Ukraine's defeat this year; How it might pan out.


Satire for Sanity
Relying upon international law to save Ukraine is out of the question. The genocidal Jews have crapped all over international law - with American support.
Biden is a war criminal. He has supplied arms to a rogue state.

However, the US has succeeded in destroying the once-blooming relationships between Russia and European countries. That was the aim from the start. All this ' Ukrainian NATO self-determination nonsense was simply a pentagon smokescreen from which to attack Russia.

Biden now has war choices to keep him in a job; war with Iran or direct war with Russia. The United States will no longer exist following option 2- so the genocidal geriatric dotard is likely to fall into Netanyahu's long-standing trap- a US war with Iran.


This is how it will work...the Ukrainians will get to "Fuck this shit.....I am going home".

There is zero chance this ends without the Ukrainians sure that we betrayed them....I told you all this well over a year ago.
It appears that the Russians have devote huge manufacturing capacity to drones and missiles.

It appears that the Russians have devote huge manufacturing capacity to drones and missiles.


Nobody thinks that the Ukrainians have more than 25 Patriot interceptors left ,,,,and yes the Patriot is like three generations behind what the Russians have....but it was something.

There are no more to waste on them....the cupboard is bare.
Nobody thinks that the Ukrainians have more than 25 Patriot interceptors left ,,,,and yes the Patriot is like three generations behind what the Russians have....but it was something.

There are no more to waste on them....the cupboard is bare.

The cupboard is bare? Certainly you're referring to joe biden's head.
Demanding wars that turn into humiliating loses is about as bad as it gets.

Buckle Up...this is going to hurt.
Russia produces more and better arms than the entire West.

China produces more than 7 times what Russia does.'

Buckle Up.
Russia has invented modern land warfare...the American Generals have not the first fucking clue what they are doing...take a good look at Mileys spring offensive for illustration.
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Ukraine is the biggest land war since WW2, and the Russians have kicked our asses.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
What should happen soon ? Imo Ukraine should firstly swap Zelensky for a more intelligent model, somebody who is appalled at the staggering Ukrainian losses for the sake of a NATO membership to appease Ukrainian neo-Nazis. They are mostly all killed off by now anyway and it must be evident to all but the most feeble-minded armchair generals that Russia would nuke Washington rather than allow a Ukrainian NATO. We have John McCain to thank for the insane concept in the first instance.
Then Ukraine's new leadership,hopefully a Russophile, should negotiate terms in which all the territory that declared independence from Ukraine- way back post-coup- should hold referenda to determine if they want to stay with the occupying Russians or revert to Ukraine. So that's as DEMOCRATIC a result as Biden is going to get. I don't suppose that there are many Americans who are willing to die for Zelensky's NATO ambitions- except perhaps among the NATO megaphones here on JPP - and they're all sitting comfortably waiting to be eradicated by the next climate extreme.

Haw, haw............................haw.

Zelensky can go into exile in Tel Aviv or Florida- whichever is willing to pay for his future protection.
What should happen soon ? Imo Ukraine should firstly swap Zelensky for a more intelligent model, somebody who is appalled at the staggering Ukrainian losses for the sake of a NATO membership to appease Ukrainian neo-Nazis. They are mostly all killed off by now anyway and it must be evident to all but the most feeble-minded armchair generals that Russia would nuke Washington rather than allow a Ukrainian NATO. We have John McCain to thank for the insane concept in the first instance.
Then Ukraine's new leadership,hopefully a Russophile, should negotiate terms in which all the territory that declared independence from Ukraine- way back post-coup- should hold referenda to determine if they want to stay with the occupying Russians or revert to Ukraine. So that's as DEMOCRATIC a result as Biden is going to get. I don't suppose that there are many Americans who are willing to die for Zelensky's NATO ambitions- except perhaps among the NATO megaphones here on JPP - and they're all sitting comfortably waiting to be eradicated by the next climate extreme.

Haw, haw............................haw.

Zelensky can go into exile in Tel Aviv or Florida- whichever is willing to pay for his future protection.

Z is almost certainly dead man walking....he knows too much about the crimes to be allowed to live.
In order to bring the war to ' successful conclusion ' the Russians might bomb Ukraine to rubble and blockade it entirely, cutting off supplies of food, water and medicine to bring about mass starvation and disease. It might deliberately target women and children and shoot anybody attempting to surrender under white flags. It might even direct Ukrainians to 'safe havens ' and bomb them there along with attacking any aid convoys trying to help them. As an added disincentive it might target aid workers themselves and murder any journalist attempting to report on its atrocities.

No- that's not the Russian agenda. That's America's allies, the genocidal Jews. The US is even arming them with hypocrisy bombs.
It is stupid and frustrating that we are even talking about this to be honest. The fucking thing should have NEVER started. In truth,....all sides involved are ending up getting exactly whats coming to them. Americans are so politicized now that they have lost almost all ability to think. We have become the dumbest mother fers on earth too stupid to think beyond what our dumb ass corrupt party heads TELL US to think. So many of the left in here kept spouting " The battle of our time" like a bunch of fucking idiots now sit silent feeling foolish like the cucks they are. All the lives lost,....the destroyed infrastructure and waste of billions of OUR tax dollars for what? NOTHING ! Actually for less than nothing. All for Ukraine to end up WAY WORSE then where they were before. BRAVO!!! Fucking idiots.
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Maybe for your next act you can encourage a 12 year old in a wheel chair to take on Tyson Fury in the ring. Surely the kid will come out great with all your backing and support. :rolleyes: You cannnnnnnnnn doooooooooo it! :|
I remember how Iran folded as soon as it realized Reagan had won and released their hostages before he was inaugurated......I expect Putin to do the same after Trump's win this fall.......