Ukrainian neo-Nazis attack Moscow concert hall


Satire for Sanity
The Israeli fascist scum attack hospitals and kill doctors, nurses, patients and babies in incubators.

Ukrainian fascist scum attack music concerts.

Same scum- different flags.

As ISIS had claimed responsibility for the attack on a Moscow concert hall leave if to another Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom suicidal schizoid super ego to pontificate Christiananality pedophilia pseudoscience.....
Hamas(Russia's ally) massacres people at a music festival, as a special gift to Putin on his birthday. It then uses a hospital as human shields. ISIS attacks a Russian concert hall. Russia kidnaps Ukrainian children.

The world is a brutal place... But I do not see Ukraine going over the line. If Israel is going over the line, it is just barely.
Quite clearly- the Russians are not to be fooled by the West's well- prepared smokescreen for the Ukrainian Nazis.
The world's public-at-large are already condemning US support for Zelensky- even in the US. Support for slaughtering concert-going civilians will reduce that approval further.

As for supporting the degenerate Jewish fascists of Israel- there are desperate ongoing efforts to maintain the false narrative of Israeli victim-hood.
Quite clearly- the Russians are not to be fooled by the West's well- prepared smokescreen for the Ukrainian Nazis.
The world's public-at-large are already condemning US support for Zelensky- even in the US. Support for slaughtering concert-going civilians will reduce that approval further.

As for supporting the degenerate Jewish fascists of Israel- there are desperate ongoing efforts to maintain the false narrative of Israeli victim-hood.

So glad someone resuscitated you from your coma to return to JPP as the hateful, dishonest, anti-Semitic, Putin cocksucker you have always been.
Same day conclusion ;

' ' The US has said it received intelligence that the terror group acted alone. “Isis bears sole responsibility for this attack. There was no Ukrainian involvement whatsoever,” the national security council spokesperson, Adrienne Watson, said in a statement.' '

Haw, haw...............................haw.


Haw, haw.....................................haw.
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'MOSCOW, March 25. /TASS/. After the Crocus City Hall attack, the US tries to bail Ukraine out by mentioning the Islamic State (IS, ISIS, outlawed in Russia) terror group, outlawed in Russia, and to cover itself and the Zelensky regime it created, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in an article for

"The American political engineers cornered themselves with their tales that the Crocus City Hall attack was carried out by the ISIS terror group," the diplomat noted. "Hence Washington’s daily bailing out of its wards in Kiev, and the attempt to cover itself and the Zelensky regime they created with the scarecrow of the outlawed ISIS."

Zakharova noted that a number of factors directly and indirectly indicate the US authorities’ involvement in sponsoring the Ukrainian terrorism.

"Billions of dollar and an unprecedented amount of weapons, invested without accountability and with use of corruption schemes into the Kiev regime, the aggressive rhetoric regarding Russia, the rabid nationalism, the ban for peace talks on Ukraine, the endless calls for a force resolution of the conflict, the refusal to condemn the years-long terror attacks, carried out by the Kiev regime, and the massive informational and political support of any, even the most atrocious actions of Zelensky," she listed.

The spokeswoman also noted that previously, the US intervention in Middle Eastern affairs has led to the emergence, strengthening and institutionalization of a number of radical and terrorist groups that remain active in the region even today.'