Upon further review....

You said it.

They think women are stupid. Women get this. Sarah Palin is anti-choice, and against equal pay for women. She may galvanize evangelical women, but American women in general?

This is going to be kind of fun to watch as it plays out. I think the GOP thinks it has trumped the Dems on the gender issue, but it's all downhill from here.

I think women are smarter than you. For instance, I bet most women are aware of the fact that it's illegal in every state, to pay a woman less than a man for the same job. I don't know what causes pinheads like you to live in 1963, when it is 2008, but for some reason, you constantly seem to be stuck there.

Sarah Palin is staunchly pro-life, and so is McCain. It is going to be a pro-life administration, and I'll bet most American women knew that before Palin was nominated. Since most "evangelical women" were already planning to vote for McCain, I doubt Sarah Palin is going to need to galvanize their votes.

Sarah Palin is something unique to the mix here, and I think you underestimate how disillusioned American women, and Americans in general, have become with mainstream politics in America. Palin represents a break from that. Your candidate's mantra is Hope and Change, but he nominated a white male who came to DC when Palin was 9 years old. With only 9% of the country approving of the job Congress is doing, being a Washington outsider is a definite plus for Palin.

Conservatism has been missing its voice since the departure of Ronald Reagan. We've really had no clear and articulate speaker who 'connects' the way Reagan could. One of the key ingredients to the success of Reagan, aside from his charismatic personality, was the fact he was an outsider to DC, and represented a "Mr. Smith" to the average American, at a time American's were looking for effective change. Palin enjoys both of these attributes, she is a charismatic personality who 'connects' with her audience much like Reagan, and she is a Washington political outsider. The formula is the same, the only difference is, Palin is an attractive female.

Let me say here, I don't mean to sound sexist, but we should be honest enough to understand, being an attractive female is not going to hurt Palin in garnering votes, we still live in a very 'appearance-oriented' society. She appeals to the typical conservative male, just with those qualifications alone. So here is another huge voting block she doesn't have to 'galvanize' at all.

However, the most important aspect of Palin, will be her ability to articulate the fundamental conservative view, which has been grossly distorted in recent years, by pinhead liberals who seized the opportunity to do so, in the wake of Reagan. I've only had the opportunity to see her speak a couple of times, and I am looking forward to hearing more in the coming weeks. McCain got my attention with the pick, and I think he got the attention of a LOT of others as well. Face it, we live in an E! Society... we crave the latest, greatest... we want something new and different... we're into the latest trends... we hunger for fresh personalities and new faces... it's our obsession!

If I were a Liberal Democrat, I'd be putting the bullet in the gun about now.
I beat Dix to the punch. The moment I saw what McCain had done I laughed and predicted there would be a raucous over her pick. Also, on thursday I was at the College Republican booth at a clubs fair signing people up and a few people asked me who I thought McCain's pick would be. After McCain announced, I got a call from a friend who congradulated me because I had guessed either Palin, Jindal, or Ridge while giving an emphatic no to Romney, Huckabee, and Lieberman...

Wow. You're a real winner for guessing somewhat accurately on something so very important.
Hey Metrosexual, did y'all beat USC today? I would wager not however I will not say that without giving you a chance t0 respond. So F all them folks that claim you are Metro including Darla you can stand up for yourself sir.

So even when I am not around you are still posting about me huh? I never called Onceler any names, I have joked with him about <stupid> things Top says about him, that’s all.
Actually, that doesn't look so bad now; it's pretty funny, though. I love the idea that someone would log on & actually post here after a day of heavy drinking...
Actually, that doesn't look so bad now; it's pretty funny, though. I love the idea that someone would log on & actually post here after a day of heavy drinking...

Oh, there is a better one. One he made to ib, but it’s too gross for me to bump up, so I just laughed and left it alone.
After seeing the total and complete meltdown the left is having over Sarah Palin, I may have to reconsider my previous evaluation of the pick. It's fun to watch liberals lose it.... really it is!! One of my favorite pleasures in life, actually! You can just sense the panic in their posts... they don't know what to do with this... it's really throwing them for a loop, and they don't know how to deal with it.

Palin connects with 'regular' Americans in a way no other candidate in the race can, and will appeal to the typical 'Soccer Mom.' Her son is serving in Iraq, so there goes that piece of anti-war rhetorical garbage. She's smart, articulate, and hard-hitting, and will probably clean Biden's clock in the debates. I wouldn't be surprised to get him so flustered, he makes some irrational comment degrading women, in the process.... we know he is capable of this.

The more I think about it, and the more I see liberals absolutely beside themselves over her selection, the more I am inclined to believe McCain made a pretty damn good choice for a running mate. I hereby redact my previous criticisms! GO SARAH!!

From some of your ealier posts--I thought you were a liberial. If you were, and you finally saw the light--congrats--but I think I must have read your previous post out of context.

I think we will see Bidens veins pop out of his neck like Henery Rollins at a punk concert. :) It's gonna be great--if not hugely interesting. Heck, the hitler of iran can tell the liberial homosexual population at columbia university that they kill homosexuals in Iran--and our balless gay population says nothing! I bet the gay population in Iran does not marry either. Sorry, I got off track. The point I guess is--liberials fight over small issues like how round our shopping cart wheels are, or how global warming will kill us while the cliamte is cooling--but ignore huge issues if they feel like they want to bone the candidate that is supported by the hitler of our time in iran. lol
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