Unhinged again!

trump is a very real, childish man child who never grew up. Being childish is not somehow more authentic.
He's not a fake phony politician...there's nothing worse...
My choice for President would have been Ron...but I really like JD...and I like President Trump more every day...and Kam less...
I don't even have to watch the news anymore...I just read the angst and clips posted here...
He pretty much has. The documents case is a game of hypocrisy and double standards being played by Democrats.'

Why was it perfectly okay for Biden to break the law in a more egregious way keeping documents for decades? Explain.
Indeed, Biden was NEVER AUTHORIZED to have those documents for even a minute, let alone years!
Worse, he exposed those documents to agents from Ukraine and China. That's espionage, and an act of treason.
There is a very real difference between a child acting childish, and a man approaching 80 acting childish.
Trump is an unevolved teenage bully. He never grew up and he will not. You read each day wondering what stupid thing he said.
He's not a fake phony politician...there's nothing worse...
My choice for President would have been Ron...but I really like JD...and I like President Trump more every day...and Kam less...
I don't even have to watch the news anymore...I just read the angst and clips posted here...
There's your problem.
Trump is an unevolved teenage bully. He never grew up and he will not. You read each day wondering what stupid thing he said.
My father told me to avoid the bullies. I was, and am, an athletic person, so I wondered why. The bullies will not come after me.

My father explained that it was because the bullies live sad lives. They lack the life skills to survive in the world. They will just drag you down. It is one of the truer things my father told me.