Vacation ending ...

Meh I wouldn't be too sympathetic. If you train a dog to hunt wild hogs you do so knowing they will have a very short life expectency.
That’s why I couldn’t do it, my dad raised English Pointers, even though they were hunting dogs, they were family.
Thanks, Rana. They weren’t supposed to be running hogs. They were just rabbit dogs and we were rabbit hunting, but beagles are stubborn and will chase anything that runs until they learn better. Unfortunately these didn’t get the opportunity to learn better.

I know...Beagles aren't the smartest dogs around (excepting Snoopy of course). My Lab ran across a feral hog when we were out Pheasant hunting once and he hauled ass in the opposite direction. I just stood still with my shotgun pointed at him till he trotted off on his own business. Damned dangerous animals, particularly if they are in a pack.
I know...Beagles aren't the smartest dogs around (excepting Snoopy of course). My Lab ran across a feral hog when we were out Pheasant hunting once and he hauled ass in the opposite direction. I just stood still with my shotgun pointed at him till he trotted off on his own business. Damned dangerous animals, particularly if they are in a pack.
I never came across a pack of wild hogs until I was hiking in Germany's Black Forest three yrs. ago.
At first I heard what sounded like a chainsaw in the distance which would've been highly unusual on a Sunday morning in Germany.
Turned out to be a pack of wildschwein. Large and black .
Do our wild hogs sound like that?
I never came across a pack of wild hogs until I was hiking in Germany's Black Forest three yrs. ago.
At first I heard what sounded like a chainsaw in the distance which would've been highly unusual on a Sunday morning in Germany.
Turned out to be a pack of wildschwein. Large and black .
Do our wild hogs sound like that?

Don't know...I only ran across one once and he just snarled and false charged my dog and my dog had the good sense to take off running. This pig was probably in the 300# range so I just pointed my 12 gauge filled with bird shot at his head, held my breath and hoped ole piggy would head the other way...and he did. I didn't feel like playing anymore after that...and neither did Orc (the dog) we went home.