US experienced staggering growth in solar and wind power over the last decade.

No, they're crying because Leftist Democrats are destroying the US with the New Green Deal that ass fucks the country.

Elon Musk: “All vehicles will go fully electric. It’s just a matter of time… we will look back on the combustion engine like we look back on the steam engine.”
US utility bills have gone up an average of 26.4% in the same time, with a staggering 70% of that occurring since Biden took office. Solar and wind will bankrupt people with the high cost of energy they produce.

More solar and wind = increasingly unaffordable energy

Solar, followed by wind are the two WORST ways to produce energy there are today.

I do love the way you make shit up...

This from the EIA about the reason for rising electricity costs -

Higher fuel costs for power plants drove the increase in residential retail electricity prices. The cost of fossil fuels—natural gas, coal, and petroleum—delivered to U.S. power plants increased 34%, from $3.82 per million British thermal units (MMBtu) in 2021 to $5.13/MMBtu in 2022. The higher fuel costs were passed along to residential customers and contributed to higher retail electricity prices.
Thus, in Germany, a world leader in wind and solar use, they're having to build more coal plants to make up for the variation in output from wind and solar along with having shutdown their nuclear plants that produced clean energy but the Left hated. Germany now has one of the highest per KWH costs in the world. Australia, another leader in solar in particular, is experiencing the exact same thing.

Please provide your evidence of Germany building any new coal plant in the last 3 years.

Making shit up doesn't make your argument strong. It makes your argument weaker than shit.

Germany has brought some decommissioned coal plants back on line over the last year to compensate for the high cost of natural gas. But that has nothing to do with solar or wind.
Please provide your evidence of Germany building any new coal plant in the last 3 years.

Making shit up doesn't make your argument strong. It makes your argument weaker than shit.

Germany has brought some decommissioned coal plants back on line over the last year to compensate for the high cost of natural gas. But that has nothing to do with solar or wind.

Like I said before. TA has the habit of making shit up when he knows he's losing an argument.
How did we arrive at a place where common-sense, clean energy sources became a partisan issue?

Conservatives are 100% dedicated. I'll give them that. They hate alternative sources of energy, and really commit themselves to hoping all sources like that fail.

For who knows what reason.

The far right loves dirty energy because they're in the pocket of Big Oil.
Just like they love high drug prices because they're in the pocket of Big Pharma.
I never said it just one thing, but wind and solar are a major contributor to increasing costs. Want to see a major price hike in KWH? Wait until California closes Diablo Canyon. That state already has the highest per KWH cost in the US and it's primarily due to increasing use of wind and solar. In fact, during the summer, it has become common for California to produce too much solar for demand and as a result, the state pays other states to take the excess.

California companies are generating so much solar power that firms in other states are getting paid to take it.
The state has been forced into the arrangement to "avoid overloading its own power lines", according to the Los Angeles Times.

California Is Generating So Much Solar Energy, It's Paying Other States to Take It

Germany experiences the same thing, only there, countries like Poland and France are increasingly disconnecting from Germany's grid to stop Germany from dumping power on them. That in turn disrupts Germany's grid with increasing frequency.

Yet, when I asked you to explain WHY prices were still going up, you responded:

Because, as with everywhere else on the planet, as solar and wind increase in percentage of use, utility bills skyrocket.

Conveniently ignoring the numerous other reasons why prices are still rising.
Yet, when I asked you to explain WHY prices were still going up, you responded:

Conveniently ignoring the numerous other reasons why prices are still rising.

But they've been going up consistently for well over a decade, close to two decades, faster in nations that adopt lots of solar and wind. Those countries now have some of the highest per KWH costs.




For most of them, being a righty makes you a Luddite. They want to turn America back a century or 2. The familiar faces of pro-Trump, right-wing haters are against technical progress too.
For most of them, being a righty makes you a Luddite. They want to turn America back a century or 2. The familiar faces of pro-Trump, right-wing haters are against technical progress too.

The Luddites are on the Left. They want political, unscientific, solutions to problems that often don't exist to begin with. Technological progress would be a shift to way more nuclear and using natural gas.
Oh, so NOW it's "there are SEVERAL THINGS that drive that result".

At least now you're getting closer.

There ARE several reasons why energy prices continue to rise.

Energy company greed.

Higher fuel costs for power plants drove the increase in residential retail electricity prices. The cost of fossil fuels—natural gas, coal, and petroleum—delivered to U.S. power plants increased 34% from 2021 to 2022

Even when the price drops, as in natural gas, which has plummeted more than 30% year to date.

However, the cost of renewables like solar and wind are nominal and have a minimal effect on any price increase.

Fossil fuel costs have spiked massively due in no small part to the onerous regulations imposed by President Moron's Adm.

Everything you need to learn about it is here:

These twenty-five Biden administration policies are raising energy costs
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US experienced staggering growth in solar and wind power over the last decade

Renewables have grown at a staggering rate since 2014 and now account for 22 percent of the nation’s electricity. Solar alone has grown an impressive eightfold in 10 years.

The sun and the wind have been the country’s fastest growing sources of energy over the past decade, according to a report released by the nonprofit Climate Central on Wednesday. Meanwhile, coal power has declined sharply, and the use of methane to generate electricity has all but leveled off. With the Inflation Reduction Act poised to kick that growth curve higher with expanded tax credits for manufacturing and installing photovoltaic panels and wind turbines, the most optimistic projections suggest that the country is getting ever closer to achieving its 2030 and 2035 clean energy goals.

“I think the rate at which renewables have been able to grow is just something that most people don’t recognize,” said Amanda Levin, director of policy analysis at the Natural Resources Defense Council, who was not involved in preparing the report.
In the decade analyzed by Climate Central, solar went from generating less than half a percent of the nation’s electricity to producing nearly 4 percent. In that same period, wind grew from 4 percent to roughly 10. Once hydropower, geothermal, and biomass are accounted for, nearly a quarter of the nation’s grid was powered by renewable electricity in 2023, with the share only expected to rise thanks to the continued surge in solar.
The vast majority of the nation’s solar capacity comes from utility-scale installations with at least one megawatt of capacity (enough to power over a hundred homes, according to the Solar Energy Industries Association). But panels installed on rooftops, parking lots, and other comparatively small sites contributed a combined 48,000 megawatts across the country.
“One thing that surprised a lot of different people who’ve read the report in our office was the strength of small-scale solar,” said Jen Brady, the lead analyst on the Climate Central report.
With residential and other small arrays accounting for 34 percent of the nation’s available capacity, “it lets you know that maybe you could do something in your community, in your home that can help contribute to it,” Brady said.
Still, the buildout of utility-scale solar farms continues to set the pace for how rapidly renewable energy can feed the country’s grid.

MAGA soils diapers.

Almost entirely due to govt.subsudies etc..

What happens when solar and wind energy have to stand on their own feet and operate as REAL BUSINESSES?
The grid needs many trillions of dollars of expansion and upgrades for solar and wind to work (if battery tech is ever solved)...which we are not doing as we blow trillions a year on waste abuse WOKE and Empire projects.

IE it wont work.
$2.5 trillion google says....and we know from the German disaster that this is almost certainly lowball.
But they've been going up consistently for well over a decade, close to two decades, faster in nations that adopt lots of solar and wind. Those countries now have some of the highest per KWH costs.


Let me get this straight. Your evidence of electricity prices going up dramatically in the last decade is to give us numbers from over a decade ago.
If we look at your numbers from 2011, we see that the electricity prices in Germany have not gone up that much in the last decade. From your first chart in 2011 to your last chart, the electricity prices in Germany have gone up exactly zero while the energy prices in Denmark have gone down.
This is where you got your first chart from -
It was an article written in 2013 and used 2011 electricity prices.
To try and answer this question I’ve collected average electricity prices from 17 countries around the world, and converted them to $/kWh (US). All the data is based on average prices and exchange rates for 2011, and I’ve graphed them in US cents/kWh to keep it tidy.

Then when we look at the price of wholesale electricity in Germany, we find that it spikes when the cost of natural gas spikes.

If you really want to look at countries - try this site

if we compare the Czech republic with Germany, we see that the Czech republic has seen more increases in electricity costs while not relying on renewables.
Czech republic has seen a 100% increase in costs in the last 5 years while Germany has seen a 33% increase.z
The Euro zone as a whole has seen that 33% increase. Part of the reason for the higher cost of electricity in Germany is the higher tax on electricity.

Then when we start to look at the Euro zone as a whole we see that a lot of the increases have little to do with renewables.
Take Romania, they have seen electricity prices go from .11 Euro to over .40 Euro while adding little renewables over that time period.
The grid needs many trillions of dollars of expansion and upgrades for solar and wind to work (if battery tech is ever solved)...which we are not doing as we blow trillions a year on waste abuse WOKE and Empire projects.

IE it wont work.

That's a lie but I'll give you credit for trying.

Eh, no I won't.
That's not true, but it is reasonable to be very suspicious of the Gorebal Warming crowd on 'climate change.'

Scientists unveil self-cleaning solar panel technology poised to revolutionize energy sector: 'A major step'
This is the type of technological advancement that we can hope and expect to see more of as solar and wind continue to become more widespread.
by Jeremiah Budin*/*April 21, 2024

Solar panels and wind turbines are already providing tons of clean, renewable energy for people worldwide and helping to reduce reliance on dirty fuel for power — but the technology around both is still evolving.*
Scientists at Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology in South Korea developed a device that combines wind and solar to harvest clean energy more efficiently.
The device, a wind-powered electrodynamic screen, allowed the scientists to create a self-cleaning solar panel.
A self-cleaning solar panel is a big deal. Because solar panels work by absorbing sunlight, they must be kept free of dust and dirt or else the light will be blocked from getting in. That requires regular cleaning, which can be expensive, difficult, and depending on where the panels are installed, even dangerous. Few solar panels are installed in places where they can be easily reached and wiped down (with some exceptions).*
As Interesting Engineering detailed, an electrodynamic screen is able to clean a solar panel without human help using high-voltage electric fields. But the screen must also be powered through an external source, and that's where the wind energy comes in.*
By introducing a triboelectric nanogenerator that harnesses the frictional energy of the wind, the researchers were able to generate enough electricity to power the electrodynamic screen, allowing it to keep the solar panel around 90% clean in perpetuity.

"We've found a way to turn abundant wind energy into a tool to maintain panel's cell efficiency. This is a major step towards ensuring solar power remains a dominant solution for a cleaner future," Professor Lee Ju-hyuck, who led the research, said.
Using one type of clean energy to enhance the efficiency of another type of clean energy is a particularly elegant solution to a problem — and it's the type of technological advancement that we can hope and expect to see more of as solar and wind continue to become more widespread.
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That's a lie but I'll give you credit for trying.

Eh, no I won't.

Just to remind everyone that this is the moron that has advocated for EVs for so long. It's now evident to all that particular business sector is rapidly self imploding, apart from Joe Crapitalist of course. Tesla is in meltdown and even the Chinese manufacturers like BYD are looking decidedly wobbly.

He's usually bragging all the time so the fact that he's taken a vow of omerta tells you all you need to know about him!
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