

Climate Change Refugees... Give me a fucking break. Are you one of those idiots that are sitting in a tree in Berkeley, typing this garbage out.

Dhula is hillarious, she's spazzing over Palin and her comic foot stomping is better every day. What a ditz.:clink:
WOW .. Darla sure has an answer to the Uppidy thread here. Now she's on global warming...Start your own treehugger thread Darla...It won't look as bad on ya, Sweetie. (could Darla actually be Al Gore in here by disguise?)
Of course, there are some people who defintely deserve to die or be rendered homeless because of global warming. It's too bad they have to take the rest of us with them, but we can hope they will suffer in a particularly brutal manner.
Darla Sweetheart...Why do you wish such bad things on people? If they don't think like you..buy what you buy..read what you read...worship your party as you do...You wish them to die a horrible death? That is soooo liberal