

Verified User
History shows that veeps who become potus are corrupt to the core.

Nixon lost the 1960 election because Ike refused to campaign for a psychopathic drunk.
LBJ may have had knowledge of the assassination of JFK. Johnson had bags of cash delivered to his Texas ranch to convince him to keep the war in Vietnam going.
Daddy Bush was director of the CIA and directly responsible for the many coups around the globe.
Biden is notorious for his 50-year career of taking bribes, especially to vote for more war.
History shows that veeps who become potus are corrupt to the core.

Nixon lost the 1960 election because Ike refused to campaign for a psychopathic drunk.
LBJ may have had knowledge of the assassination of JFK. Johnson had bags of cash delivered to his Texas ranch to convince him to keep the war in Vietnam going.
Daddy Bush was director of the CIA and directly responsible for the many coups around the globe.
Biden is notorious for his 50-year career of taking bribes, especially to vote for more war.

You lie all the time.
History shows that veeps who become potus are corrupt to the core.

Nixon lost the 1960 election because Ike refused to campaign for a psychopathic drunk.
LBJ may have had knowledge of the assassination of JFK. Johnson had bags of cash delivered to his Texas ranch to convince him to keep the war in Vietnam going.
Daddy Bush was director of the CIA and directly responsible for the many coups around the globe.
Biden is notorious for his 50-year career of taking bribes, especially to vote for more war.

What the hell is a veep?
I thought that's what you were talking about but I couldn't make heads or tails of the term veep. Where'd you get that term from?
I don't know where or when veep first became short for vice president, but it's used so often that it's in the dictionary.
I don't know where or when veep first became short for vice president, but it's used so often that it's in the dictionary.

OK that checks out. Must be an older term since I've never heard it before. Thanks for explaining.
Do you agree that veeps are more corrupt than the presidents they serve under?

I'm too young to compare them. What I don't like is presidential candidates that had a presidential parent. They seem to carry all the parent's baggage. I doubt George W. would have been so gungho on Iraq if his dad hadn't had his own slights with Saddam. Maybe Vice presidents carry their predecessor's weight just the same.
I'm too young to compare them. What I don't like is presidential candidates that had a presidential parent. They seem to carry all the parent's baggage. I doubt George W. would have been so gungho on Iraq if his dad hadn't had his own slights with Saddam. Maybe Vice presidents carry their predecessor's weight just the same.
Keep an eye on the 2024 democratic national convention in Chicago. It will be a repeat of the 1968 convention. Voters are tired of the status quo.
Nixon appointed daddy Bush director of the CIA to ruin his political career, but low informed voters elected the guy responsible for coups around the world anyway.
History shows that veeps who become potus are corrupt to the core.

Nixon lost the 1960 election because Ike refused to campaign for a psychopathic drunk.
LBJ may have had knowledge of the assassination of JFK. Johnson had bags of cash delivered to his Texas ranch to convince him to keep the war in Vietnam going.
Daddy Bush was director of the CIA and directly responsible for the many coups around the globe.
Biden is notorious for his 50-year career of taking bribes, especially to vote for more war.

I got told that the Swamp/Blob had a problem in their remove Nixon mission....Agnew could not be they removed him and inserted Ford....who was reliable.
I got told that the Swamp/Blob had a problem in their remove Nixon mission....Agnew could not be they removed him and inserted Ford....who was reliable.
Nixon was the last democratic president who actually feared the American people. Nixon did a lot of good things, but he got caught stealing from the treasury to go after his political opponents -- like we see Biden doing now.
Nixon was the last democratic president who actually feared the American people. Nixon did a lot of good things, but he got caught stealing from the treasury to go after his political opponents -- like we see Biden doing now.

He was set up by the Swamp/Blob.
So that leads us to Biden. Obama is owned by Wall Street, but Biden is owned by every foreign nation that sends him cash. Biden has no loyalty to the US or its people.

Biden knows that he is not the sharpest pencil in the box....thus he is not all that choosy on who he sells out to.
Biden knows that he is not the sharpest pencil in the box....thus he is not all that choosy on who he sells out to.
BTW, Nixon was a rino with a lot of policies that favor the people. I like that Nixon was afraid of the people.

When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.
~Thomas Jefferson?
BTW, Nixon was a rino with a lot of policies that favor the people. I like that Nixon was afraid of the people.

When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.
~Thomas Jefferson?

I always liked Nixon.... that he intended to use the political capital earned by winning 49 states in 72 to dismantle Deep State makes me like him more.
My brain is getting glitchy due to over partying and not enough sleep...I meant to say that I did not know that Nixon was a Deep State casualty...and that years later he figured it out...till maybe two years ago.