
I think it's hillarious, Obama has populist sound fiscal policy an their response is he's uppity.
That's why Obama had Denver's stadium packed and rocking, and Mcain was thanking his lucky stars for Gustav save he have 1/10 th the crowd and enthusiasm to be compared too.
What difference does it make whether it gets play or not?

Obama is a pussy and too weak to fight back anyway.

Why should he take on a stupid Congressman from Georgia?

If you were his campaign manager, would you have him "hit back hard" on this one?
Why should he take on a stupid Congressman from Georgia?

If you were his campaign manager, would you have him "hit back hard" on this one?

I'd have him stop being a pussy.

If it's just a "stupid Congressman from Georgia" then why should it get any play?

Be sure not to miss His Weakness getting his ass handed to him by O'Reilly.

He's a pussy.
I'd have him stop being a pussy.

If it's just a "stupid Congressman from Georgia" then why should it get any play?

Be sure not to miss His Weakness getting his ass handed to him by O'Reilly.

He's a pussy.

Nah - that's BS. It's politics 101 to completely ignore this guy. Can you imagine if Obama actually came out & gave this idiot some attention & whined about being called "uppity?" That would be just stupid; it would look pathetic.

You'd either make a horrible campaign strategist, or you're just looking to attack Obama wherever you can for his "weakness."
Nah - that's BS. It's politics 101 to completely ignore this guy. Can you imagine if Obama actually came out & gave this idiot some attention & whined about being called "uppity?" That would be just stupid; it would look pathetic.

You'd either make a horrible campaign strategist, or you're just looking to attack Obama wherever you can for his "weakness."
Exactly, you can't give this guy the credibility that it would give him. He's ignorant, when asked if he was sure he repeated it, that tells me he simply is too stupid to educate himself on even the fact that it is offensive, let alone why.
Nah - that's BS. It's politics 101 to completely ignore this guy. Can you imagine if Obama actually came out & gave this idiot some attention & whined about being called "uppity?" That would be just stupid; it would look pathetic.

You'd either make a horrible campaign strategist, or you're just looking to attack Obama wherever you can for his "weakness."

Actually I make a really good campaign strategist .. and I have the history to prove that.

Don't look now but it is Obama who looks pathetic and weak. Fell free to ignore that if you choose or just call it my "Obama attacks" .. but the truth is just too obvious.

He is going to lose .. as he should.
Somebody with a 527 should get smart and start helping him. The Ds have collected more than twice the Rs for their 527s... There should be a decided advantage in that. They can speak without being tagged to Obama himself.

It really would make him look whiney and weak if he started getting upset over this guy's ignorance. A nice sigh offered to a query from a reporter should do.
Actually I make a really good campaign strategist .. and I have the history to prove that.

Don't look now but it is Obama who looks pathetic and weak. Fell free to ignore that if you choose or just call it my "Obama attacks" .. but the truth is just too obvious.

He is going to lose .. as he should.

bac you are acting like a scorned lover.
Somebody with a 527 should get smart and start helping him. The Ds have collected more than twice the Rs for their 527s... There should be a decided advantage in that. They can speak without being tagged to Obama himself.

It really would make him look whiney and weak if he started getting upset over this guy's ignorance. A nice sigh offered to a query from a reporter should do.

His Weakness doesn't want 527 help.

Not in line with the Marques of Queensbury Tea and Crumpets rules of politics that he's following.
Actually I make a really good campaign strategist .. and I have the history to prove that.

Don't look now but it is Obama who looks pathetic and weak. Fell free to ignore that if you choose or just call it my "Obama attacks" .. but the truth is just too obvious.

He is going to lose .. as he should

If he loses, he's losing to McCain. Should McCain win?
Well, here’s the problem. The fact that we are the largest prison nation is a matter of urgency, I agree. But it’s not what you run on. You get in and then you clean some shit up. Here is the other problem – I don’t care what your individual grudge against Obama is, no matter who you are, this is not directed at just bac. We are in a very urgent global emergency here. We may already be past the point of no return, but either way we needed to act decades ago, and it is the 2000 election which might have determined our eventual fate. Certainly, we cannot afford to do nothing for another four years.

My personal opinion is, that I feel sadness for people like Cawacko and SF who really don’t understand that whatever eventual children they have, will either die, or become climate change refugees due to their own votes. But for someone who does understand exactly what is at stake because they are smart enough to understand it and have not been duped by hundred million dollar campaigns against the truth? Those are the people who piss me off. It’s like, hey Princess? This ain’t about you.
My personal opinion is, that I feel sadness for people like Cawacko and SF who really don’t understand that whatever eventual children they have, will either die, or become climate change refugees due to their own votes. But for someone who does understand exactly what is at stake because they are smart enough to understand it and have not been duped by hundred million dollar campaigns against the truth? Those are the people who piss me off. It’s like, hey Princess? This ain’t about you.


Climate Change Refugees... Give me a fucking break. Are you one of those idiots that are sitting in a tree in Berkeley, typing this garbage out.