US in 'once-in-a-century' financial crisis : Greenspan

Because its more like a once in a millenium financial crisis???


Funny though how critical Greenspan is, when it was his policies that aided this mess in its formation.
He was calling it the "Globalization Correction" and talked about how great of a good that it was because millions were brought out of poverty because of globalization.
He was calling it the "Globalization Correction" and talked about how great of a good that it was because millions were brought out of poverty because of globalization.

Borrowing your way out of poverty does not last. Working your way out of poverty does.
Ha, that is what Krugman has been saying! I bet you love agreeing with him.

I don't agree with his political views, but most of the time we do agree on economic issues. It is only when one of us taints the economic picture with our political views that we would disagree. Of course it is usually Krugman who does so... cause I am like perfect and all....

He was calling it the "Globalization Correction" and talked about how great of a good that it was because millions were brought out of poverty because of globalization.

yeah, real friggin great. Good call Al.

What is to come....

Central bank after Central bank will begin to cut rates.... more and more fiat money will be pumped into the economy in an attempt to stop a global meltdown. We have now entered the 'inflate or die' stage of political FUBAR.

Greenspan should shut his ass until he is able to own up to his part in all of this. Keeping rates so unbelievably low for so long helped a nice big old housing bubble to form.... and oh how we are paying the price for it.

Though I must admit to chuckling a bit at the great and powerful Merrill Lynch having to beg someone to buy them before they went the way of Bear and Lehman.