to task even if you agree in the goal, just not the "sole" reason for it, becomes a religious mantra.

There still would be a need to mitigate the need for foreign source dependancy,

That's why I said if you dont' believe CO2 emission are warming the planet yet you still want to get off foreign oil, the best bet is to use coal and upgrade clean coal technology. Because we have enough domestic coal to last for centuries.

Because, if you don't think CO2 is warming the planet, and if armchair scientists think the global scientific consensus is wrong, then there's no compelling need to back away from fossil fuels.
There still would be a need to mitigate the need for foreign source dependancy,

That's why I said if you dont' believe CO2 emission are warming the planet yet you still want to get off foreign oil, the best bet is to use coal and upgrade clean coal technology. Because we have enough domestic coal to last for centuries.

Because, if you don't think CO2 is warming the planet, and if armchair scientists think the global scientific consensus is wrong, then there's no compelling need to back away from fossil fuels.
Except there is again the need to make it emissionless, which it is not now. While we may be able to mitigate some of the emissions, there is still pollution generated even from "clean burning" coal production. Again, the religious need to only mitigate global warming is a foolish limitation.

It also ignores the very large economic benefit. There are many more benefits the US can get from this without religiously focusing on only CO2.
If one doesn't believe that CO2 emissions contribute to global warming, there's no compelling need to reduce the burning of fossil fuels in the context of pollution. Existing laws and technologies can mitigate the effects of sulfur and particulate matter emissions. We could move to clean coal technology, for example.


You crack me up.

Even IF clean coal technology was pollutant free... which it is most certainly not.... you still have the effects of mining on the land, air pollution in the mines themselves etc.... Just out of curiosity... do you even KNOW anything about clean coal tech? Do you realize the costs involved with capturing the carbon? Do you understand that the chemicals don't just magically disappear when the coal is "cleaned"? That they have to be stored or disposed of somewhere? Do you comprehend that they still have to transport the coal?

If you think that there are no pollution considerations other than CO2, then you are an idiot and really shouldn't be discussing this issue.

You crack me up.

Even IF clean coal technology was pollutant free... which it is most certainly not.... you still have the effects of mining on the land, air pollution in the mines themselves etc.... Just out of curiosity... do you even KNOW anything about clean coal tech? Do you realize the costs involved with capturing the carbon? Do you understand that the chemicals don't just magically disappear when the coal is "cleaned"? That they have to be stored or disposed of somewhere? Do you comprehend that they still have to transport the coal?

If you think that there are no pollution considerations other than CO2, then you are an idiot and really shouldn't be discussing this issue.
It reminds me of that SNL skit with Admiral Stockdale shouting "Gridlock!" all the time...

It just needs to be replaced with "CO2!"
There still would be a need to mitigate the need for foreign source dependancy,

That's why I said if you dont' believe CO2 emission are warming the planet yet you still want to get off foreign oil, the best bet is to use coal and upgrade clean coal technology. Because we have enough domestic coal to last for centuries.

Because, if you don't think CO2 is warming the planet, and if armchair scientists think the global scientific consensus is wrong, then there's no compelling need to back away from fossil fuels.

You really are a moron aren't you?

Neither of us has stated that CO2 doesn't contribute to global warming. We are not arguing with your precious consensus. We are saying focus on the big picture and the CO2 problem will be taken care of.

I notice you haven't managed to answer my question....

Does the reduction of fossil fuel consumption lower CO2 emissions?

You crack me up.

Even IF clean coal technology was pollutant free... which it is most certainly not.... you still have the effects of mining on the land, air pollution in the mines themselves etc.... Just out of curiosity... do you even KNOW anything about clean coal tech? Do you realize the costs involved with capturing the carbon? Do you understand that the chemicals don't just magically disappear when the coal is "cleaned"? That they have to be stored or disposed of somewhere? Do you comprehend that they still have to transport the coal?

If you think that there are no pollution considerations other than CO2, then you are an idiot and really shouldn't be discussing this issue.

The rightwing "sudden" concern with sulfur and particulate matter pollution from fossil fuels is a ruse. It was the rightwing that fought tooth and nail against environmental regulations to mitigate sulfur compound emissions.

Remember how you guys laughed about acid rain? And now your trying to potray yourselves as noble crusadors against sulfur and particulate pollution from fossil fuels? Don't make me laugh.

The "sudden" concern about pollution from fossil fuels is a ruse. You can't admit the rightwing has been wrong for 20 years about CO2. Its similar to how the rightwing can't admit they were wrong about Iraq. They know they were wrong, but they can't admit it publically.
The rightwing "sudden" concern with sulfur and particulate matter pollution from fossil fuels is a ruse. It was the rightwing that fought tooth and nail against environmental regulations to mitigate sulfur compound emissions.

Remember how you guys laughed about acid rain? And now your trying to potray yourselves as noble crusadors against sulfur and particulate pollution from fossil fuels? Don't make me laugh.

The "sudden" concern about pollution from fossil fuels is a ruse. You can't admit the rightwing has been wrong for 20 years about CO2. Its similar to how the rightwing can't admit they were wrong about Iraq. They know they were wrong, but they can't admit it publically.

The rightwing "sudden" concern with sulfur and particulate matter pollution from fossil fuels is a ruse. It was the rightwing that fought tooth and nail against environmental regulations to mitigate sulfur compound emissions.

Remember how you guys laughed about acid rain? And now your trying to potray yourselves as noble crusadors against sulfur and particulate pollution from fossil fuels? Don't make me laugh.

The "sudden" concern about pollution from fossil fuels is a ruse. You can't admit the rightwing has been wrong for 20 years about CO2. Its similar to how the rightwing can't admit they were wrong about Iraq. They know they were wrong, but they can't admit it publically.


"No, I had no fucking clue that "clean coal tech" was actually still bad for the environment. I was told to shout CO2 everytime someone brought up this subject and now I don't know what to do when someone brings up other related topics"
Messageboard posters Superfreak and Damo: Don't worry too much about CO2

List of those who DO worry about CO2, and think CO2 emissions ARE warming the planet"

1) All of the major scientific bodies and organizations on the entire Planet, who have expertise in climate science, agree that human activities contributing to global warming/global climate change:

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
United States National Academy of Science
American Meteorological Society
American Geophysical Union
American Institute of Physics
American Astronomical Society
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Geological Society of America
U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
National Aeronautics and Space Administration

plus, The National Science Academies of:

United Kingdom
the Carribean,
New Zealand,

2) Peer Reviewed Scientific Research.

One of America’s most respected scientific journals (Science Magazine), conducted a huge survey of the peer reviewed scientific literature pertaining to global warming.

Their survey found that since 1993, there have been no (zero) peer-reviewed published research papers that has disagreed with, or debunked, the consensus position on anthropogenic global climate change.*

* http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/306/5702/1686

3) All the major world political leaders on the planet - including George Bush - agree than human activities and human greenhouse emissions, are impacting climate change. And that human emissions need to be curtailed, or reduced.
LOL. I was hoping that Thread Director would show up and put something like:

Enter Cypress stage left, line: CO2! Lots of People think CO2! causes global warming! Here is a list!
List of those who DO worry about CO2, and think CO2 emissions ARE warming the planet"
List of people who can't think past CO2 and understand that there could be even more benefits than that in mitigation of emissions when creating energy:

LOL. I was hoping that Thread Director would show up and put something like:

Enter Cypress stage left, line: CO2! Lots of People think CO2! causes global warming! Here is a list!

Your an armchair scientist Damo. You have no training or educaion in climate science. You have no more experience in climate science, than you do in neurosurgery. I'll take the nearly universal consensus scientific opinion of the world, over your and superfreak's opinion on this.
Your an armchair scientist Damo. You have no training or educaion in climate science. You have no more experience in climate science, than you do in neurosurgery. I'll take the nearly universal consensus scientific opinion of the world, over your and superfreak's opinion on this.

The problem Cypress is that you are far too ignorant to understand our position. Not once have we stated that CO2 doesn't contribute to warming. Not once. Yet you continue to pretend that we have. Why is that Cypress?

Again, you have yet to answer....

Does the reduction/elimination of fossil fuels reduce CO2 emissions?
The problem Cypress is that you are far too ignorant to understand our position. Not once have we stated that CO2 doesn't contribute to warming. Not once. Yet you continue to pretend that we have. Why is that Cypress?

Again, you have yet to answer....

Does the reduction/elimination of fossil fuels reduce CO2 emissions?

Its not sufficient to come on here, and proclaim that we don't know one way or the other, if CO2 emissions are warming the planet. That's your position, from what I can tell.

We do know, with 90% empirical certainty that CO2 emissions are warming the planet. Every government on the planet as signed off on that conclusion, through the IPCC.

If you were told by a team of nuerosurgeons that they thought there was a 90% probablity that you had a brain tumour, you wouldn't blow that off and minimize it.