US slips down development index


Villified User
US slips down development index

Americans live shorter lives than citizens of almost every other developed nation, according to a report from several US charities.

The report found that the US ranked 42nd in the world for life expectancy despite spending more on health care per person than any other country.

Overall, the American Human Development Report ranked the world's richest country 12th for human development.

The study looked at US government data on health, education and income.

The report was funded by Oxfam America, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Conrad Hilton Foundation.

The report combines measurements of health, education and income into one measurement - the human development index - based on that used by the United Nations.
Cause we are a lazy spoiled bunch that is inefficient with it's health care money.

That's not entirely funny, but whipping out the dem talking point blaming healthcare is funny.
They did a survey in Nawlins asking us that if we at rice patties we could live to 73 like the rest of the country instead of 68.
The respondents surprised the out of towner interviewers with keep your rice cakes.
We live on Gumbo, Shrimp Po Boys, boiled and fried seafood, plenty beer.
And National Championship Burgers at Tiger stadium baby.:clink:
Look up a ranking of restraunts by city till you find one in KY that rates near Nawlins top 50 please. It'll take you to infinity because there are none.
Just enjoy eating my crap residue in your crayfish there dude :)

Damm he eats my crap and brags on it. amazing.
your laughed at daily by college graduates and you keep coming back.
It's like your the little kid trying to keep up with the older brother.
You don't know enough to even ask the right questions.
But you are funny Gramps.
When you are poor you try to buy what you can to fill up your family. The cheap processed food is easy to buy ,fix and fills you up. It is expensive to eat healthy in the US.
Now why do we have such fat people?

Processed cheat ass food.

Because a great many people do not eat healthy AND those same people tend not to exercise.

Look at CO. We tend to be the fittest state in the nation year in, year out. Yet we have exposure to the same processsed/fast food crappy McDonalds etc... that the rest of the nation does. So why are we so much fitter than a lot of the nation? Because of the mindset of the people of the state perhaps? More awareness of the benefits of eating healthy coupled with exercise?

granted, we have access to a LOT of outdoor activities that are good for you AND are fun.... which has a lot to do with it. That coupled with great weather means we win.
