Unwinding the Fiat Economy

So now Good luck will go back to pretending trade can be free despite the totalitarianism of fiat currency.

According to good luck, there is no real choice besides fiat currency totalitarianism. his charade is such a pale reflection of honesty.

How little restriction do you think I should have when doing business overseas.

Do I have to be mandated to deal with a union when I can do business with a non union business?
Zombie's Asshole does not want discussion - he wants attention, like a whiny 3 year old crying for a mommy that doesn't hug him enough.

Hey Asshole. I'll trade you fresh lettuce from my garden for a computer. How much lettuce equals one computer?

The local gas station needs to fill their tanks so they can sell the gasoline to people who drive cars. How many chickens do they need to trade for 25,000 gallons of 88 octane automotive gasoline?

I want discussion. And price discovery will not just occur overnight with the barter markets. It will take time. But it's worth doing, because the upside is perpetual freedom from currency based tyranny.

Can I get a couple hundred years like the current banker manipulators to hone the system, plus some support from like minded people in government, are there any? No. Because they're all brainwashed totalitarians who believe in things like "hegemonic stability" and "realpolitik". Fancy words for assholery.

So. Step 1: Raise public awarenes. Are you on board?

(you don't have to have fully worked out system just to merely make people aware how currency systems are subject to abuse.)
Says the guy who doesn't believe in freedom. You want to trap us all in a feudal society.

Debt slavery is merely a technocratic prison, with the ability to actually make people negatively wealthy for generations into the future.
How little restriction do you think I should have when doing business overseas.
It depends on the laws of the sovereign states you trade in and the impact they wish you to have on their society

Do I have to be mandated to deal with a union when I can do business with a non union business?

no. But like wise, individuals have a right to organize, just like businesses form cartels, workers form union. You shouldn't be mandated to deal with them. You can fire them all, but you also cannot change immigration law to get an unlimited number of new workers either. So you need to be reasonable.

And Im definitely AGAINST CARDCHECK. sorry seiu.
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The main problem with the reserve is that it is a meld of government agency and private banking interests. In short, there are private bankers having control over the availability and value of the currency our economy runs on. Calling it a conflict of interest is like saying BP has had a minor spill. Like I said, the Constitution mandates that the federal government has the authority to coin AND SET THE VALUE of currency in this nation. Therefore that particular aspect of the federal reserve I haven't a problem with (except the dough heads who run it.)

The other problem is there is no limit to how much the federal reserve can do to influence the money supply. It is more than simply adjusting interest rates (a whole different kettle of fish with its own influences and consequences). It literally has nothing to do with the economy - they are taking numbers out of thin air and giving them value. If a bank has new loans to make, they don;t have to actually HAVE the money, they just ask the federal reserve for it. The problme is the federal reserve does not have the money either, they just issue it, brand new numbers in the computer. Thes days they don't even have to wind up the presses at the mint. Just "Sure, you can have another 50 billion dollars." and pull it out of the nethers.

That is NOT what money is. Money - and it does not matter if it has a real-item backing or not - is a SYMBOL of real value - the value of the economy itself. Giving money itself value changes the relationship of money to economic reality - distorts the hell out of it.

By backing currency with something real, it KIND of places a limit on how the government can influence the money supply, but unless there is an added limit on HOW they set the value of currency, they can still get away with effectively running 100 bills through the TP factory. To use the traditional gold-backed dollar, there is still that relationship between the value of gold and the value of other items in the economy. Play with that basic relationship too much by changing the value of the dollar compared to its gold backing, and again the relationship is distorted, causing problems (inflation, etc.) The only difference (though, psychologically a not-insignificant one) is they have to actively and up front diminish the dollar value compared to its commodity backing when they bring a bunch of new, unsupported cash, into the economy.

I say we need to get rid of the federal reserve system. Yes, we need a federal department that handles the coining money and setting value of the U.S. dollar. But the current system is fucked, and the best way to change it would be get rid of it and start over from scratch with a new system that includes a commodity based currency, and a treasury dept. that has specific limited ability to change things like the dollar value relative to its backing while putting things like interest rates in law (ie: takes an act of congress, signed by the president to change them).

Of the three reserve systems that have existed, FBUS, SBUS, and the Fed, the First Bank was the most effective and the most privately run. It also had barely any corruption or issues of that nature, which could just have been a product of the civic nature of the men of the age.

The Fed plays an important role in the US economy, and I would argue that problems surrounding the Fed, such as your criticism of large loans, and my criticism of interest rates, can be fixed simply by regulating how the Fed can behave, and not by eliminating it altogether.
Of the three reserve systems that have existed, FBUS, SBUS, and the Fed, the First Bank was the most effective and the most privately run. It also had barely any corruption or issues of that nature, which could just have been a product of the civic nature of the men of the age.

The Fed plays an important role in the US economy, and I would argue that problems surrounding the Fed, such as your criticism of large loans, and my criticism of interest rates, can be fixed simply by regulating how the Fed can behave, and not by eliminating it altogether.

No you idiot. The very design of having a single group of men creating value for the entire economy and deciding who gets it in a top down way is totalitarianism. It can't be tweaked. It's fundamentally fucked.
No you idiot. The very design of having a single group of men creating value for the entire economy and deciding who gets it in a top down way is totalitarianism. It can't be tweaked. It's fundamentally fucked.

So its unfair, because Asshate doesn't get to input his opinions about how the economy should be mismanaged...
I want discussion. And price discovery will not just occur overnight with the barter markets. It will take time. But it's worth doing, because the upside is perpetual freedom from currency based tyranny.

Can I get a couple hundred years like the current banker manipulators to hone the system, plus some support from like minded people in government, are there any? No. Because they're all brainwashed totalitarians who believe in things like "hegemonic stability" and "realpolitik". Fancy words for assholery.

So. Step 1: Raise public awarenes. Are you on board?

(you don't have to have fully worked out system just to merely make people aware how currency systems are subject to abuse.)

I have the solution to your problem of how to educate the population.

You need to let your hair and beard grow really long, find yourself a robe (preferably something made of a coarse material), buy a sandwich board, and walk the streets ringing a bell and proclaiming the truth. :good4u:
It depends on the laws of the sovereign states you trade in and the impact they wish you to have on their society

no. But like wise, individuals have a right to organize, just like businesses form cartels, workers form union. You shouldn't be mandated to deal with them. You can fire them all, but you also cannot change immigration law to get an unlimited number of new workers either. So you need to be reasonable.

And Im definitely AGAINST CARDCHECK. sorry seiu.

I can't wait until unions get what they deserve.