Value of Citizenship

Kamala Trump

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Parallel Paths – United States Citizenship and Ancient Roman Citizenship
By Mike Tate (07/02/05)

Facilitating the process for illegal aliens (invaders who broke U.S. law to gain entry) to gain United States citizenship degrades the value of citizenship for law-abiding citizens and legal immigrants. Possessing and acquiring United States citizenship is still treasured and desirable. But, how much longer can it remain 'treasured and desirable' when Congress continues to press for legislation allowing illegal aliens to gain citizenship? Most recently, The Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act has been introduced into the Senate by John McCain [R-Ariz.], Edward M. Kennedy [D-Mass.] and sponsored in the House by Luis V. Gutierrez [D-Ill.], Jeff Flake [R-Ariz.], Jim Kolbe [R-Ariz.] allows illegal aliens to obtain eventual citizenship after six years of working in the United States.

Continuous discussion and legislation proposals pushing an easier route for illegal aliens to obtain citizenship calls into question whether U.S. citizenship can lose prominence. Zbigniew Brzezinski in "The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives" writes: Declaring 'Civis Romanus sum', Latin for "I am a Roman citizen", became "the highest possible self-definition, a source of pride, and an aspiration for many" as Ancient Rome reached its height. Third Millennium Ministries states "Roman citizenship was a highly prized possession in the 1st Century" and although "citizenship [originally] could only be obtained through birth", as the Roman Empire expanded "citizenship was issued to those who had accomplished some task for the empire or to those who could purchase [it]". Accompanied with citizenship were the economic and legal rights established in Roman law.

Trajan's Rome, a six-lesson curriculum unit on Ancient Rome, certifies "the possession of Roman citizenship was often as important as the possession of wealth". In 212 A.D., "wealth became the basis of social and legal status" when the Roman emperor Caracalla enacted the Constitutio Antoniniana (extending Roman citizenship to every inhabitant of the empire). However, by this time, "the value of citizenship was greatly eroded" notes the China Institute. Roman citizens were raised to value the virtue and duty of loyalty, courage, and respect for authority. Citizenship in Ancient Rome must have instilled those who possessed with robust pride, a feeling of importance, and the notion of upholding all it meant to be a Roman., a leading web resource on Rome, claims "people holding Roman citizenship sought to keep it as exclusive as possible". A correlation can be made between the glory days of Rome and the exclusiveness of citizenship to the demise of Rome and the inclusiveness of citizenship. As an increasing number of people were granted citizenship in the boundaries of Ancient Rome, being a Roman slowly lost meaning. The powerful engine of patriotism and pride which drove the Rome to success eventually subsided.

United States citizenship is coveted and highly sought. But, when Congress and the President push for legislation allowing for de facto amnesties granting millions of illegal aliens’ citizenship the value of this citizenship is greatly diminished. Illegal aliens receiving services such as free public education, free medical care, in-state college tuition, and possibly driver's licenses or voting rights further debases and dethrone U.S. citizenship. Government efforts to expand citizenship, via periodic amnesties, to law-breaking illegal aliens are tantamount to the gradual expansion of Roman citizenship within the empire. Gerda Bikales, founding director of ProEnglish, affirms “the significance of U.S. citizenship has never been so devalued” due to “decades of unprecedented [illegal] immigration” leaving the United States with “a huge and rapidly growing non-citizen population”. Bikales continues, “advocates [of illegal immigration] call for non-citizen voting, the right of non-citizens to hold any U.S. government job, and for dissociating citizenship from any requirement to demonstrate a knowledge of basic English and U.S. history. The push for the eradication of all differences between citizens and non-citizens has been ongoing for many years”.

Many Americans may not be consciously proud of their United States citizenship. Now is a time when many Americans must be consciously proud and realize Government efforts to dilute the value of U.S. citizenship.
I read the first line an d stoped reading.

Its just a hate the downtrodden rant.

They are criminals, and I don't know when you will get that through your thick skull. Yes, they have been screwed over by US policies I don't agree with (such as farm subsidies), but two wrongs do not make a right.

Fuck the downtrodden if they attempt to become non-downtrodden through illegal means.
They are criminals, and I don't know when you will get that through your thick skull. Yes, they have been screwed over by US policies I don't agree with (such as farm subsidies), but two wrongs do not make a right.

Fuck the downtrodden if they attempt to become non-downtrodden through illegal means.

See, this is the kind of shit that makes me feel bad for Illegals. They are criminals because they crossed some imaginary line to try and make a better life for themselves. They desire the American life and they are rejected by American society because they crossed the line. Fuck them.

They are human, and should be treated as such. A reasonable approach should be sought after to both prevent illegals from choosing the illegal route and allow more aliens to use the legal approach. Just saying 'fuck them' is no real solution.
See, this is the kind of shit that makes me feel bad for Illegals. They are criminals because they crossed some imaginary line to try and make a better life for themselves. They desire the American life and they are rejected by American society because they crossed the line. Fuck them.

They are human, and should be treated as such. A reasonable approach should be sought after to both prevent illegals from choosing the illegal route and allow more aliens to use the legal approach. Just saying 'fuck them' is no real solution.

No, they haven't been rejected by American society because they crossed the line, they have been rejected because they crossed the line illegally.

For centuries immigrants have come to this country, but they did so through legal methods. It is unfair to the current legal immigrants, as well, if you do nothing about the illegals.

They are human, but they are not our citizens. Let Mexico worry about their humanity and let us worry about our borders. Set up a train running them into Mexico, then set up automated border guns. Problem solved.
Blaa, Blaa, Blaa......

Hate is one thing the American public is sick of.

It isn't hate, it is being realistic. One thing the American public is really sick of is having to carry every single welfare baby the leftists can think of.
It seems even republicans are rejecting your view.

Look who is not getting the votes.

If my opinions depended on the number of people who shared them, I would be just as bad as you and the other hacks in politics today.

My opinions are my opinions regardless of what is in vogue or what the parties have decided will be the best platforms for a chance at election.
Thats Grrreat!

We live in a democracy and you are allowed to hold views that will never be implemented.
No, they haven't been rejected by American society because they crossed the line, they have been rejected because they crossed the line illegally.

For centuries immigrants have come to this country, but they did so through legal methods. It is unfair to the current legal immigrants, as well, if you do nothing about the illegals.

They are human, but they are not our citizens. Let Mexico worry about their humanity and let us worry about our borders. Set up a train running them into Mexico, then set up automated border guns. Problem solved.

Who is saying 'do nothing'? You're simpleton approach is the closest thing to that. Set up guns and ship them back. Same thing we should do with Marijuana users because they are doing something illegally.
Who is saying 'do nothing'? You're simpleton approach is the closest thing to that. Set up guns and ship them back. Same thing we should do with Marijuana users because they are doing something illegally.

No, marijuana should be legal. However, illegal immigrants (people that we shouldn't have had to worry about in the first place) get a simple approach, because the fact remains that they aren't SUPPOSED TO BE HERE. Marijuana users, for the most part, were born here or applied for citizenship legally. Thus they should be treated as citizens and have a certain amount of human rights.

Not so with illegals. And before you get into race, I would be saying the same thing about the Canadians if they were running into the US in record numbers.
No, marijuana should be legal. However, illegal immigrants (people that we shouldn't have had to worry about in the first place) get a simple approach, because the fact remains that they aren't SUPPOSED TO BE HERE. Marijuana users, for the most part, were born here or applied for citizenship legally. Thus they should be treated as citizens and have a certain amount of human rights.

Not so with illegals. And before you get into race, I would be saying the same thing about the Canadians if they were running into the US in record numbers.

No, It just shows me that you have little regard for human life. You think that as long as you are a citizen then you are human, and if you aren't then you are less than. Fuck any cicumstances these people might have had to go through, they don't deserve to be labeled 'citizen' and allowed to make a life for themselves in an American Society, they might be smart enough to take your job!
They came here illegally out of human need.

The immigration laws are set up to allow industry to USE their status to abuse us and them.

If we had an immigration system which allowed them a legal way to come here and supply the labor that industry says we need then the problem would be solved.

There is currently a 18 year waiting list for people from the countries they come from.
Then why don't.........

They came here illegally out of human need.

The immigration laws are set up to allow industry to USE their status to abuse us and them.

If we had an immigration system which allowed them a legal way to come here and supply the labor that industry says we need then the problem would be solved.

There is currently a 18 year waiting list for people from the countries they come from.

you send a letter of protest to the Mexican Counsulate and the Mexican President telling them to take care of their citizens 'human needs'...if they did the Illegals would have no need to cross our border Illegally! I am so tired of Bleeding Hearts laying the blame on those of us who say to our government: enforce the laws already on the books...end of story!
They are "criminals" not because they violated the rights of others, but because they violated laws that are intended to discriminate against them and aggravate their freedom.

Further, the federal government has no power to regulate or criminalize immigration. The power in section 8 is "To establish an uniform rule of naturalization." The first naturalization law required residence within the US for two years (nothing in the law regulated immigration) and only required that the person be white, of good character and swear to support the constitution.

I think nAHZi and gonzo should be deported for failing to support the constitution and being of bad character (well the last more for nAHZi).
The War of 1812 was largely about Britain taking hold of naturalized Americans of British birth. According to France and Britain, citizenship could not be altered, except by the sovereign.

Again, here is good cause to deport Gonzo and nAHZi to Canada fro the allegiance to the crown. Limey bastards.
There are numerous Immigration laws..........

They are "criminals" not because they violated the rights of others, but because they violated laws that are intended to discriminate against them and aggravate their freedom.

Further, the federal government has no power to regulate or criminalize immigration. The power in section 8 is "To establish an uniform rule of naturalization." The first naturalization law required residence within the US for two years (nothing in the law regulated immigration) and only required that the person be white, of good character and swear to support the constitution.

I think nAHZi and gonzo should be deported for failing to support the constitution and being of bad character (well the last more for nAHZi).

Covered in USC section are referring to the original Passage in the Constitution...many laws and bills have been encated since it was written...this is the 21st century and things have changed since the original writing...Good Lord dude you are stuck in 1776!
Covered in USC section are referring to the original Passage in the Constitution...many laws and bills have been encated since it was written...this is the 21st century and things have changed since the original writing...Good Lord dude you are stuck in 1776!

Under what authority? Section 8 mentions naturalization not immigration. I now see something that might be interpreted to grant congress power to regulate, but...