Cool. As long as you are upfront with your agenda, I can ascribe that to the credibility of whatever claim you're trying to make.


The falling stock market and BAD things are going to happen, are bound to happen, under President Obama. The difference between what I feel versus what I saw from day one when the last adminstration was in office, is I really want a President to succeed in this country and lead us out of the $hithole we are 3/4 of the way sunk in.

I get the same opportnity to get nasty, disillusioned, pissed, and downright snarky like I've listened to and swallowed for the last effin' 8 years, when I don't like what I see, or what is trying to be forced on me.

In other words, I get the same liberties the Liberals had to object. Toughen up. Obama hasn't face one inkling of the $hit GW Bush faced and it was just September after he took office that 9/11 hit.

Obama hasn't faced REAL strife yet, and let's pray he doesn't!

Thanks to you too.
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Really? I think you're stretching ...

Her first post was 11:11........DOW was 9056
Second post was 13:15 .......DOW was9063
Next post was 13:20............DOW was 9064

Then at 13:30 the DOW went to 9045

Fickle sounds like a good laymen's description...

So what was your rank in the navy, Financial Broker First Class?

Translation: please, stock market - go down again, so I can say Obama is a bad President.'re looking at it from a partisan angle

translation: the market went to an all time high under president bush's watch

and did the dems credit him.....of course not, but they sure blamed him when it went down....and look at your response, you immediately attack
I think it's awful to see people rooting against our economy...against their fellow Americans really. I've never seen anything like it in my life. It's not just on this board, it's implicit in much of the right wing poopaganda in my opinion.

It's so sad.