Vermont going single-payer

Big Money

New member


An ambitious health care experiment is going forward in Vermont that would create a "single-payer" system.

Vermont became the first state in the country to lay the groundwork for single-payer health care. Gov. Peter Shumlin, a Democrat, signed the plan into law in May 2011.

The initiative, which was approved by the Democrat-controlled House and Senate, promises to extend coverage to all of Vermont’s 620,000 residents,

Supporters say the single-payer system would cut down on the administrative waste and complications associated with having multiple billers and billing systems.

Filmmaker Michael Moore, in a column blasting ObamaCare, said Vermont's plan could "change everything." Moore said that the real problem with ObamaCare is that it is a “pro-insurance-industry plan implemented by a president who knew in his heart that a single-payer, Medicare-for-all model was the true way to go.”

Full implementation of Vermont’s single-payer plan could be held up for another three years, at least.

In order for Green Mountain Care to fully launch in 2017, the health care exchange would have to get approval from the federal government to use federal money
Needs federal money ?
So its failed before it ever began ?
Cant say Im surprised.

Anyone who thinks there is a huge amout of money to be saved on billing doesnt know anything about the subject.
Needs federal money ? So its failed before it ever began ? Cant say I'm surprised.
Anyone who thinks there is a huge amount of money to be saved on billing doesn't know anything about the subject.

Isn't single-payer what libs really want anyway?
Isn't single-payer what libs really want anyway?
It doesn't really matter. There are a variety of options that any backward looking knee jerk reactionary would reject. Our health care reform has to implement three basic principles that all modern industrialized nations have adopted, except for the US, until recently.

Most of these rich industrialized nations do not have socialized health care systems yet have universal coverage with private insurance companies, with private hospitals and private doctors using market ideas that can and will work for us. However none of them trust health care entirely to the free market to manage their health care systems and place these three limits that are the fundamental reforms our nation will have to adopt if we want to curtail drastically rising costs and declining health outcomes in our nation.

#1. Insurance companies must except everyone and cannot make a profit off of basic care.
#2. Everyone is mandated to buy insurance and the Government provides subsidies to pay for the poor.
#3. Doctors and hospitals must accept one standard set of fixed prices for services.

The ACA has essentially implemented reforms #1 and #2. It's standardized reporting requirements, which is a very large part of the ACA you don't hear discussed very often, will set the stage for reform #3. In this way Hospitals won't be able to charge you $150 for an aspirin or charge you $3,000 for two sutures and a band-aide to off-set the high cost of an MRI device they only need to use a few times a week and other such common practices in the US that drive up costs.

Now you wingnuts can bitch all you want about these reforms but the FACTS are is that it is the market that is driving these reforms.

As for a single payer socialized system. The overwhelming majority of corporations in the US would gladly accept a 7% payroll tax to pay for a single payer system as it would not only get them out of the business of covering their employees would cut their health care costs that they currently pay for their employees by more than half (most US corporations pay about 15% of their overhead for their employees health care). For most corporations that would mean an 8% decrease or more in their operational costs which is huge!

So don't doubt for a second who is driving these reforms and it's not some group of touchy feely liberals.
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Isn't that what liberals want?
So much for trying to get an intelligent conversation with you two trolls. I pretty much figured that if I articulated an intelligent response you'd just do what you normally do. Throw grenades and not say anything relevant or intelligent.
Isn't that what liberals want?

Why, you're so smart, to be able to point out somebody's typos. You outta get a job as a crappy low paid editor, rather than offering your services for free. People like me write words, we don't give a shit about the pedantic details, that's left to faceless, worthless creatures like you who are a dime a dozen.
So much for trying to get an intelligent conversation with you two trolls. I pretty much figured that if I articulated an intelligent response you'd just do what you normally do. Throw grenades and not say anything relevant or intelligent.

It only seems radical because the rightists have seized control of the commanding heights of propaganda and convinced the American people to willingly submit to wage-slavery. What a pathetic, servile people, the Americans.
The ACA has essentially implemented reforms #1 and #2

Yeah, we already know the entire federal government/private insurance corporations racket is based #ONE on the fucking lie “If you like your doctor and your policy now, you can keep it, period!”(Barrack Obama, Communist Liar & Chief)
Why, you're so smart, to be able to point out somebody's typos. You outta get a job as a crappy low paid editor, rather than offering your services for free. People like me write words, we don't give a shit about the pedantic details, that's left to faceless, worthless creatures like you who are a dime a dozen.

You seem angry.