'US drone' kills five in Pakistan

The manipulated people always have a choice. they are just too wussy to make a choice.
Ohh Poor little victims! :cry:

When it takes millions to run in any meaningful way, and all candidates sponsoered have the same internationalist fascist beliefs, there is no meaningful choice, not through the official processes, at least. Dems are not the "anti war" party. That's a fucking joke. Nor are they "the party that doesn't take corparate payoffs".
At the end of the day there is only one entity that can save this country and there is only one entity responsible for saving this country .. the American people.
Nope. Our democracy is broken and we are manipulated by the instutions we're taught to trust.
If we are too weak, blind, or conditioned to save ourselves .. who else are you going to blame?

The internationalist fascists.