Videos of Biden looking lost are a viral political tactic: ‘low-level manipulation’

Guno צְבִי

Am Yisrael Chai
Joe Biden wandered off.

Standing among the west’s major leaders in Italy last week, the US president turned away, seemingly in confusion, and had to be alerted back to the group to take a photo – at least, that’s what rightwing media showed.

“WHAT IS BIDEN DOING?” the Republican National Committee’s research Twitter account wrote.

In actuality, it was nothing strange at all. Biden had turned toward skydivers and given them a thumbs up, a broader view of the video showed.

It happened again at a fundraiser with former president Barack Obama. Biden “appears to freeze up” on stage, the New York Post wrote, saying Obama had to lead Biden off the stage in the latest example of the president being “dazed or confused”.

A zoomed-out video of the incident showed Biden waving and taking in the applause from the crowd after a lengthy discussion
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don't forget about the Juneteenth freeze up.

all just cheap fakes LMAO

gas lighting libtards. derp derp derp derp

Joe Biden wandered off.

Standing among the west’s major leaders in Italy last week, the US president turned away, seemingly in confusion, and had to be alerted back to the group to take a photo – at least, that’s what rightwing media showed.

“WHAT IS BIDEN DOING?” the Republican National Committee’s research Twitter account wrote.

In actuality, it was nothing strange at all. Biden had turned toward skydivers and given them a thumbs up, a broader view of the video showed.

It happened again at a fundraiser with former president Barack Obama. Biden “appears to freeze up” on stage, the New York Post wrote, saying Obama had to lead Biden off the stage in the latest example of the president being “dazed or confused”.

A zoomed-out video of the incident showed Biden waving and taking in the applause from the crowd after a lengthy discussion
He doesn't have a clue where or who he is.
Joe Biden wandered off.

Standing among the west’s major leaders in Italy last week, the US president turned away, seemingly in confusion, and had to be alerted back to the group to take a photo – at least, that’s what rightwing media showed.

“WHAT IS BIDEN DOING?” the Republican National Committee’s research Twitter account wrote.

In actuality, it was nothing strange at all. Biden had turned toward skydivers and given them a thumbs up, a broader view of the video showed.

It happened again at a fundraiser with former president Barack Obama. Biden “appears to freeze up” on stage, the New York Post wrote, saying Obama had to lead Biden off the stage in the latest example of the president being “dazed or confused”.

A zoomed-out video of the incident showed Biden waving and taking in the applause from the crowd after a lengthy discussion
A) Biden is old. He's gotten significantly worse since winning in 2020 and he is not getting better. If Biden wins, Kamala will most certainly be president at some point.

B) Never trust anything on Twitter, especially cropped videos and audio.

C) Both sides lie and misrepresent.
A) Biden is old. He's gotten significantly worse since winning in 2020 and he is not getting better. If Biden wins, Kamala will most certainly be president at some point.

B) Never trust anything on Twitter, especially cropped videos and audio.

C) Both sides lie and misrepresent.
All are corrupt. Therefore vote for Trump. Sound reasoning.
All are corrupt. Therefore vote for Trump. Sound reasoning.
I'm not voting for Trump.

Trump, despite being a piece of shit personally, has policies that I agree with more than the policies of the Dem party, which is why I said I'd vote for him IF there were only 2 options.

There aren't two options.
I'm not voting for Trump.

Trump, despite being a piece of shit personally, has policies that I agree with more than the policies of the Dem party, which is why I said I'd vote for him IF there were only 2 options.

There aren't two options.
By all means, vote for a third party. Thank you.
don't forget about the Juneteenth freeze up.

all just cheap fakes LMAO

gas lighting libtards. derp derp derp derp

He's so frozen in that capture of him that he looks just like the statues of presidents down at Disney World. Everyone, and that includes the OP poster knows full well that this guy is washed up and has been his entire government life. Worst president in
history by far, but besides being the worst, he has managed to destroy many if not of our American values, and has spent
some 3 1/2+ years opening our border to foreign illegals/criminals in an effort to eventually get them to vote democrat, thus
keeping power in the dummcrat hands. This guy is a disgrace, and his family should tell him to pack it up while he still is
barely able to walk, and cannot say a complete sentence without slurring through it with gaffe after gaffe.
He's so frozen in that capture of him that he looks just like the statues of presidents down at Disney World. Everyone, and that includes the OP poster knows full well that this guy is washed up and has been his entire government life. Worst president in
history by far, but besides being the worst, he has managed to destroy many if not of our American values, and has spent
some 3 1/2+ years opening our border to foreign illegals/criminals in an effort to eventually get them to vote democrat, thus
keeping power in the dummcrat hands. This guy is a disgrace, and his family should tell him to pack it up while he still is
barely able to walk, and cannot say a complete sentence without slurring through it with gaffe after gaffe.
Yet you find Trump's story about electrocuting sharks inspiring?!
Cannot forget it since it was edited to look like that too. That is a good point. It shows that the Repubs are using editing to fool the voters. But who is stupid enough to fall for those edited videos?

atleast you stopped blaming those damn russians again

derp derp
The videos are not much different than what Fox does every day. Trump is a stupid man. They see that Trump cannot win the debates. So now they are saying Biden is on some super secret performance-enhancing drugs. Asshole Trump said that the coke found in the locker at the Whitehouse belonged to Biden and it was millions of dollars. Trump and Fox have no bottom. They will go low and then lower. They cannot afford to lie about Dominion and Smartmatic now. Fox =Lies are Us.
A) Biden is old. He's gotten significantly worse since winning in 2020 and he is not getting better. If Biden wins, Kamala will most certainly be president at some point.
Trump is also old and also has got significantly worse since 2020 and is not getting better.

If you deny that, you are lost in magat media. I can supply you with endless unedited whole videos of Trump or transcripts were he is rambling and incoherant and slurring words and drooling. There is no exaggeration in that. It is more common than not.
Trump is also old and also has got significantly worse since 2020 and is not getting better.

If you deny that, you are lost in magat media. I can supply you with endless unedited whole videos of Trump or transcripts were he is rambling and incoherant and slurring words and drooling. There is no exaggeration in that. It is more common than not.
I don't deny it at all. Trump is old and getting worse, and had the vocabulary of a 10 year old to start, but he is noticeably sharper than Biden, physically and mentally.
I don't deny it at all. Trump is old and getting worse, but he is noticeably sharper than Biden, physically and mentally.

Trump's mental decline is far more sharp. Derps mistake bombast for competance.

No one, NO ONE, who reads transcripts of the things Trump says and the things Biden says, and who does not get caught up in Trumps bombast or Bidens whispering would find Trump more coherent and less demented.

Reading them both and taking the emotion out of it, it is not even up to debate. Trump is that much worse.

Trump's mental decline is far more sharp. Derps mistake bombast for competance.

No one, NO ONE, who reads transcripts of the things Trump says and the things Biden says, and who does not get caught up in Trumps bombast or Bidens whispering would find Trump more coherent and less demented.

Reading them both and taking the emotion out of it, it is not even up to debate. Trump is that much worse.
Emotion? My only emotion regarding Trump is disgust.

Trump was never very smart or articulate, but all you have to do is watch them speak to see that Biden is struggling considerably more than Trump.