US in 'once-in-a-century' financial crisis : Greenspan


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US in 'once-in-a-century' financial crisis : Greenspan
Sep 14 02:18 PM US/Eastern

Greenspan: This Is The Worst Economy I've Ever Seen

The United States is mired in a "once-in-a century" financial crisis which is now more than likely to spark a recession, former Federal Reserve chief Alan Greenspan said Sunday.

The talismanic ex-central banker said that the crisis was the worst he had seen in his career, still had a long way to go and would continue to effect home prices in the United States.

"First of all, let's recognize that this is a once-in-a-half-century, probably once-in-a-century type of event," Greenspan said on ABC's "This Week."

Asked whether the crisis, which has seen the US government step in to bail out mortgage giants Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, was the worst of his career, Greenspan replied "Oh, by far."

"There's no question that this is in the process of outstripping anything I've seen, and it still is not resolved and it still has a way to go," Greenspan said.

Greenspan agrees with me instead of MBA befuddled Toppy :clink:
Yeah but where did Greenspan get his ged right? I mean what the fuck does Alan Greenspan know. The malls are full and the restaurants are kickin'. This economy is all joy and no sorrow unless you are a ged wannabe.
YES i read that earlier today.. then was thinking to self.. should I do something? Is it a once in a lifetime opportunity?

I got a few hundred K in Equity in the house that i actually tapped but didn't use at the peak values. SO open credit line good thru 2015 on value that's not even there anymore. Wonder if i should buy up some land.
At least John McCain is on top of things. He owns Greenspan's book you know (not sure if he read it):

"You know that there's been tremendous turmoil in our financial markets and Wall St. And it is -- people are frightened by these events. Our economy, I think still -- the fundamentals of our economy are strong. But these are very, very difficult times."

The fundamantals are strong folks. No need to worry.

If anyone sees the pres asks McCain "which fundamentals and how are they strong?" please let me know. My guess is that he has no clue what he is talking about.
Yeah but where did Greenspan get his ged right? I mean what the fuck does Alan Greenspan know. The malls are full and the restaurants are kickin'. This economy is all joy and no sorrow unless you are a ged wannabe.

I bought a dress in Banana Republic on Saturday, and there were a couple of people ahead of me in line. Maybe if usc ever bought anything he would know what’s going on, but between him and the used software salesman and the supercoldcaller fat boy, I never see them buying anything. The hi-IQ people are all shopping.
At least John McCain is on top of things. He owns Greenspan's book you know (not sure if he read it):

The fundamantals are strong folks. No need to worry.

If anyone sees the pres asks McCain "which fundamentals and how are they strong?" please let me know. My guess is that he has no clue what he is talking about.

That would be a great question to ask. I’d love to see him get asked that.
I would say the mall parking lots are full but have not been to the big city in quite a while. Wally world does not seem quite as busy though. And Lowes sure is not busy.
"the fundamentals are strong"

Where is Sam Donsaldson w/ the follow-up on that one?

That should go right into an Obama ad. The fundamentals are abysmal, unless you're counting "ownership of big screen TV's"...
yeah he doesn't have altzhiemers
Funny how each libtard is doing fine, but obviously regular americans are too stupid to do as well as them.
Please explain to me how this is not just a wall street thing
yeah he doesn't have altzhiemers
Funny how each libtard is doing fine, but obviously regular americans are too stupid to do as well as them.
Please explain to me how this is not just a wall street thing

If I understand what you posted correctly, you are admitting you are clueless.
Might need a Darla translation though.
As per usual you are wrongo, I graduated hs and got a 2 yr technical diploma.

Can't you get anything right ?
Is Topspin saying that he can't understand how anything that happens on the stock market can influence the average citizen?
As per usual you are wrongo, I graduated hs and got a 2 yr technical diploma.

Can't you get anything right ?

Watch out usc…while Top needs no reason to be the nasty person that he is, I have noted that when the markets are down, he is particularly vile. That’s when he starts talking about people’s families, and whore this…his usual lovely litany.
Is Topspin saying that he can't understand how anything that happens on the stock market can influence the average citizen?

Yes, that is how I read the question "please explain how this is more than just a wall street thing".

He's an economic thinker, you know.
Simply put Top, "tell me how Greenspan is WRONG". That is all I want. Analyze his belief that this economy is a "once in a century financial crisis" and why he is WRONG.
Simply put Top, "tell me how Greenspan is WRONG". That is all I want. Analyze his belief that this economy is a "once in a century financial crisis" and why he is WRONG.

Because its more like a once in a millenium financial crisis???


Funny though how critical Greenspan is, when it was his policies that aided this mess in its formation.