Upon further review....

After seeing the total and complete meltdown the left is having over Sarah Palin, I may have to reconsider my previous evaluation of the pick. It's fun to watch liberals lose it.... really it is!! One of my favorite pleasures in life, actually! You can just sense the panic in their posts... they don't know what to do with this... it's really throwing them for a loop, and they don't know how to deal with it.

Palin connects with 'regular' Americans in a way no other candidate in the race can, and will appeal to the typical 'Soccer Mom.' Her son is serving in Iraq, so there goes that piece of anti-war rhetorical garbage. She's smart, articulate, and hard-hitting, and will probably clean Biden's clock in the debates. I wouldn't be surprised to get him so flustered, he makes some irrational comment degrading women, in the process.... we know he is capable of this.

The more I think about it, and the more I see liberals absolutely beside themselves over her selection, the more I am inclined to believe McCain made a pretty damn good choice for a running mate. I hereby redact my previous criticisms! GO SARAH!!
Palin will expose liberalism for the inherently sexist ideology it is, and that in itself brings a smile to my face.
I think it's more than that. I think Sarah Palin is someone who could galvanize a solid woman's coalition in America. Think about this... last week, how many average American women knew who Sarah Palin was? Who were their icons and role models? Hillary? Oprah? Paris? Here is a woman who will be able to bring a fresh outlook for average American women. She is everything Hillary is not, and has this rare opportunity to rally women in a way America has never seen in presidential politics. You think Obama was a rock star, just wait!
I knew it wouldn't take you more than 24 hours to spin it the other way.

It's one of your greatest gifts.

No spin... I am admitting I was wrong, something you have claimed I never do, and something completely foreign to you. I fully understand why you don't recognize it.

Yes, I misjudged McCain's pick, I overreacted, and criticized him unfairly. I was wrong. I base this mostly on the reaction of libs over the pick, namely, the immediate insertion of their feet in their mouth as they try to argue she isn't experienced enough...LMFAO! I think it was a stroke of brilliance on McCain's part, to expose you people for the hypocrite frauds you are.
No, no - this is textbook spin:

Dixie on Friday:

"Palin really brings nothing to the table for McCain. True, she is a woman, but if McCain thinks this is all it takes to capture the Hillary vote, he is sadly mistaken….With this pick, McCain pushes the question of his age and health (as well as his judgment) back into the forefront. With his history of cancer, you would think his running mate, a person one heartbeat from the presidency, would be someone more 'presidential' and with a little more background and experience. You have to wonder... what the hell was he thinking?"

Dixie on Saturday:

"Palin connects with 'regular' Americans in a way no other candidate in the race can, and will appeal to the typical 'Soccer Mom.' Her son is serving in Iraq, so there goes that piece of anti-war rhetorical garbage….I am inclined to believe McCain made a pretty damn good choice for a running mate….You think Obama was a rock star, just wait!"

Remember the old James Bond tune? Nooooobody does....it better...makes me feel sad....for the rest....nobody does it, half as good as you....baby, you're the best!"
Looks to me like, I admitted I was wrong. Like I said, I know this is not familiar to you, and it must be that you are in complete shock that I did such a thing, because you lied and claimed I never did this. Spin is completely different, it is when you attempt to twist the truth to your advantage, kind of how you are twisting my admission I was wrong, into something else.
No, no - trust me; it's spin. I can recognize it, because I've seen it about 1,000 times from you.

It's textbook.
No, no - trust me; it's spin. I can recognize it, because I've seen it about 1,000 times from you.

It's textbook.

You're an idiot, why would anyone trust you?

Spin is when you go out of your way to avoid admitting you were wrong. I haven't done that, I readily admit I was wrong. I'm not 'spinning' a thing, I was wrong and admitted it promptly. If you want to interpret my admission as spin, maybe that explains why you lied about me never admitting I am wrong?
You didn't admit you were wrong. You saw the GOP talking points and got your marching orders, and you changed your position.

Palin didn't gain any more experience since you posted yesterday. McCain didn't all of a sudden not have a history of cancer. Nothing about your observations - which were actually pretty spot on, for once - transformed in any way.

You just saw that the lefties agreed with you, and you couldn't handle it, so you spun your way around to the other side.

It was very nimble; like I said, it's one of your few real talents.
Racism, Sexism! Sexism, Racism! Funny how these words change meaning depending on who is using them and the day.

A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.

Addendum to above:

A vote for John McCain is a vote against Polar Bears too.

The left is having a meltdown over the paleun from Alaska ????
What did I miss ? McSame is just hiding behind another skirt.
You didn't admit you were wrong. You saw the GOP talking points and got your marching orders, and you changed your position.

Palin didn't gain any more experience since you posted yesterday. McCain didn't all of a sudden not have a history of cancer. Nothing about your observations - which were actually pretty spot on, for once - transformed in any way.

You just saw that the lefties agreed with you, and you couldn't handle it, so you spun your way around to the other side.

It was very nimble; like I said, it's one of your few real talents.

Hey Metrosexual, did y'all beat USC today? I would wager not however I will not say that without giving you a chance t0 respond. So F all them folks that claim you are Metro including Darla you can stand up for yourself sir.
You didn't admit you were wrong. You saw the GOP talking points and got your marching orders, and you changed your position.

Palin didn't gain any more experience since you posted yesterday. McCain didn't all of a sudden not have a history of cancer. Nothing about your observations - which were actually pretty spot on, for once - transformed in any way.

You just saw that the lefties agreed with you, and you couldn't handle it, so you spun your way around to the other side.

It was very nimble; like I said, it's one of your few real talents.

I beat Dix to the punch. The moment I saw what McCain had done I laughed and predicted there would be a raucous over her pick. Also, on thursday I was at the College Republican booth at a clubs fair signing people up and a few people asked me who I thought McCain's pick would be. After McCain announced, I got a call from a friend who congradulated me because I had guessed either Palin, Jindal, or Ridge while giving an emphatic no to Romney, Huckabee, and Lieberman...
You didn't admit you were wrong. You saw the GOP talking points and got your marching orders, and you changed your position.

Palin didn't gain any more experience since you posted yesterday. McCain didn't all of a sudden not have a history of cancer. Nothing about your observations - which were actually pretty spot on, for once - transformed in any way.

You just saw that the lefties agreed with you, and you couldn't handle it, so you spun your way around to the other side.

It was very nimble; like I said, it's one of your few real talents.

Actually, if you read my initial thread; 'McCain Continues to Confound Me' You will find the pinhead Mott was 'lecturing' me about how the days of conservative ideologues was over, and I would have to get used to a more 'moderate' world. Then there was the initial idiotic barrage of complaints about Palin's "lack of experience" which I thought was quite astonishing, given your chosen candidate for President.

Again, there is no "spin" in admitting you were wrong. In fact, that is the antithesis of spin. It does explain how you think I've never admitted I am wrong before, you just incorrectly identify it as "spin." I understand you don't get to see me be wrong often, it's a rare anomaly, but you should be able to recognize the difference between not admitting you are wrong but twisting the facts to make it appear you are right, and actually admitting you made a misjudgment and were wrong about something.
After seeing the total and complete meltdown the left is having over Sarah Palin, I may have to reconsider my previous evaluation of the pick. It's fun to watch liberals lose it.... really it is!! One of my favorite pleasures in life, actually! You can just sense the panic in their posts... they don't know what to do with this... it's really throwing them for a loop, and they don't know how to deal with it.

Palin connects with 'regular' Americans in a way no other candidate in the race can, and will appeal to the typical 'Soccer Mom.' Her son is serving in Iraq, so there goes that piece of anti-war rhetorical garbage. She's smart, articulate, and hard-hitting, and will probably clean Biden's clock in the debates. I wouldn't be surprised to get him so flustered, he makes some irrational comment degrading women, in the process.... we know he is capable of this.

The more I think about it, and the more I see liberals absolutely beside themselves over her selection, the more I am inclined to believe McCain made a pretty damn good choice for a running mate. I hereby redact my previous criticisms! GO SARAH!!

You watch to much Fox News. I think most of us don't really give a fuck. It's yesterdays news. Don't get your panties in a bunch.
I think it's more than that. I think Sarah Palin is someone who could galvanize a solid woman's coalition in America. Think about this... last week, how many average American women knew who Sarah Palin was? Who were their icons and role models? Hillary? Oprah? Paris? Here is a woman who will be able to bring a fresh outlook for average American women. She is everything Hillary is not, and has this rare opportunity to rally women in a way America has never seen in presidential politics. You think Obama was a rock star, just wait!

What's wrong with this picture? Two of the biggest extremist on this board singing Sarah Palin's praises.
What's wrong with this picture? Two of the biggest extremist on this board singing Sarah Palin's praises.

You said it.

They think women are stupid. Women get this. Sarah Palin is anti-choice, and against equal pay for women. She may galvanize evangelical women, but American women in general?

This is going to be kind of fun to watch as it plays out. I think the GOP thinks it has trumped the Dems on the gender issue, but it's all downhill from here.
You said it.

They think women are stupid. Women get this. Sarah Palin is anti-choice, and against equal pay for women. She may galvanize evangelical women, but American women in general?

This is going to be kind of fun to watch as it plays out. I think the GOP thinks it has trumped the Dems on the gender issue, but it's all downhill from here.

News flash, asshole: surveys show that abortion is NOT the top priority for pro-choice women in this election.