University presidents waffled in condemning calls for genocide. Jews are on our own

Guno צְבִי;5882541 said:
as much as ever

Hours after hundreds of white supremacists marched with torches in Charlottesville chanting “Jews will not replace us,” the condemnations started flowing.

Harvard University issued a statement characterizing the events in Charlottesville as “deeply distressing.” The “hatred, racism, and violence,” it continued, deserve “our strongest condemnation.” The University of Pennsylvania and MIT issued similar statements.

These strong and unequivocal condemnations were comforting to most Americans, and especially to Jewish communities in the U.S. and around the world.

Only seven years later, representatives of the same three universities — testifying under oath in front of Congress — were unable to unequivocally say that similarly antisemitic hate speech would constitute a violation of their universities’ policies if it happened on their own campuses.

I’ve long been a defender of freedom of speech in universities and academic freedom, including when it comes to criticizing Israel and its policies.

But the line should be very clear: Incitement to violence, and calling for mass murder of Jews or any other population — which history tells us can very easily transform into action — cannot be tolerated.

In 2023, with well-funded diversity, equity and inclusion programs operating across every aspect of society, it should not be so difficult for Jews to demand our right to be protected against hate speech.

However, since Oct. 7, it has become increasingly clear to all of us Jews that, as has been true for centuries, we’re pretty much on our own.

This is a difficult topic. Speech calling for harm or death to others should not be considered protected speech, IMO. OTOH demanding that a university president condemn one side but not the other is also wrong, IMO. Why not make it perfectly clear that students are free to express support for whatever causes they want, as long as they do not call for harm while doing it? The penalty for violating this should be expulsion.
Start over and try again.

The claim that CRT = white hate isn't true. The only reason you think it's true is because FOX ordered you to think that. Left to your own devices, you would never have independently thought up the idea that CRT was a program of white hatred

I don't do word games.

crt teaches racial discrimination GOING FORWARD as a remedy.

most people consider racial discrimination to be a form of hate.

im not entertaining you in your self-delusory word games.
a facet of cultural marxism perpetuated in universities which claims all white people are racist no matter what, even if they are not.

it advocates racial preferences in all facets of society.
Interesting, but an expectedly biased view.

CRT points out that "race" is a social construct and, as such, societies can have bigoted social systems based upon past beliefs, i.e. that skin-tone matters. If you agree that Affirmative Action is an example of a social construct based upon past flawed ideas about "race", then you are agreeing with CRT, Freda.

CRT is not just recognizing this problem, but goes the next step by asking the key question "What do we do about it?"

The people who are animalistic, and often on the backside of both the IQ and Education curves, answer the question with "STFU. Wait your turn". IMO, that's both selfish and bad for our nation since our nation benefits when all of its citizens are educated and productive members of society.

Racial preferences is, by definition, racist. Race is a social construct. It doesn't exist in science, only among fucking morons and uneducated losers.
Interesting, but an expectedly biased view.

CRT points out that "race" is a social construct and, as such, societies can have bigoted social systems based upon past beliefs, i.e. that skin-tone matters. If you agree that Affirmative Action is an example of a social construct based upon past flawed ideas about "race", then you are agreeing with CRT, Freda.

CRT is not just recognizing this problem, but goes the next step by asking the key question "What do we do about it?"

The people who are animalistic, and often on the backside of both the IQ and Education curves, answer the question with "STFU. Wait your turn". IMO, that's both selfish and bad for our nation since our nation benefits when all of its citizens are educated and productive members of society.

Racial preferences is, by definition, racist. Race is a social construct. It doesn't exist in science, only among fucking morons and uneducated losers.

but they still want to keep race checkboxes on all forms and use race to discriminate.

they're uneducated losers, yet you want them polluting the minds of children.

but they still want to keep race checkboxes on all forms and use race to discriminate.

they're uneducated losers, yet you want them polluting the minds of children.

They? You mean individual citizens exercising their First Amendment rights? So what? I disagree with them, but times change slowly.

You're free to lie about me and children, Freda. I believe it's because you are brain-damaged, which is why you are being groomed as a patsy. Still, if you have a quote of mine backing up your lies, I'd be curious to see it.
They? You mean individual citizens exercising their First Amendment rights? So what? I disagree with them, but times change slowly.

You're free to lie about me and children, Freda. I believe it's because you are brain-damaged, which is why you are being groomed as a patsy. Still, if you have a quote of mine backing up your lies, I'd be curious to see it.

so you do or don't want critical race theory people teaching affirmative action racial discrimination in schools?

wtf dude?

stay on topic.