'US drone' kills five in Pakistan


Villified User
'US drone' kills five in Pakistan

At least five people have been killed in a suspected missile attack by a US drone on a village in north-west Pakistan, local officials say.

The officials said missiles hit the village of Baghar in South Waziristan, close to the Afghan border.

The missiles are reported to have struck a militant training camp.

The incident came as the top US military commander met Pakistani officials to discuss growing tension over US attacks along the border.

At least six people were injured in the attack, according to BBC correspondent Dilawar Khan in the neighbouring North West Frontier Province.

Four missiles were reportedly fired at the village of Baghar Cheena, about half a kilometre from the Afghan border.

It's getting harder to deny that we're basically at war with Pakistan, but just not talking it up much.

We're at war with Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iraq, with Iran and possibly even Venezuela on the horizon .. and we're GIVING and throwing away billions in payoffs to get us even further involved in the business of war.

NO OUTRAGE from the American people.

We deserved George Bush and we're going to deserve our nation's decline.
Did I mention Yemen?

16 Are Killed in Attack on U.S. Embassy in Yemen

BEIRUT, Lebanon — Militants disguised as soldiers ambushed the United States embassy compound in Sana, Yemen, Wednesday morning with rocket-propelled grenades and at least one suicide car bomb, in an attack that left 16 people dead including six of the attackers, Yemeni officials said.

No American officials or embassy employees were killed or wounded in the attack, embassy officials said. Six of the dead were Yemeni guards at the compound entrance, and four were civilians waiting to be allowed in.

It was the deadliest attack in years in Yemen, a poor south Arabian country of 22 million where militants aligned with Al Qaeda have carried out a number of recent bombings.

more at link --
We have worked long hard towards our decline. Let no one take away what we have rightfully earned.

You make the mistake of assuming that the american people are in control of this government. They aren't. Our government is controlled by corporate influence through various means. Our democracy is a sham.

You need to make a distinction between the military industrial complex and the american people. These attacks are to perpetuate deeper penetration of the internationalist fascist MIC into these historically closed societies. The american people are not safer from islamic radicalism through these attacks; Americans are more endangered by allowing jihadis to enter our nation and spread their theocratic bullshit. It's odd the same people who are "against jihades" in pakistan think they should be given scholarship to come spread their hate INSIDE america.
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You make the mistake of assuming that the american people are in control of this government. They aren't. Our government is controlled by corporate influence through various means. Our democracy is a sham.

You need to make a distinction between the military industrial complex and the american people. These attacks are to perpetuate deeper penetration of the internationalist fascist MIC into these historically closed societies. The american people are not safer from islamic radicalism through these attacks; Americans are more endangered by allowing jihadis to enter our nation and spread their theocratic bullshit. It's odd the same people who are "against jihades" in pakistan think they should be given scholarship to come spread their hate INSIDE america.

We as americans have worked long and hard for this.

We eagerly bought cheap chinese products, still do.

We do whatever the tube tells us to. Buying lots of stuff we don't need on one of our several credit cards.

We buy autos and homes as status dressing as opposed to functionality.

Most of us do not even know how to prepare healthy cheap food at home and spend hundreds per person per month eating out unhealthy fast food.

We also bought all this line of crap about the economy being great and relected the boobs that were spouting it.

I am sure I am forgetting some stuff, but had a long night last night.
We as americans have worked long and hard for this.
No we haven;t the fascists who manipulate us have.
We eagerly bought cheap chinese products, still do.
There is no choice when abandonment of sensible trade policy has allowed cheap imports to destroy all competition. Protectionism has always been a tool in the toolbox of responsible trade management. Only recently have ideologues declared it off limits.
We do whatever the tube tells us to. Buying lots of stuff we don't need on one of our several credit cards.
So we are victims of manipulation and deceit.
We buy autos and homes as status dressing as opposed to functionality.
again, due to a manipulative media and dishonest economists who present gdp as the only meaningful measure of economic health.
Most of us do not even know how to prepare healthy cheap food at home and spend hundreds per person per month eating out unhealthy fast food.

We also bought all this line of crap about the economy being great and relected the boobs that were spouting it.
We are presented with no other candidates than those who expound hyper-consumerism as the holy grail of economic models.
I am sure I am forgetting some stuff, but had a long night last night.

Again. You refuse to make a distinction between manipulators and the manipulated.

I guess you have your new government contracts and you're going straight to the "fuck the people" attitude. You are carrying water for the fascists because you are one now. You've made it. Congratulations.
You make the mistake of assuming that the american people are in control of this government. They aren't. Our government is controlled by corporate influence through various means. Our democracy is a sham.

You need to make a distinction between the military industrial complex and the american people. These attacks are to perpetuate deeper penetration of the internationalist fascist MIC into these historically closed societies. The american people are not safer from islamic radicalism through these attacks; Americans are more endangered by allowing jihadis to enter our nation and spread their theocratic bullshit. It's odd the same people who are "against jihades" in pakistan think they should be given scholarship to come spread their hate INSIDE america.

I'd like to address it.

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security

Too many so-called "patriots" don't understand the Declaration of Independence .. nor do they have the courage of those who wrote it.
AHZ is such a victim and bears no blame at all.

I just can't figure out why he is not a Rebutlicken ???

We all could be more educated to resist an elite which is programming us against our own interest. Im not saying we bear no blame, but having a government that actually pushes us in this direction is something that could be corrected.

You want to declare GAME OVER and punish people, instead of fighting the forces which influence us thusly, instead of educating people how common beliefs are destructive.
We all could be more educated to resist an elite which is programming us against our own interest. Im not saying we bear no blame, but having a government that actually pushes us in this direction is something that could be corrected.

You want to declare GAME OVER and punish people, instead of fighting the forces which influence us thusly, instead of educating people how common beliefs are destructive.

yeah our govt sucks big time, but who keeps electing them ?
Ask anyone about their opinion of congress, then ask them about their opinion of their representatives in congress ?
yeah our govt sucks big time, but who keeps electing them ?
Diebold. Plus the money guys also limit our option by deciding who to give millions for campaigning to.
Ask anyone about their opinion of congress, then ask them about their opinion of their representatives in congress ?

You know our democracy is fucked. So you cannot really keep blaming the people for choosing from the shitty candidates who get the approval of the bazillionaires.
Diebold. Plus the money guys also limit our option by deciding who to give millions for campaigning to.

You know our democracy is fucked. So you cannot really keep blaming the people for choosing from the shitty candidates who get the approval of the bazillionaires.

And you call me a game over type....
And you call me a game over type....

Yes. I do. Because instead of wanting to help educate people about the malevolent forces which control the levers of power, you blame the manipulated people who have no choice. Any serious candidate for change gets a bullet in the back of the head.

I know hating americans and this "they deserve what they get" attitude allows you to feel accepted amongst elitist haters, but you're better than that.

When did you change?
The manipulated people always have a choice. they are just too wussy to make a choice.
Ohh Poor little victims! :cry:
We all could be more educated to resist an elite which is programming us against our own interest. Im not saying we bear no blame, but having a government that actually pushes us in this direction is something that could be corrected.

You want to declare GAME OVER and punish people, instead of fighting the forces which influence us thusly, instead of educating people how common beliefs are destructive.

At the end of the day there is only one entity that can save this country and there is only one entity responsible for saving this country .. the American people.

If we are too weak, blind, or conditioned to save ourselves .. who else are you going to blame?