US is now more socialist than capitalist

The average soldier does a hell of a lot more than dig holes to fill in. We train for war, even when there is no war. We risk our lives even in peacetime, as training for war is not the safest of occupations. Combat pilots take a heavy toll every year due to training accidents. And not every parachute opens as designed. The military does its best to make combat training as safe as possible. But unless we train at least somewhat realistically, we ain't gonna be ready when the real deal comes along. And training realistically means risk. Many die, and many more are disabled yearly, even when there is no war.

And when there is war, even an unpopular one, we go out and do the dirty work we were trained to do. And we sometimes die doing it. And we sometimes come back with legs and arms, eyes and hands maimed or missing.

And we do it to make certain the future is free so little pipsqueaks who have zero concept of duty or honor can write their blithering idiocy and pretend they have something to say.

And we most certainly are not part of a socialist organization.

Even peacetime soldiers, including reservists, deserve the respect of the public at the very least.

It seems like you have a lot of contempt for the American people. You're free to move to France.
We are great because of our corporations not inspite of them.
even used software saleman contribute to corps

I’m actually looking for some used software.

But that aside…so you feel it is corporations which made our country great? Well, who can forget “IBM: Present at the Creation.” But for those who may have missed that classic, why don’t you expound on this subject Topper?
I know. It takes me time to get up the guts to even post to him, knowing that’s coming.

Be strong. You can only imagine my anguish as I take breaks to post between knocking on doors to try to sell this shabby, used software to retirees & stay-at-home moms, only to be reminded of the futility of my pathetic existence by Topspin's incisive rejoinders.

Still, I find away to carry on...
Be strong. You can only imagine my anguish as I take breaks to post between knocking on doors to try to sell this shabby, used software to retirees & stay-at-home moms, only to be reminded of the futility of my pathetic existence by Topspin's incisive rejoinders.

Still, I find away to carry on...

good for you our country needs used software salesmen to remain strong in the face of terrorism. :usflag:
Be strong. You can only imagine my anguish as I take breaks to post between knocking on doors to try to sell this shabby, used software to retirees & stay-at-home moms, only to be reminded of the futility of my pathetic existence by Topspin's incisive rejoinders.

Still, I find away to carry on...

I was really laughing out loud, in my office, at this.
its not a coincidence that the anti-corporate comments come from the people who never set foot in an economics classs.
its not a coincidence that the anti-corporate comments come from the people who never set foot in an economics classs.

Do they teach about the unhealthy, undemocratic influence that corporations now have in politics & in our governement during "economics class?"

Those classes sound more radical than I thought...
Do they teach about the unhealthy, undemocratic influence that corporations now have in politics & in our governement during "economics class?"

Those classes sound more radical than I thought...

It is horrible Onceler, the corps have taken over our universities as well :shock:
the last bastions of liberalism have fallen.
jesus, you two coldn't be more ignorant on the topic.
Yes we could use less corp influence, don't set the corp on fire to get it.

My kids are in college now, and I can tell you they are firmly slanted left.
"Yes we could use less corp influence, don't set the corp on fire to get it."

Did I suggest that? Did I suggest anything even close to that?

That's just how you read everything. You're very corporate-centric, and tend to see any criticism of corporations - and I mean ANY - as being "anti-corporation" and wanting to get rid of them once & for all. You also think it has something to do with economics, which is weird.
Not at all lorax, seriously did you have more than 4 business classes. We're you an it guy.
I'm extreemly socially liberal.
But you people can't except that one can also be extreemly pro-buinssess at the same time.
"Yes we could use less corp influence, don't set the corp on fire to get it."

Did I suggest that? Did I suggest anything even close to that?

That's just how you read everything. You're very corporate-centric, and tend to see any criticism of corporations - and I mean ANY - as being "anti-corporation" and wanting to get rid of them once & for all. You also think it has something to do with economics, which is weird.

You're right, he thinks that's economics.

Most people who actually went to school know of the Robber Barons and what unfettered corporate influence leads to.