US politics and election


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Official poll used to put Ron Paul at the lowest. TV news used to focus on Rody and Romney but neglect Paul. Only they can't manipulate the money amount of campaign donation.

How ruling class control your mind by fake poll.

Republican Presidential Nomination
Polling Data
RCP Average 11/01 - 11/14

Giuliani 29.1%
Thompson 15.5%
McCain 13.8%
Romney 12.5%
Huckabee 8.9%
Paul 4.7%

The vivid sample how Feds manipulate media to cheat public. When they can still put Paul at 4.7% in a fake poll.

The Feds could create a false flag attack such like 911. That's how they could rig a election to select their puppet Bush as president.

Media propaganda covers up 911 plot and led US into unjust war. It also justify a rigged election by fake poll. That's how Bush could be president for twice.

This poll is a vivid sample of how media direct public's mind with pre-concept psychological operation. Because they won't allow an anti-war candidate to win a campaign.

They can manipulate a randon number of 4.7% on Ron Paul but they can't manipulate the money amount. Ron Paul got most donation from military contributions

Quote, "Ron Paul leads ALL presidential candidates in monetary military contributions

49.5% Ron Paul
34.6% McCain
7.0% Romney
4.6% Giuliani
2.0% Hunter
2.3% Others

In addition to military support, Ron Paul also sets one-day GOP fundraising record. He hauled in more than 4.2 million on 11/5. That money came from grassroot voters, how many votes does it mean? Yet, the media always put him at the lowest poll number. Do you recognize how this country is manipulated?

This is a covert totalitarian country. They select president by rigged election. (They control the voting office by intelligence) and justify the result by fake poll. (They manipulate public opinion by media)
umm RP dropped out I think....He should have ran as a libertarian instead of as a Republican.

Not really. I don't even see how you can say this with a straight face.

He told the GOP base exactly what they needed to hear (but didn't want to) during the debates.

He has inspired far more new libertarian-Republicans than he could have as a Libertian.

And he has succeeded in creating an entirely new mold of Republican a Ron Paul Republican.

Candidates with Paul's views have already succeeded in winning some key Republican primaries.

It looks like we could someday have a Republican Party that adhered to Republican principles, but it's still much to early to say with certainty.
Libertarians have a small part to play, but will never rise to any great power. They just can't sell much of what they offer.
The Libertarians could muster at most 5% or so in a proportional election. They aren't a very mature party, though, so they'd probably refuse to take any part in governance, and within the next election they'd be wiped out for not doing anything.
Not drunk yet, although I am feeling a little buzzed. :)

I have a couple of Heineken mini-kegs left over from a party. Yeah!
Heineken is good, but Mac and Jacks...that's the shiznit :)

Yeah, of course, no one outside of the Seattle area has heard of it, but its all right. At the Olympia Beer & Wine festival M&J had a new flavor called Serenghetti something, and it was better than African Amber...

Brent, if you ever make it down to Olympia/Lacey, go to a bar called Pints & Quarts and try the house ale - it is Heaven!
We've had a visit from the original conspiracy theorist - kathaksung - any minute now the CIA will get the blame for something.
Iowa primary proves we need an honest and clear election system (1/4/08)

Over 92% of Iowans are whites. But they choose an African American. Why? That means most Americans hate Iraq war and want their civil liberty back.

Edwards and Hillary, though both are whites and experienced Deomcrats, they behaved more like a Bush's follower. Both voted for Patriot Act and approved the Iraq war Authorization Bill.

How could we got this result? Because the Iowa Demo primary counts vote on attending people. It makes the election honest and clear and hard to be rigged.

Why Ron Paul only got 10%? (He is the only one in GOP that anti Iraq war and is the only one meets major American's will) Because the Iowa GOP primary counts vote on ballots. Then who controls election office controls election result. They give you a number nobody can confirm. That's how Bush could be selected twice.
Libertarians have a small part to play, but will never rise to any great power. They just can't sell much of what they offer.

The Libertarian Party has more people in elected office than all the other third parties combined. They have done fairly well, all things considered.

I think they are the best bet for removing the strangle hold the two major parties have on american politics.

I think they would get stuff done because they wouldn't waste time with knee-jerk reactions of opposing whatever the other side proposes.
532. We need an honest, transparent election (Iowa Primary lesson 1) (1/13/07)

Obama wins Iowa - a state with 92% white population. Why a white state which generally considered conservative has elected a black candidate? It means American people are too resentful to the policy of current government. They hate Iraq war and the loss of civil right.

How can we have this result? Because Iowa Democratic Primary Caucus is an honest, transparent one. Residents gathered at the site on time to discuss their choices then raise their hands. The counting is present, direct and clear. Voters know the result right away. It makes an election hard to be rigged.

As we have seen the mainstream of public opinion is to change the status quo, then Ron Paul should have won the Iowa Republican Caucus too. He has more distinctive flag than Obama has. But he only got 10%. Why? He obviously lost to a corruptive vote system in Iowa Republican Primary - ballot counting.
The ballot was counted by election office. Then an officer would tell you the result. A number can be faked or altered easily. Voters can hardly verify it individually.

This is proved in New Hampshire Primary:

Quote, "Voter Fraud Against Paul Confirmed in Sutton, N.H
By admin * January 8, 2008
Sutton with 100% reporting reported 0 votes for paul but poster in Sutton posted:
My mom, aunt, and dad all voted for RP today in my hometown, My mom and aunt both work passing out ballots, and checking them off. I just looked at the politico map and it says their town has ZERO votes for Ron. Now i know that there isn’t corruption on voting in that little town, so where they reported it must be. What do I do, anyone know???

Greenville Vote Discrepancy SAME as Sutton
Moreover, when Sutton had been found out, they quickly added 31 votes, and cited ‘human error.’ What is their excuse for this source, now showing Greenville at 25 votes:

The problem is, you have to take what they told you but can't verify it. They could tell you it's zero, that forgery is easy to be find out. They could also tell you it's 31 (or 25) then it is hard for you to confirm it's a rigging while the real votes may be 131 or 125.


This is a covert totalitarian country. They select president by rigged election. (They control the voting office by intelligence) and justify the result by fake poll. (They manipulate public opinion by media)
The Libertarian Party has more people in elected office than all the other third parties combined. They have done fairly well, all things considered.

I think they are the best bet for removing the strangle hold the two major parties have on american politics.

I think they would get stuff done because they wouldn't waste time with knee-jerk reactions of opposing whatever the other side proposes.

I dunno I consider the libertarians as relating to republicans about like the greens relating to Democrats. An extreme fringe group of the same party.