US embassy lied for weapons dealer

Lets remember they cheated their way into office with the help of corporations.

Lets get our money back from the corporations who are responsible.

This will give the advantage to the corporations who acted like patriots and didnt join the money grap.

But what will the American people have to pay for allowing this openly criminal enetrprise to destroy the country right in front of our eyes?

How much do we owe for that one?
I think many of us have already paid and will continue to pay for these mistakes for many years to come and in many ways.

Our country is a mess.
Ohh yeah the pain and bills will not go away when bush leaves office, the legacy will continue thru our childrens lifetimes.
Ohh yeah the pain and bills will not go away when bush leaves office, the legacy will continue thru our childrens lifetimes.

Our children will also pay for the blind ignorance of the American people.

It doesn't end with Bush because it didn't begin with Bush.
True Bac but the media was complicit in the the fraud. If the American people had a real press who knew their job was to police the actions of the government and not to be their propaganda arm then this would have never happened.
True Bac but the media was complicit in the the fraud. If the American people had a real press who knew their job was to police the actions of the government and not to be their propaganda arm then this would have never happened.

I agree with you about the media. The only investigative arm of the Fourth Estate left in America is bloggers and the internet .. MSM takes it cues from them.

Howevre, neither the media, neocons, Bush, Cheny, or Rove absolve the American people of our monumental failure to recognize the most obvious frauds one could possibly imagine.

We can start with paperless faith-based voting and work our way down from there.

WMD? .. Nobody believed that bullshit but Americans.
I have no idea. Was it another mass hallucination brought about by Bush, the arch-Svengali, acting through his willing accomplices in the media?

Ironically, this is may be one occasion where you could have cited racism without looking completely ridiculous.

And yet you choose to pass up the opportunity?

Wonders will never cease.
The media is owned by large corporations and in some cases people who are not even Americans.

I wonder how easy it would be for some rich fuck to buy up American papers and effect elections and policy from some other country?
The media is owned by large corporations and in some cases people who are not even Americans.

I wonder how easy it would be for some rich fuck to buy up American papers and effect elections and policy from some other country?

Ohh you mean like fox talking about how much AQ would like for Obama to be elected and stuff ?

I can't imagine that ever happening in the liberal media of the good ol US of A.