Up to 25 House Democrats Preparing to Ask Biden to Withdraw

I just want to remind everyone that just 4 months ago, everyone was saying Biden was "fiery", "feisty", "articulate", and drew sharp contrasts between himself and Trump during his State of the Union.

If Biden were to stand aside, who would run in his place? The only logical choice is Kamala Harris. But Biden isn't going to stand aside from the ticket...he already beat Trump's ass once and since 2017, Trump and his allies have been on a massive losing streak.

Lost the House in 2018
Lost the White House in 2020
Lost the Senate in 2021
Lost a red wave in 2022
Lost a Senate seat in 2022
Lost the AZ Gov, SoS, AG races in 2022
Lost the PA Gov, SoS, and AG races in 2022
Lost the WI Gov and WI Supreme court majority
Lost at least half a dozen state legislature trifectas
Lost every single abortion referendum

Trump has opened 0 campaign offices, has raised less money than Biden (which is all going to his legal defense), can't string together a single coherent thought, is convicted of 34 felonies, lost at least 500,000 of his voters to COVID, and drags the same stupid people to his rallies all over the country like they're following the Grateful Dead or Phish.

Apart from the public polls, what other electoral indicators are there that this is even a close election?
pEarl is posting fake news. Ignore him.
“Dr.” Jill should tell Joe to withdraw.

The POTUS has to get permission to stay in the race from…his wife.

Too funny.
But it doesnt make any sense though,...unless the LEFT HAS BEEN LYING THAT IS. For 4 years we on the right said that Joe wasnt fit due to his mental decline and the entire left said that not only were we wrong but it was some far right disinformation propaganda thing. We were accused of using deep fakes and cheap fakes,...we were accused of lying or not knowing what we were talking about when in fact it was the LEFT doing all the lying about Joe's condition. LW voters, media and politicians can no longer be trusted anymore by anyone. They lied thru their teeth for 4 straight years and now they have finally painted themselves into a corner because of it all. In short,............they are fucked.
I did not make any of those charges on this issue, Stone.

Ummm,....its DEMOCRATS asking him to step aside. Reading is a great thing IF you understand what you are reading.

Trolls have no need to read. @NakedHunterBiden is just trolling for any reaction she can get. She barely understands the issue - but the hate sites have her VERY emotional. Besides, she really hates Trump - so that makes her a good person. The democrat theme song is "all you need is hate."
Doesn't mean they are correct for doing so. I think if anyone steps aside it should be trump. You really don't have anyone else that is better than a raping felon to represent you?

With each passing minute you get more shrill with your slander and defamation. It shows you've lost your grip.

Which makes me smile.
pEarl is posting fake news. Ignore him.

Says the troll claiming some secret "Epstein Files" that only Raw Sewage has...

You are so desperate to find something - ANYTHING to stop the implosion of your filthy party.

I'm not usually a fan of schadenfreude, but in this case I make an exception.
Says the troll claiming some secret "Epstein Files" that only Raw Sewage has...

You are so desperate to find something - ANYTHING to stop the implosion of your filthy party.

I'm not usually a fan of schadenfreude, but in this case I make an exception.
yeah weird how raw story only has them when it's being published by several news outlets. Weird how that works...
Trolls have no need to read. @NakedHunterBiden is just trolling for any reaction she can get. She barely understands the issue - but the hate sites have her VERY emotional. Besides, she really hates Trump - so that makes her a good person. The democrat theme song is "all you need is hate."
You don't hate child rapists? Strange most sane people do.
yeah weird how raw story only has them when it's being published by several news outlets. Weird how that works...


Just like Obama raped 6 year old boys on the resolute desk while Biden held them down.

Standard Disclaimer: Telling disgusting lies is easy. Bummer you can't come up with anything substantive.

Up to 25 House Democrats preparing to ask Biden to withdraw: Report​

I notice only one of those 25 is actually named in the article.

Sounds like more baseless supposition from the notoriously partisan Washington Examiner to me.

Just like Obama raped 6 year old boys on the resolute desk while Biden held them down.

Standard Disclaimer: Telling disgusting lies is easy. Bummer you can't come up with anything substantive.
Funny I can't even find one article saying the above. Could it be you are a big fat liar like your raping felon messiah?
Withdrawal is what Biden's father should have done 81 years ago.
Correct. Democrats asking a Democratic president to step aside for a good reason.

NHB was wondering why the Republicans are not asking their disgusting presidential nominee to step aside for much, much, much better reasons.

Where did your slogan go Franky?