Valentine's Day

The kids need to see the expected interaction. Later we'll drop it again when they have a larger understanding.

I see. With young kids and a very hectic life I am glad there is a day set aside to make sure we remember love. I just dont like the gift giving pushed by Hallmark.

Oh Lord, are you going to get drunk and come back here to post sexual harassing posts to me and AC? :)

Hey man, Valentine's Day is only a chore, if you make it one. It can be totally cool. Roses, a bottle of the central coast's best chardonnay, a blanket, and sharing a beautiful pacific ocean sunset is the plan:

Would not Lassie appreciate a doggie biscuit, a shampoo and comb mo betta?

whatever. I want my GD gift and it better be shiney and comprised of pressed coal.
And Now Presenting:


What Grind Learned: You can never believe what a girl says, they will always lie and try to trick you.

TimeFrame: December 06' - Feb 07.

I had just started dating mormon girl a few months prior, and one thing she had always stated from the get-go was her disdain for valentines day. She would repeatedly and often call it "corporation extortion day" and that she thought the whole Idea was pretty ridiculous.

Now, I wasn't completely clueless, Grind was well aware that sometimes people say one thing, but mean another. I also like to hedge my bets, and decided that I was going to get mormon girl something for valentines day regardless.

For literally months, mormon girl would sometimes entertain a conversation about how stupid valentines day was, and how she DID NOT want me to get her anything. She was very adamant, and I started to believe she had a pretty strong conviction.

As it turns out, I was planning on heading down to florida for a few days, as because it is presidents day on mondays, I have a five day weekend due to having no classes on tuesday and friday. My little vacation happened to coincide with valentines day.

So in January I mentioned this to mormon girl, and she was PERFECTLY fine with this, because, as again, she hated valentines day and thought it was a waste of time. I planned on my return to have a belated v-day surprise for her regardless.

Fast forward to v-day night, as I am in the airport... I get a phone call.

mormon girl: ".... grind"

Grind: .."yes?"

mormon girl: ".. im sad :("

Grind: "why's that sweetie?"

mormon girl: "it's no big deal, im just being stupid"

Grind: "no what's wrong mormon girl?"

mormon girl: "im cold and alone and it's valentines day and my friend got *such and such* and my other friend got *such and such*

Grind: (a little perplexed and freaked out because the shit seems to be hitting the fan): "umm.. but you always used to say . . "

mormon girl: "i know i know.... forget it, it's no big deal, have a good trip" *click*

*** ten minutes later ***

mormon girl: "MATT *sob sob* this SUCKS, im the only girl without someone with them on v-day!! :( *starts bawling*

Grind: "im sorry mormon girl :("


mormon girl held a lot of animosity for months and months afterward, always blamming me for being a dickhead for forgetting her on valentines day. The end.

So in January I mentioned this to mormon girl, and she was PERFECTLY fine with this, because, as again, she hated valentines day and thought it was a waste of time. I planned on my return to have a belated v-day surprise for her regardless.

Fast forward to v-day night, as I am in the airport... I get a phone call.

mormon girl: ".... grind"

Grind: .."yes?"

mormon girl: ".. im sad :("

Grind: "why's that sweetie?"

mormon girl: "it's no big deal, im just being stupid"

I'm calling BS on this story. The Grind we've come to love to hate wouldn't call anyone sweetie.
lol I actually DID, and trust me I had even more pet names than that.... oh god it was bad... so so bad.

the story is 100% true. Even the convo is a pretty close paraphrase.
My boyfriend didn't get me a Christmas gift our first year together because he waited till the last minute to order it online. I was so pissed off.
lol I actually DID, and trust me I had even more pet names than that.... oh god it was bad... so so bad.

the story is 100% true. Even the convo is a pretty close paraphrase.

Its like I don't even know you.
And Now Presenting:


What Grind Learned: You can never believe what a girl says, they will always lie and try to trick you.

TimeFrame: December 06' - Feb 07.

I had just started dating mormon girl a few months prior, and one thing she had always stated from the get-go was her disdain for valentines day. She would repeatedly and often call it "corporation extortion day" and that she thought the whole Idea was pretty ridiculous.

Now, I wasn't completely clueless, Grind was well aware that sometimes people say one thing, but mean another. I also like to hedge my bets, and decided that I was going to get mormon girl something for valentines day regardless.

For literally months, mormon girl would sometimes entertain a conversation about how stupid valentines day was, and how she DID NOT want me to get her anything. She was very adamant, and I started to believe she had a pretty strong conviction.

As it turns out, I was planning on heading down to florida for a few days, as because it is presidents day on mondays, I have a five day weekend due to having no classes on tuesday and friday. My little vacation happened to coincide with valentines day.

So in January I mentioned this to mormon girl, and she was PERFECTLY fine with this, because, as again, she hated valentines day and thought it was a waste of time. I planned on my return to have a belated v-day surprise for her regardless.

Fast forward to v-day night, as I am in the airport... I get a phone call.

mormon girl: ".... grind"

Grind: .."yes?"

mormon girl: ".. im sad :("

Grind: "why's that sweetie?"

mormon girl: "it's no big deal, im just being stupid"

Grind: "no what's wrong mormon girl?"

mormon girl: "im cold and alone and it's valentines day and my friend got *such and such* and my other friend got *such and such*

Grind: (a little perplexed and freaked out because the shit seems to be hitting the fan): "umm.. but you always used to say . . "

mormon girl: "i know i know.... forget it, it's no big deal, have a good trip" *click*

*** ten minutes later ***

mormon girl: "MATT *sob sob* this SUCKS, im the only girl without someone with them on v-day!! :( *starts bawling*

Grind: "im sorry mormon girl :("


mormon girl held a lot of animosity for months and months afterward, always blamming me for being a dickhead for forgetting her on valentines day. The end.

I once dated a Mormon... We should compare notes. She dumped me for our boss, who soon dumped her, and decided he and I were best friends because I was not pissed at him for stealing her.
I once dated a Mormon... We should compare notes. She dumped me for our boss, who soon dumped her, and decided he and I were best friends because I was not pissed at him for stealing her.

This is totally out of left field but your story reminds me of that country song (or made up title of a song) titled "My best friend ran off with my wife... and I miss him"